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研究生: 向君璧
Chun-Pi Shiang
論文名稱: 老技藝新價值:AI智能髮廊創新自信經濟
Old Skills and New Value: AI-Powered Smart Hair Salons Innovate the Self-Confidence Economy
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 黃政嘉
Jheng-Jia Huang
Chen-Hao Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 商業模式資源基礎理論品牌賦能品牌管理組織二元性靈巧數位轉型AI科技
外文關鍵詞: Business model, Resource-Based Theory, Brand Enablement, Brand management, Organizational Ambidexterity, Digital transformation, AI technology
相關次數: 點閱:448下載:0
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  • 現代社會面臨著快速轉變的環境、生活作息與工作壓力等多重因素,使得落髮、白髮等頭皮問題愈趨嚴重,尤其是在疫情期間,我們觀察到消費者三大趨勢方向的改變:「外在造型需求下降」、「頭皮養護意識提升」、「偏好專業品牌」。因此,頭皮養護產品市場前景廣闊。



    Today, various factors, including rapid environmental changes, disrupted lifestyles, and work-related stress, have exacerbated issues like hair loss and premature graying, particularly evident during the pandemic. As a result of these dynamics, we have observed three significant shifts in consumer trends: a decreased emphasis on external appearance, a heightened awareness of scalp care, and a preference for professional-grade brands. Consequently, the market for scalp care products holds substantial potential.

    Hairing International is committed to addressing scalp health issues and has developed a proprietary natural herbal healthy hair mud as part of this endeavor. During its transition, the company encountered challenges, including a scarcity of skilled workers, cultivation difficulties, and limited resources for store expansion. To tackle these issues, the company introduced AI technology to complement its healthy hair mud product, resulting in the creation of an AI scalp analysis system that provides customers with an entirely new technological service experience. Throughout this transformation, the company aimed to discover innovative and precise methods distinct from traditional scalp care approaches. After numerous attempts, it found its foundation in AI technology, particularly by leveraging image data. This discovery led to the formulation of new business strategies. The establishment of Hairing's digital assets provided the foundation for its transition from a traditional hair salon to a tech-driven intelligent hair salon business model. As a result, Hairing International has generated increased commercial and societal value within the hair care industry.

    For Hairing, the real challenge lies in the emergence of various post-transition difficulties. For instance, the lack of technology-driven talent has led to business stagnation. Addressing the integration and conflicts between the new and old teams, along with creating a distinctive advantage for scalp care branding, constitutes significant challenges. Faced with these hurdles, Hairing has not allowed environmental factors to restrict its brand growth. Instead, it has harnessed technology and undergone digital transformation to revolutionize the operational model of the traditional beauty industry. By merging the artistry of tradition with the health-focused aspects of the tech sector, it has seamlessly extended the legacy of natural beauty's health. This rejuvenation breathes new life into the beauty industry.

    This research is written in the Harvard case study teaching method, combining practical case studies with discussions on management theory. This study discusses the core competitive strategy, organizational operation, brand value, and technological empowerment of traditional small and medium-sized enterprises on the road to digital transformation, such as operational management issues faced in the transformation process. Use the resource-based theory to analyze the core competitiveness, deduce market strategies, and consider new business models and innovative customer services during business crises.

    To reshape brand value through the method of brand management. And to continuously improve organizational structure and talent development in two aspects by utilizing the Organizational Ambidexterity theory, use these to improve the efficiency and flexibility of corporate operations and meet future challenges.

    摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 1. 緒論 1.1. 序幕 1.2. 個案概述 1.2.1. 美髮產業之今昔 1.2.2. 髮林的創立 1.2.3. 生物與AI科技結合傳統美 用溫度體驗的天然植萃健康髮泥 導入AI科技奠定數位資產能力 1.2.4. 商業模式創新傳統髮廊生態 1.2.5. 市場競爭策略引領產業升級 1.2.6. 品牌重塑定義企業新價值 品牌重塑背景 品牌重塑方程式 消費者行為現況 以人為本結合傳統與科技創造獨特的品牌定位形象 線上線下虛實整合 1.2.7. 人才與組織是轉型變革的困境 數位轉型 人才先行 突破組織框架新混血企業 傳統技藝與新興科技之衝突與磨合 1.2.8. 下一步 2. 教學指引 2.1. 個案總覽 2.2. 教學目標與適用課程 2.3. 學生課前討論問題 2.4. 個案人物背景 2.5. 個案分析 2.5.1. 課程目標一:商業模式(Business Model) 理論教學 課前問題 討論分析 2.5.2. 課程目標二:資源基礎理論 (Resource-Based View) 理論教學 課前問題 討論分析 2.5.3. 課程目標三:品牌賦能與品牌管理(Brand Enablement and Management) 理論教學 課前問題 討論分析 課前問題 討論分析 2.5.4. 課程目標四:組織二元性靈巧(Organizational Ambidexterity) 理論教學 課前問題 討論分析 2.6. 課程結論 2.7. 教學建議 2.8. 板書規劃 參考文獻

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