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研究生: 邱惠柔
Hui-Jou Chiu
論文名稱: 探討電子書設計對機器人組裝成效及手眼協調策略之影響
Effect of E-book design on robotic learning achievement and eye-hand coordination strategy.
指導教授: 蔡孟蓉
Meng-Jung Tsa
口試委員: 邱國力
Guo-Li Chiou
Chung-Yuan Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 訊息處理模式視覺注意力手眼協調策略眼球追蹤
外文關鍵詞: information processing, visual attention, eye-hand coordination strategy, eye-tracking
相關次數: 點閱:572下載:0
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This study aimed to explore the effect of E-book design on robotic learning achievement and eye-hand coordination strategy, while assembling Lego robot. The design of E-book, according to the processing direction of information, was bottom up design v.s. top down design. This study used a quasi-experimental design for answering the research questions proposed in this study. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups. They participated in a Lego curriculum with different version of E-book in one week. Both of the groups were offered with a Lego EV3 and an E-book for a robotics assembling task. Each participant’s visual attention were recorded with a mobile eye tracker. This study used independent t-tests, correlation analyses and lag sequential analyses to examine the research questions proposed in this study. The results of this study revealed that, for different E-book designs, significant differences were shown in different areas of interest regarding different eye-tracking indices. The robotic learning achievement did not show any significant difference from the groups; however, it is correlated with different background variables, especially with different reasoning skills. According to the results of lag sequential analyses, the patterns of their visual behaviors were similar between different versions of E-books; however, visual patterns were significantly different between problems of different difficulty levels The patterns of eye-hand-coordination strategies were similar for easy tasks; but different for hard tasks. Some suggestions were provided for future studies in designs of E-books for robotics learning.

目錄 I 圖目錄 II 表目錄 III 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 3 第三節 名詞解釋 5 第四節 研究問題 6 第五節 研究架構 7 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 STEM與機器人教育課程 8 第二節 機器人電子書設計 11 第三節 機器人學習與手眼協調 15 第參章 研究方法 19 第一節 研究對象 19 第二節 實驗操弄 19 第三節 研究工具 20 第四節 實驗素材 23 第五節 實驗流程 25 第六節 資料處理 28 第七節 資料分析 33 第肆章 研究結果 34 第一節 獨立樣本T檢定 34 第二節 相關分析 37 第三節 序列分析 42 第四節 小結 52 第伍章 建議與結論 53 第一節 討論與結論 53 第二節 建議 56 參考文獻 58 附錄一 事後訪談紀錄 64 附錄二 實驗同意書 66

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