簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 高智群
Chin-chun Kao
論文名稱: 重新檢視銀髮族生活用品的使用性需求-以指甲刀為例
Re-evaluating Use Requirements of Seniors' Lifestyle Products-A Case Study of Nail Clippers
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Chen-Hui Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 銀髮族指甲刀人因工程通用設計
外文關鍵詞: Seniors, Human Engineering, Universal Design, Nail Clippers
相關次數: 點閱:496下載:0
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The seniors’ need for daily necessities is different from other ages. In Taiwan, where the society is becoming an aging one, the products especially designed for the seniors are beginning to thrive. The purpose of this study is to re-design the clippers for the seniors and verify after reviewing the ones in market.

Through observation and interviews, the early stages of the study’s first period evaluated 5 clippers in the market claimed to be especially designed for the seniors. During second period of the study, via experiments, magnifying nail clippers, slant nail clippers, and nail clippers with rotary bit – the ones for the seniors – are found to be not favorable to the users. From the point of view of human factor engineering as well as universal design, it is found that the seniors prefer the clippers with enough sharpness, require less effort, and good to be held. Furthermore, the study identified that the seniors are found to be not only unstable but even shaking while holding and pressing the clippers with non-dominant hand. With the experimental questionnaire of existing products and interviews, below key points for design are generalized: (1) effort -saving, (2) sharp (3) stable for holding (4) comfortable (5) interchangeable for both hands.

The third stage is to re-design the nail clippers. SNAIL has auxiliary finger ring which is able to rotate. During the changing motions of clipping nails, the auxiliary finger ring decreases the seniors’ effort by providing a support point for the hand to increase stability, reduces the shaking resulted from holding and pressing the clippers. The handle is surfaced with rubber to provide more slip-resistance. The result recognized the fact that comparing to the nail clippers in market, SNAIL is better on the feeling of effort, holding, comfort, satisfaction as well as usefulness for both hands. Therefore, the efficiency of the seniors’ clipping their finger nails with nail clippers are promoted. However, the promotion on efficiency was not found on clipping toe nails.

目錄 摘要 i Abstract ii 謝誌 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 ix 表目錄 xi 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究問題 2 1.3研究目的 2 1.4研究架構與流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1手部姿勢 5 2.1.1手與物體間的活動 7 2.1.2手的捏握肌力 9 2.2.銀髮族的定義 10 2.2.1 銀髮族生理老化現象 11 2.2.2高齡者修剪指甲 11 2.3 手工具的設計原則 12 2.4 通用設計 14 2.5 市售指甲刀介紹 15 2.6 文獻小結 17 第三章 研究方法與步驟 18 3.1 研究方法 18 3.2 實驗步驟與架構 19 3.3 前期研究 20 3.3.1 使用者觀察結果 20 3.3.2 手持指甲刀姿勢分析結果 20 3.3.3 剪腳趾甲姿勢分析 21 3.3.4 訪談內容整理 21 3.4 現有產品測試實驗 23 3.4.1 實驗項目 23 3.4.2 實驗規畫 25 3.4.3 使用者問卷 26 3.4.4 手部受力範圍 27 3.5 新設計產品測試實驗 28 3.5.1 實驗規畫 28 3.5.2 使用者問卷 29 第四章 市售指甲刀實驗結果 31 4.1 現有產品測試實驗結果-受測者基本資料 31 4.2 五款市售指甲刀之比較 31 4.2.1 主觀感受-施力感比較 31 4.2.2 主觀感受-銳利度比較 33 4.2.3 主觀感受-舒適度比較 34 4.2.4 主觀感受-刀口大小 35 4.2.5 主觀感受-重量感 37 4.2.6 主觀感受-左右手差異 38 4.2.7 主觀感受-放大鏡效果 39 4.2.8 主觀感受-傾斜、旋轉刀頭 40 4.3 剪指甲時感受壓力部位 41 4.4使用實際產品進行實驗的差異 43 4.5 使用者自身經驗的影響 45 4.6 實驗小結 46 第五章 設計實務與實驗結果 48 5.1 新式指甲刀設計要點 48 5.2 新式指甲刀設計一 48 5.2.1 新式指甲刀設計二 50 5.2.2 新式指甲刀設計三 53 5.3 設計定案與草模評估 55 5.3.1 設計過程 55 5.3.2 實體模型 56 5.3.3新設計產品測試實驗的假設(SNAIL) 60 5.4受測者資料-年輕族群 60 5.4.1施力度比較 61 5.4.2握持度比較 62 5.4.3 舒適度比較 64 5.4.4易知性比較 66 5.4.5滿意度比較 67 5.4.6小結 69 5.5受測者資料-銀髮族 70 5.5.1 施力度比較 70 5.5.2 握持度比較 72 5.5.3 舒適度比較 74 5.5.4 易知性比較 76 5.5.5 滿意度比較 78 5.5.6小結 79 第六章 結論與建議 82 6.1 研究結論 82 6.2 實驗過程的影響因素-銀髮族 83 6.3 後續研究建議 85 參考文獻 86


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