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研究生: 伍志翔
Chih-Shiang Wu
論文名稱: 以價值引領設計實踐推動社會創新之研究:以失智症照護創新為例
The Research of Applying Values-led Design Practices to Drive Social Innovation: Evidence from Dementia Care Innovation
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
口試委員: 苑守慈
Soe-Tsyr Yuan
Hsien-Hui Tang
Ming-Huang Lin
Fang-Wu Tung
Tung-Jung Sung
Chih-Fu Wu
Meng-Cong Zheng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 價值引領設計失智症照護利害關係人社會創新為社會創新而設計
外文關鍵詞: value-led design, dementia caring, stakeholder, social innovation, design for social innovation
相關次數: 點閱:512下載:35
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本研究有三個主要研究發現。首先,縱軸之價值實踐對話可透過設計工具的運用,提升「意外發現(serendipity discovery)」與形塑「爭勝式對話(agnostic dialog)」,使跨領域的參與者溝通可獲得改善,並在互動中發現彼此可運用的資源、合作方式與值得的設計方向。第二,橫軸之價值網絡發展之三階段,可藉著價值主張階段來形塑新社會慣例、以價值脈絡階段來促使利害關係人採納,並以價值體系階段來促進創新之擴散,使參與者發展出運用彼此資源的合作模式,為社會建構變革能力與促進社會創新的落實。第三,價值引領設計能藉著跨域利害關係人的溝通,為社會議題帶來新的價值,並成為長期推動社會創新落實與演化的種子;透過不同型態的價值對話,設計師將能喚起更多人的參與動機,為社會創新的落實帶來更多主動者與發起者。最後,本研究建構一個價值引領設計實踐模式,期望提供設計師未來在推動社會創新落實的參考依據。

With the dramatic change in social structure, social innovation has become an emergent research topic in recent year. The main goal of social innovation is to create solution to meet social needs while increase the capability for society to act. Accordingly, researches have acknowledged that social innovation should focus on the changes of different levels of society (e.g., micro, meso, macro) and the establishment of new roles, relationships, and resources. Especially, for the social problems, which cannot soley rely on the traditional social welfare system (e.g., government, NPO/NGO), organizations from third party (e.g., business segments) are encouraged to apply their resources to engage in creating breakthrough innovative solution for the society.
As design has been recently applied in social innovation to facilitate the development of solutions and the communication among the stakeholders, design for social innovation has received increasing attention. Studies have mentioned that the application of designerly minds and tools in social innovation can not only facilitate the creation of innovative solutions, but also realize empowerment and make new connections and dialogs. As a result, when the designers left the project, the society can continuously conduct innovation and resolve problems. However, besides acting as facilitators, Manzini (2014) has claimed that designers should take proactive roles to lead social innovation. Moreover, while most of the researches consider the functions of design are mainly focus on short-term engagement, facilitation, and empowerement, few has discussed the methods and roles of design from the angles of long-term implementation of social innovation. Accordingly, how designers can actively and strategically drive social innovation implementation has become an critical research issue.
Values have significant impacts on people’s decisions and behaviors. By establishing the relationship of value creation, it is possible to stablize and expand the engagement of stakeholders. Values-led design is an emergent method that emphasize on the designers’ role to orchestrate negotiations for values to engage stakeholders in reflection and realignment. Especially for those open-ended issues, designers can lead stakeholders to uncover values, collaboration opportunities, and find their critical roles of making contrbutions. Accordingly, this study proposes a 3×3 matrix of values-led design framework, including: (1) three-stage of value creation network development (value proposition, value-in-context, value constellation) and (2) three-step of negotiation for values implementation (emergence of values, development of values, grounding of values) and presents three action research projects of dementia care innovation.
There are three main findings in this research. First, the three-step of negotiation for values implementation can guide designers to apply suitable design tools to increase the possibility of serendipity discovery and form agnostic dialog for the participants; through these conversations, the participants can find ways to use their resources, establish equality of relationship and valuable design directions. Second, with the three-stage of value creation network development, the participants may find out how to collaborate with each other by using others’ operand resources and develop capacity for society to change; especially, the stage of value proposition can form the new social practices, the stage of value-in-context may promote stakeholders’ adoptions, and the stage of value constellation can lead to innovation diffusion. Third, this study considers that the values and resource extracted from the value-led design process in each of the project can become seeds for designers to continuously act as leaders to drive the implementation and evolvement of social innovation; also, through different types of negotiations of values, designers can trigger various of motivations of participation and attract more people to become initiators or participants for social innovation. Finally, this study has established a value-led design practices model as a reference for designers to drive social innovation implementation

一、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.1.1 「為社會創新而設計」的趨勢與挑戰 1 1.1.2以「價值引領設計」來改善溝通與促進社會創新落實 3 1.1.3運用價值引領設計於社會創新實踐的研究動機 4 1.2 研究缺口與目的 4 1.3 研究範圍與限制 6 1.4 研究章節安排 7 1.5 重要名詞解釋 8 二、文獻回顧 10 2.1 社會創新落實 10 2.1.1社會創新的定義與內涵 10 2.1.2社會創新落實之發展趨勢與挑戰 13 2.2 為社會創新而設計 18 2.2.1設計與社會創新之關聯性 18 2.2.1由設計推動社會創新實踐的挑戰 21 2.3 價值引領設計 24 2.3.1 價值引領設計手法的興起 24 2.3.2價值創造網絡之內涵 29 2.4 失智症照護的趨勢與現況挑戰 32 2.4.1失智症非藥物輔療之發展與挑戰 34 2.4.2失智友善旅遊景點發展與挑戰 36 2.5 小結 38 三、研究設計 42 3.1 行動研究 42 3.2 研究背景與問題 42 3.3 研究流程與資料蒐集方法 43 3.4研究嚴謹度與倫理議題 50 四、多重個案 52 4.1 專案一:高齡長照創新設計行動 52 4.1.1 價值主張階段 53 4.1.2 價值脈絡階段 58 4.1.3 價值體系階段 61 4.1.4專案一之研究發現與反思 63 4.2 專案二:失智友善景點創新設計 66 4.2.1 價值主張階段 68 4.2.2 價值脈絡階段 73 4.2.3 價值體系階段 78 4.2.4專案二之研究發現與反思 81 4.3 專案三:失智症非藥物輔療創新設計 84 4.3.1 價值主張階段 86 4.3.2 價值脈絡階段 92 4.3.3 價值體系階段 99 4.3.4專案三之研究發現與反思 102 五、研究討論與分析 105 5.1 改善跨域溝通之價值引領設計對話型態與工具 105 5.1.1 由價值浮現促成意外發現 107 5.1.2 以價值發展與價值落實來形塑爭勝式的對話 109 5.2 以價值引領設計促進長期跨域合作之機制 111 5.2.1 以價值主張階段形塑新社會慣例 113 5.2.2 以價值脈絡階段促進利害關係人採用 115 5.2.3 由價值體系階段促進創新的擴展 117 5.3 長期推動社會創新落實之價值引領設計實踐模式 119 5.3.1 價值引領設計實踐模式 119 5.3.2 設計師運用價值引領設計實踐模式於長期推動社會創新落實的可能性 122 六、結論與建議 124 6.1 研究結論 124 6.2 研究貢獻 125 6.3 研究限制 126 6.4 未來研究建議 127 參考文獻 129 附件:口試委員建議與回覆對照表 142

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