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研究生: 張聖彥
Sheng-Yen Chang
論文名稱: 顧客導向價值創新之研究以滿足顧客價值主張推導實務模型
Customer-oriented Value Innovation Practice Model develop by Meet Customer Value Proposition
指導教授: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
口試委員: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
Hsi-Peng Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 創新管理價值創新創新方法論
外文關鍵詞: Value Innovation, Innovation Methdology, Innovation Management
相關次數: 點閱:575下載:4
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  • 當前的產業與經濟情勢,越來越密集的新技術開發與運用,正在發揮其基本性作用 – 轉動產品生命週期越趨加速。過去成功的企業,已經無法在舒適的環境中坐享成功。隨著越來越加劇的市場競爭力道,為了保持競爭力,今日的企業不僅僅只是提供產品或服務,還要比競爭對手更好或更便宜:他們必須時時刻刻為商品增加新的功能,更為迅速地提高性能和降低價格。
    企業面對目前市場挑戰的因應之道是保持領先一步,這個看似簡單的概念,做起來卻不容易,因為所有能用的手段都用上了 – 無所不用其極地降低成本、商業流程重整提高效率、競逐式地發展產品差異化、開發全新的市場、為了成長發展風險投資策略…等。在執行了所有能做的策略後,市場上的廝殺依然慘烈,因為你做的努力,你的競爭對手也做了,結果這沒能讓你領先半步,大家又回到了原點。
    其實,這個困境是有解決方案的,創新或許就是個答案。只是,創新有助於企業競爭力,可說是人盡皆知,但企業界業主與從業人員,往往認為創新人才難尋、創新需要天才的靈機一閃、創新沒有方法、創新是研發部門的事…等偏見而疏於創新;部份企業,無法釐清創新與研發的分野,認為研發就是創新,將創新資源劃入研發部門,讓創新行動得不到應得的資源滋養;大部份企業,縱有創新行動,也都偏重在技術創新(Technology Innovation),卻往往造成「技術領先需求」,真正的顧客需求卻沒有被滿足,未能實踐科技始終來自於人性的真諦。

    Under the current industry and economic conditions, strong intensive development and application of new technologies which are leading to the result –shorten the product life cycles. Those companies succeed in the past, can no longer sit back and enjoy the success in a comfortable environment. Result from the intensive market competition, enterprise nowadays is not just providing products or services, but need to make it better and cheaper than competitors: “they must add on new features, better performance and lower prices on offering all the time.”
    Enterprises face the challenge; the solution they think is how to keep one step ahead than its competitors.. It seems a simple concept but not easy to do as most of ways have been adopted - reduce costs in every possible area, business process reengineering to be efficiency, contest to develop product differentiation, develop new markets, risk investment strategy for growth and development ... etc. After implementing all the strategies, the competition still be fierce as what you have done, your competitors do it too. Finally, you do not make yourself one step ahead., but back to the starting point.
    Nevertheless, this challenge has solution; innovation may be the answer. It is not a secret that the innovation can create the differentiation. However, business owners and its employees tend to believe that it is hard to find the talents, innovation is created from a flash of genius, there is no way of innovation, innovation is a R&D matter ... and other prejudice. All these lead them not focus on innovation. Also, some of the enterprise are unable to clarify the distinction between innovation and R & D. The misconception of R & D which is equal to the innovation limits the development of innovation supported with the proper resource. Some of the enterprise does spend resource on innovation activity, but mainly focus on technology innovation. This often results in "leadership of technology demand", but generally customer demands are not met.. It does not comply with the concept of the technology always comes from the essence of human nature.
    The main purpose of the research is to consolidate the articles published on HBR which has great academic value and practical innovation thinking into the workable elements, plus the author observation in the industry, combine them together as business innovation practice. Through system thinking, supplement the insufficient of the individual, identify problems and the factors of interactive loop, trying to meet with customer value proposition with profitability. In this research, Author also identifies the enterprise major resources and processes of gap as the direction of innovation activity.
    Author also generates various innovation type for implementation, plus using FAST skills effectively get innovation results. Author observes the impact of organization transformation before and after toward innovation activities. Lastly, based on the actions above to identify the practical innovation method, inference and create Innovation Development Methodology as reference to help enterprise on innovation activities.

    第一章 緒論.....................................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景..........................................................................................................1 第二節 研究動機..........................................................................................................2 第三節 研究目的..........................................................................................................2 第四節 研究問題..........................................................................................................2 第五節 論文架構..........................................................................................................3 第二章 文獻探討.............................................................................................4 第一節 創新的定義......................................................................................................4 第二節 價值創新........................................................................................................15 第三節 創新策略........................................................................................................17 第四節 先驅優勢的似是而非....................................................................................18 第五節 核心能力之辨認............................................................................................20 第六節 顧客價值主張創新........................................................................................22 第七節 組織變革........................................................................................................24 第八節 學習型組織(Learning Organization).............................................................28 第九節 全面創新管理(Total Innovation Management,TIM)..................................30 第三章 研究方法與架構...............................................................................31 第一節 研究方法........................................................................................................31 第二節 研究架構形成過程........................................................................................35 第三節 研究架構........................................................................................................60 第四節 研究假設........................................................................................................62 第四章 個案研究與討論...............................................................................63 第一節 產業概況........................................................................................................63 第二節 個案公司背景................................................................................................71 第三節 創新緣由與過程............................................................................................72 第四節 A貨運公司之企業診斷與解決方案.............................................................75 第五節 企業原方案與顧客價值創新方案之比較....................................................83 第五章 結論與建議.......................................................................................84 第一節 創新發展方法論............................................................................................84 第二節 研究結論........................................................................................................85 第三節 理論與實務貢獻............................................................................................85 第四節 後續研究者建議............................................................................................86   ix 參考資料..........................................................................................................87 英文部份......................................................................................................................87 中文部份......................................................................................................................88

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