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研究生: 張明煥
Ming-Huan Chang
論文名稱: 運用飛秒雷射形成內部及表面微結構之應用研究
Applications of femtosecond laser on internal and surface micro-structure processing
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
口試委員: 廖運炫
Yunn-Shiuan Liao
Cheng-Kuo Sung
Sheng-Jye Hwang
Yih-Lin Cheng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 飛秒雷射內部微結構表面微結構
外文關鍵詞: femtosecond laser, internal micro-structure, surface micro-structure
相關次數: 點閱:580下載:2
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The innovative development towards light, thin, short and small products . and creates the rapid demand of micro-processing applications using ultrafast pulse laser technology. But nanosecond laser processing faces the bottleneck of controlling machining accuracy due to heat affected zone (HAZ). The characteristics of low HAZ make the femtosecond laser be a popular choice for micro-processing.
In this study, the applications of femtosecond laser processed internal and surface micro-structure were studied. Effects of focus, laser power, laser processing speed, laser pulse width and other parameters were investigated. Feasibility of application of femtosecond laser was also discussed.
It was found that if the laser power is not higher than the molecular bonding energy of the processed material and each laser processed is properly spaced, the femtosecond laser can process internal micro-structure well in transparent material to form an optical diffuser. In another case, the ductility of the laser processed metallic glass can increase nearly 10% with a micro-structure on the surface of metallic glass due to the shear zone growth and spacing reduction of shear band. In addition, optical encoder can be produced with femtosecond laser due its high accurate grating pitch. and 20µm grating pitch of encoder was successfully fabricated by femtosecond laser.

第一章 導論 1.1 前言 1.2 研究目的與動機 1.3 論文架構 第二章 飛秒雷射特性與應用文獻回顧 2.1 雷射特性 2.2 雷射之發展 2.3 雷射加工光路系統 2.4 雷射微加工應用 2.5 飛秒雷射特性 2.6 飛秒雷射加工透明材料應用機制 2.6.1 材料改質應用機制 2.6.2 材料剝除應用機制 2.7 飛秒雷射加工透明材料應用文獻回顧 第三章 飛秒雷射於材料內部形成微結構在光學擴散應用 3.1 具內部微結構之光學擴散片 3.2 以飛秒雷射形成內部微結構 3.2.1 雷射光路設計 3.2.2 光能量強度量測 3.2.3 雷射加工參數 3.3 加工參數對內部微結構及光學擴散之影響 3.3.1 雷射功率 3.3.2 雷射聚焦深度 3.3.3 雷射加工間距 3.4 本章小結論 第四章 飛秒雷射於金屬玻璃表面形成微結構提升抗彎強度應用 4.1 金屬玻璃之特性及應用 4.2 飛秒雷射形成表面微結構 4.3 運用飛秒雷射提升金屬玻璃之抗彎強度 4.4 實驗設計與加工參數 4.5 表面微結構提升金屬玻璃之抗彎強度之機制 4.5.1 表面改質與塑性變形 4.5.2 剪切帶之啟動及增長 4.6 本章小結論 第五章 飛秒雷射直寫反射式光學尺之光柵應用 5.1 光柵與光學尺 5.2 光柵製作方法 5.3 以飛秒雷射直寫形成光柵 5.4 加工參數對形成光柵之影響 5.4.1 重複頻率1MHz 5.4.2 重複頻率0.5MHz、0.33MHz、0.25MHz 5.4.3 光柵之節距尺寸驗證 5.5 本章小結論 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 6.1 結論 6.2 未來研究方向

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