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研究生: 蘇彥韶
Yen-Shao Su
論文名稱: 可調控離子傳輸與滲透能源轉換之奈米流體裝置: 實驗與模擬
Nanofluidics for Controllable Ion Transport and Osmotic Power Conversion: Experiments and Simulation
指導教授: 葉禮賢
Li-Hsien Yeh
口試委員: 徐治平
Jyh-Ping Hsu
Kuo-Lun Tung
Yung-Chih Kuo
Chu-Chen Chueh
Hong-ta Yang
Li-Hsien Yeh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 151
中文關鍵詞: 奈米流體離子傳輸滲透能源轉換陽極氧化鋁
外文關鍵詞: Nanofluidics, Ion transport, Osmotic power conversion, Anodic aluminum oxide
相關次數: 點閱:426下載:0
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根據過去文獻,藉由提高表面電荷與孔道結構的不對稱性,可以增強離子電流整流效應,進而提升滲透能源轉換。因此,第四章我研究分支型陽極氧化鋁奈米通道在不對稱溶液pH梯度下,其離子傳輸行為與滲透能源轉換。實驗與理論模擬結果發現,不對稱溶液pH梯度可引起奈米通道的雙極性表面帶電性質。藉由不對稱溶液pH梯度,增強離子電流整流效應與方向性的調控,進而增強在人造海水與河水(500 mM/10 mM NaCl)中的滲透能源功率密度達到5.89 W/m2。
第五章,我開發了光敏性次奈米通道異質薄膜,由光敏性硫化螺吡喃 (SSP) 和沸石咪唑骨架 (ZIF-8) 奈米複合材料以及分支型陽極氧化鋁薄膜所組成,並研究其光反應之離子傳輸行為與滲透能源轉換。在UV光照射之下,SSP分子進行由SP型式轉換為MC型式之結構異構化,進而利用此性質來達成離子電流的開關狀態。此性質與高離子選擇性次奈米通道ZIF-8/SSP 膜結合,可在高鹽濃度環境下(5000 mM/10 mM NaCl,模擬鹽湖水和河流),實現前所未有高達 32.5 W/m2的功率密度輸出,優於目前已報導最先進之薄膜。
奈米流體裝置雖然具有可調控離子傳輸性質與高效能滲透能源轉換,然而,其奈米通道尺度大約落於1 ~ 100奈米,造成了高薄膜阻力。第六章,我使用電壓退火製程(voltage-annealing process)製備具有離子電流整流特性的延伸-奈米流體裝置(中尺度孔洞)。其離子電流整流行為來自,電壓退火過程中生成的次氯酸根離子( )受到電雙層中的鉀離子(K+)吸引,使得通道表面電荷增強。此行為也被密度泛函理論與分子動態理論所驗證。此單一中孔延伸-奈米流體裝置在中性環境下的滲透能源高達167 pW。

Ion channels in biological cell membranes regulate ion transport and play an essential role in various physiological processes. In response to external environmental stimuli, for example, cell membrane potential difference, salt concentration gradient, and light, biological ion channels can be triggered to exhibit unique ion transport behaviors such as ion selectivity, ionic gate, and ion current rectification. Inspired by this, artificial nanofluidic devices with tunable ion transport have attracted much attention in recent years because nanofluidic devices are tremendously promising for applications in osmotic power conversion, ionic diodes, and biosensors. Among these applications, the osmotic energy (or called blue energy), in which the chemical potential energy existing in a salinity gradient can be converted into electricity by an ion-selective membrane, has attracted great potential because of the growing needs of sustainable energy. However, as an emerging research field, the principles of osmotic energy conversion have not yet reached maturity. To get more physical insights towards a better understanding of ionic diodes and osmotic energy generators, this thesis focuses on establishing several new models and developing several new rectified nanofluidic devices. This thesis demonstrates the controllable ion transport and osmotic energy conversion in nanofluidics with pore sizes ranging from subnanometer-scale to submicrometer-scale. For example, in Chapter 3, I investigate the effect of the channel length on osmotic energy conversion performance using the cylindrical anodized aluminum nanochannels with designed lengths. The experimental results show that, regardless of whether the nanochannel surface is positively or negatively charged, the shorter the channel length, the lower the osmotic power generated in a sufficiently short nanochannel, which is contrary to the previous knowledge of osmotic energy conversion. The anomalous channel-length-dependent osmotic energy conversion behavior is well supported by our model with considering surface chemistry reactions of alumina nanochannels. Theoretical simulations indicate that severe ion concentration polarization will occur in extremely short nanochannels, reducing the effective concentration gradient and ion selectivity.
According to previous studies, the ion current rectification effect can be enhanced by increasing the asymmetry of surface charge and pore structure, thereby improving the osmotic energy conversion. Therefore, in Chapter 4, I investigate ion transport behaviors and osmotic energy conversion of branched anodic alumina nanochannels in asymmetric solution pH environments. Experiments and theoretical simulations reveal that asymmetric pH gradients can induce bipolar surface charges of nanochannels. Enhanced and regulated ion current rectification can be achieved by adjusting the asymmetric solution pH gradient, thus realizing a significantly promoted osmotic power output of up to 5.89 W/m2 at the mixing of synthetic seawater and river water (500 mM/10 mM NaCl).
In Chapter 5, I develop a light-sensitive subnanochannel heterogeneous membrane, consisting of a light-sensitive sulfonated spiropyran (SSP) and zeolite imidazole framework (ZIF-8) nanocomposite and a branched anodic alumina membrane. The light-responsive ion transport behavior and osmotic energy harvesting performance are comprehensively studied. I show that under UV light irradiation, the SSP undergoes structural isomerization, converting from SP to MC form. I thus use this property to control the on/off state of ionic current. Integrating with the highly ion-selective subnanochannel ZIF-8/SSP membrane, an unprecedented power density output as high as 32.5 W/m2 can be achieved under a hypersaline salinity environment (5000 mM/10 mM NaCl, simulating salt-lake water and river water), outperforming all reported state-of-the-art membranes.
Although nanofluidic devices have controllable ion transport properties and high-performance osmotic power conversion, their characteristic pore sizes are about 1-100 nanometers, resulting in high membrane resistance. In Chapter 6, I fabricate the extended-nanofluidics (mesoscale pores) with ionic current rectification properties using the voltage-annealing process. I show that the ionic current rectification behavior stems from the attraction between the chlorate anions generated during the voltage annealing process and the potassium ions in the electric double layer and thus enhances the surface charge of the channel. This behavior is also verified by density functional theory and molecular dynamics theory. A single extended-nanofluidic mesopore device can reach an ultrahigh osmotic power of up to 167 pW in a neutral environment.

Table of Contents 中文摘要 I Abstract III Acknowledgments VI Table of Contents VII List of Figures IX List of Table XVII Chapter 1 - Introduction 18 1.1 Background 18 1.2 Literature review 22 Chapter 2 - Mechanism 31 2.1 Fundamental of Nanofluidics 31 2.2 Ion current rectification 35 2.3 Osmotic energy conversion 36 Chapter 3 - Unraveling the Anomalous Channel-Length-Dependent Blue Energy Conversion Using Engineered Alumina Nanochannels 40 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 Experimental Section 44 3.3 Results and Discussion 48 3.4 Conclusion 66 Chapter 4 - Bioinspired pH Gradient Induced Rectification Inversion in Asymmetric Nanochannels for Remarkably Improved Osmotic Power 67 4.1 Introduction 67 4.2 Experimental Section 70 4.3 Results and Discussion 75 4.4 Conclusion 92 Chapter 5 - High-Performance Osmotic Power Harvesting Using Light-Responsive SSP/ZIF-8@BAN Heterogeneous Membrane under Hypersaline Salt Gradient 93 5.1 Introduction 93 5.2 Experimental Section 95 5.3 Results and Discussion 97 5.4 Conclusion 109 Chapter 6 - Voltage-Annealing-Induced Ion Current Rectification in Mesopore 110 6.1 Introduction 110 6.2 Experimental Section 112 6.3 Results and Discussion 113 6.4 Conclusion 127 Appendix 129 Reference 132

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