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研究生: 洪宇辰
Yu-Chen Hung
論文名稱: VLS機制成長硒化鋅奈米線暨微結構與元件特性分析
Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth, Microstructure Analysis and Device Characterization of Zinc Selenide Nanowires
指導教授: 王秋燕
Chiu-Yen Wang
口試委員: 葉炳宏
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 硒化鋅奈米線VLS
外文關鍵詞: ZnSe, zinc selenide, Vapor-Liquid-Solid
相關次數: 點閱:258下載:0
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ZnSe nanowires (NWs) were synthesized by using a thermal evaporation method in a vacuum-sealed quartz tube inside a tube furnace. NWs were used ZnSe powder as a precursor to grow on silicon (100) substrates coated with different thickness 2, 5, and 10 nm Au catalysts film. The growth mechanism of NWs is vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism. It will help us to get the good crystallinity and less defect in the NWs. Moreover, we will observe the different condition of NWs by controlling the temperature of precursor, temperature of growth area, pressure, carrier gas, thickness of Au film, position of substrate and growth time of NWs. Combination of above conditions, the length of appropriate NWs we need is about 20-50 μm, and the dimeter is around 60 nm. Furthermore, the morphorlogy of NWs is uniform and straight. ZnSe NWs were characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). X-ray diffractometer (XRD), and transmission electron microscope (TEM) use to observe the morphology and crystal structure of NWs. The structure of ZnSe NWs is zinc-blende structure. Also, EDS is used to prove the NWs is grown by VLS mechanism. Cathodoluminescence (CL) and ultraviolet–visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy observe the optical property of NWs, and Raman spectroscopy also observes the characteristic of ZnSe NWs. After the characteristic analysis of ZnSe NWs, NWs were fabricated as single NW FET device by using focus ion beam (FIB). Use 4-point probe and 2-point probe measurements to measure I-V curve of ZnSe NW in order to study the electrical property of single NW. The conductivity is almost metallic conductor behavior. This result indicated that the ZnSe NWs were doped by Ga ion through FIB bombard, it caused the low resistivity of NW.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II Acknowledgment III List of Abbreviations and Acronyms VIII List of Figures and Tables IX Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Nanotechnology 1 1.2 Nanostructures 2 1.2.1 Zero-Dimensional Nanostructures 3 1.2.2 One-Dimensional Nanostructures 4 1.2.3 Two-Dimensional Nanostructures 5 1.2.4 Three-Dimensional Nanostructures 6 1.3 Growth Mechanism 6 1.3.1 Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth Mechanism 7 1.3.2 Vapor-Solid (VS) Growth Mechanism 10 1.4 II-VI Group Semiconductor 10 1.4.1 Zinc Selenide 13 1.4.2 Structure of Zinc Selenide 13 1.4.3 Optical Property 16 1.4.4 Electrical Property 17 1.5 Growth of ZnSe Nanostructures 17 1.5.1 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 18 1.5.2 Molecular Beam Epitaxy ( MBE ) 19 1.5.3 Hydrothermal Method 20 1.5.4 VLS Mechanism in CVD Method 21 Chapter 2 Experimental Procedures 23 2.1 Vacuum Furnace Setup 23 2.2 The Fabrication of ZnSe Nanowires 24 2.3 The Fabrication of Single ZnSe Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor 26 2.4 X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD) 26 2.5 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Observation 27 2.6 Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) Analysis 28 2.7 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Observation 29 2.8 Raman Spectroscopy Observation 30 2.9 Cathodoluminescence (CL) Measurements 31 2.10 Ultraviolet–Visible Spectroscopy Observation 32 2.11 Electrical Measurements 33 Chapter 3 Result and Discussion 34 3.1 The Influence of Growth Environment 34 3.1.1 The Influence of Changing Temperature in Growth Area 34 3.1.2 The Influence of Changing Precursor Temperature 38 3.1.3 The Influence of Changing Pressure 41 3.1.4 The Influence of Changing Carrier Gas 44 3.1.5 The Influence of Different Thickness of Au Film 46 3.1.6 The influence of different position of substrate 48 3.1.7 The influence of different growth time 51 3.2 The Configuration and Component of ZnSe NWs 54 3.2.1 SEM analysis of ZnSe NWs 55 3.2.2 EDS analysis of ZnSe NWs 58 3.3 Structure and Characteristic of ZnSe NWs 60 3.3.1 XRD Analysis 61 3.3.2 TEM Analysis 63 3.4 Optical Analysis of ZnSe NWs 67 3.4.1 Cathodoluminescence Analysis 67 3.4.2 Ultraviolet–Visible Spectroscopy Observation 70 3.5 Raman Scattering Spectroscopy Analysis 71 3.6 Electrical Property Measurement 73 Chapter 4 Summary and Conclusions 79 Chapter 5 Future Works 83 References 84

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