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研究生: 賴千豐
Chien-feng Lai
論文名稱: 具streptavidin親合性標籤之glutathione-S-transferases 融合蛋白之研究
Study of glutathione-S-transferases fused with streptavidin-affinity peptides
指導教授: 陳秀美
Hsiu-mei Chen
口試委員: 朱義旭
Yi-hsu Ju
Tsuei-yun Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: glutathione-S-transferase基因融合親和性胜肽卵白素
外文關鍵詞: glutathione-S-transferase, avidin, affinity peptides, gene fusion
相關次數: 點閱:468下載:0
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  • 本研究主要延續先前利用壓電生物感測晶片及微陣列螢光分析系統對於streptavidin (SAv)進行隨機胜肽組合庫篩選之研究。將所篩得可與SAv結合的四個親合性胜肽,分別將之與glutathione-S-transferase (GST)的C端融合,建構出pGST/aj21、pGST/bj13、pGST/hm8以及pGST/strepII四個質體;最終,再將之轉入大腸桿菌內表現蛋白質(aJ21、bJ13、hM8及StrepII)。於SDS-PAGE研究中發現所表現aJ21的分子量小於29 kDa且與GST酵素相近,推測aJ21可能發生降解。最後經由MALDI-TOF與N端定序得知其外加序列以及部分GST酵素之C端都有被降解之可能。於活性分析中,於固定化或自由態之bJ13融合酵素其比活性都相當高;而hM8經由固定化之後,其比活性則僅次於bJ13。由SAv凝膠吸附分析得知bJ13及hM8為與SAv親和性較佳之融合酵素。綜合以上結果得知bJ13以及hM8的外加序列皆適用於當作親和固定化之親和性標籤,其中又以bJ13的外加序列最為理想其自由態比活性約為9 U/mg;而固定化酵素之比活性則為0.46 U/mg,最後測得之Kd值為2.61×10-6 M。

    The previous researches employing biopanning microarrays, and piezoelectric biochips to screen streptavidin (SAv) affinity peptides from an E. coli flagellin-displayed random peptide library have yielded four potential peptides of high affinity(黃, 2002; 蔡, 2004). In this study, the peptides were each fused to the C terminus of glutathione-S-transferase (GST). By constructing four plasmids, named pGST/aj21, pGST/bj13, pGST/hm8, and pGST/strepII, four fusion proteins, aJ21, bJ13, hM8 and StrepII were respectively expressed in E. coli. The SDS-PAGE assay indicated that the molecular weight of aJ21 was smaller than 29 kDa and close to that of GST, suggesting that aJ21 may have been hydrolyzed by proteinase. The further analysis by MALDI-TOF and N-terminal sequencing revealed that both the fusion-tag peptide and a few residues at the C terminus of GST were possibly degraded. The enzymatic assay showed that bJ13 had the highest specific activity in both free and immobilized forms, and that the immobilized hM8 was slighty less active than bJ13. The adsorption study with SAv gels indicated that bJ13 and hM8 had better SAv affinities than the other proteins. It is concluded that the bJ13 and hM8 tag, peptides are suitable to be used as immobilization affinity tags, with the bJ13 one being the best one. The specific activity of the bJ13 fusion protein was about 9 U/mg in a free form and about 0.46 U/mg in an immobilized form, and its dissociation constant (Kd) to SAv gels was about 2.61×10-6 M.

    目錄 中文摘要----------------------------------------------------------I 英文摘要---------------------------------------------------------II 致謝------------------------------------------------------------III 目錄------------------------------------------------------------ IV 圖目錄----------------------------------------------------------VIII 表目錄-----------------------------------------------------------XI 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 第二章 文獻回顧 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 2. 1穀胱甘肽 S-轉移酵素 (glutathione S-transferase, GST)------------------------3 2. 1-1 GST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------3 2. 1-2 SjGST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------7 2. 2 隨機胜肽組合庫 ---------------------------------------------------------------------8 2. 2-1隨機胜肽組合庫 --------------------------------------------------------------8 2. 2-2噬菌體胜肽組合庫-----------------------------------------------------------10 2. 2-3細胞表面表現系統-----------------------------------------------------------13 2. 2-4質體表現系統-----------------------------------------------------------------16 2. 2-5非細胞體系表現系統--------------------------------------------------------17 2. 3 Streptavidin-biotin---------------------------------------------------------------------22 2. 3-1 Strept(avidin)-biotin系統---------------------------------------------------22 2. 3-1-1 Avidin---------------------------------------------------------------------22 2. 3-1-2 streptavidin (SAv)-------------------------------------------------------23 2. 3-1-3 biotin----------------------------------------------------------------------24 2. 3-2 SAv 親和性胜肽-------------------------------------------------------------27 2. 3-2-1 線狀親和胜肽-----------------------------------------------------------27 2. 3-2-2 環狀胜肽-----------------------------------------------------------------33 2. 3-2-3具奈米級親和常數之線狀胜肽 -------------------------------------34 2. 4 結晶學研究----------------------------------------------------------------------------37 2. 4-1 SAv和biotin之交互作用---------------------------------------------------40 2. 4-2 SAv 與線狀親和胜肽之交互作用----------------------------------------43 2. 4-3 SAv與環狀親和胜肽之交互作用-----------------------------------------45 2. 5 SAv親和性胜肽之應用-------------------------------------------------------------48 第三章 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------------------------------50 第四章 研究方法 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------51 4. 1實驗流程--------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 4. 1. 1質體之建構--------------------------------------------------------------------51 4. 1. 2原生與各融合酵素之生產及純化---------------------------------------- 52 4. 1. 3原生與各融合酵素之活性及其它性質分析-----------------------------52 4. 2實驗材料--------------------------------------------------------------------------------55 4. 3實驗藥品--------------------------------------------------------------------------------56 4. 4 實驗設備-------------------------------------------------------------------------------58 4. 5實驗步驟--------------------------------------------------------------------------------60 4. 5. 1 pGSTH質體之純化----------------------------------------------------------60 4. 5. 2載體之製備--------------------------------------------------------------------61 4. 5. 3 dsDNA片段之製備與黏合-------------------------------------------------63 4. 5. 4 DNA片段接合反應--------------------------------------------------------- 63 4. 5. 5 質體轉入E. coli細胞-------------------------------------------------------64 4. 5. 6 PCR篩菌---------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 4. 5. 7 蛋白質之生產----------------------------------------------------------------66 4. 5. 8原生及各融合蛋白質之純化-----------------------------------------------66 4. 5. 9 活性分析----------------------------------------------------------------------67 a. 自由態酵素---------------------------------------------------------------67 b. 固定化酵素---------------------------------------------------------------68 4. 5. 10 蛋白質濃度分析----------------------------------------------------------- 68 4. 5. 11 12.5 % SDS-PAGE蛋白質電泳 ---------------------------------------- 69 4. 5. 12 SAv凝膠吸附分析---------------------------------------------------------70 a. 原生及各融合酵素與SAv吸附的確認----------------------------- 70 b. Western blot--------------------------------------------------------------- 70 c. Native與denaturing沖提------------------------------------------------71 d. 平衡吸附分析------------------------------------------------------------71 4. 5. 13 aJ21之N端定序及分子量鑑定---------------------------------------72 第五章 結果與討論 -------------------------------------------------------------------------73 5. 1 限制酶活性之確認及質體之製備-------------------------------------------73 5. 2 融合基因之確認----------------------------------------------------------------74 5. 3 各純化蛋白之SDS-PAGE以及活性分析----------------------------------77 a. SDS-PAGE--------------------------------------------------------------------77 b. 酵素活性分析---------------------------------------------------------------78 5. 4 SAv凝膠吸附分析--------------------------------------------------------------86 5. 4. 1 原生及各融合酵素與SAv凝膠吸附的確認-------------------------86 5. 4. 2 SAv凝膠之native及denaturing eluant-------------------------------89 5. 4. 3 吸附常數分析-------------------------------------------------------------93 5. 5 aJ21融合酵素之N端定序及分子量鑑定 -------------------------------103 第六章 結論----------------------------------------------------------------------------------108 參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------110 附錄 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------116

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