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研究生: 周林逸
Lin-Yi Chou
論文名稱: 開發二甲雙胍包覆含氧微氣泡結合超音波開啟耳蝸血迷路屏障並提升內耳保護效率與氧分壓之評估
Development of metformin-coated oxygen microbubbles combined with ultrasound to open the cochlear blood-labyrinthine barrier and improve inner ear protection efficiency and evaluation of oxygen partial pressure
指導教授: 廖愛禾
Ai-Ho Liao
口試委員: 廖愛禾
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 二甲雙胍耳蝸血迷路屏障含氧白蛋白微氣泡超音波活性氧
外文關鍵詞: Metformin, blood-labyrinthine barrier, oxygenated microbubbles, ultrasound, ROS
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:0
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根據世界衛生組織2021年的報導(World Health Organization),全球約有15億人患有不同程度的聽力損失,到了2050年甚至會增加到25億人。聽力障礙不僅影響日常生活,甚至會大幅提其他疾病產生的風險,然而內耳複雜的結構以及生理上的屏障都大幅增加了內耳治療的困難,在內耳的醫學領域中,一些環境壓力如噪音或是耳毒性藥物影響下,將會產生活性氧物質,這些活性氧物質會和脂質、蛋白質、DNA產生化學反應破壞其結構,造成毛細胞死亡。二甲雙胍(Metformin, Met)能夠降低活性氧物質的生成,因此具有修復毛細胞損傷之能力,儘管如此耳蝸血迷路屏障對於藥物輸送卻造成巨大的阻礙。耳蝸血迷路屏障(blood-labyrinth barrier)和血腦屏障(blood-brain barrier)有諸多相似之處,對於許多大小分子都具有阻隔的作用,然而在一些研究中證實耳蝸血迷路屏障和血腦屏障在藥物傳輸存在不同的機制。因此本論文製備二甲雙胍包覆含氧白蛋白微氣泡(MetOMB),並經由超音波介導技術提升氧氣與藥物通過耳蝸血迷路屏障的效率以及治療內耳損傷。
研究結果中,MetOMB的包覆率為65.50±2.87 %,平均粒徑大小和表面電位依序為1887.42±44.42 nm、-0.66±0.29 mV,濃度儀中量測MetOMB濃度為9.56±1.67 (×108 bubbles/mL),從打破效率以及透析袋模擬氧氣釋放實驗中可以確認超音波具有引發MetOMB的穴蝕效應並釋放氧氣;在細胞實驗中分別進行HEI-OC1細胞的生存率以及活性氧(ROS)測試。從結果中,超音波結合MetOMB之缺損細胞生存率相較於No treatment(OGD)組可提升12.18%,ROS抑制效果為14.39%;在動物實驗中,以小鼠顱骨模擬體外打破效率以及內耳氧分壓量測,可以確認MetOMB經由超音波誘發的穴蝕效應達到氧氣的釋放,從無注射組(Control)、單純注射MetOMB (MetOMB) 組和注射MetOMB並施打超音波 (MetOMB+US) 組之曲線下面積(AUC)依序為117.80±96.10、764.40±85.20、1429.64±270.35 mmHg,並且在聽力測試中確認藥物的安全性和治療效果

According to a 2021 report by the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss, and this number will even increase to 2.5 billion by 2050. Hearing impairment not only affects daily life, but also increases the risk of other diseases. However, the complex structure and physiological barriers of the inner ear increase the difficulty of inner ear treatment. In the medical field of the inner ear, some environmental pressures such as noise or ototoxic drugs, reactive oxygen species will be produced. These reactive oxygen species will chemically react with lipids, proteins, and DNA to destroy their structures, causing hair cell death. Metformin (Met) can reduce the production of reactive oxygen species and has the ability to repair hair cell damage. However, the cochlear blood-labyrinthine barrier poses a huge obstacle to drug delivery. The cochlear blood-labyrinth barrier (BLB) and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) have many similarities and have blocking effects on many large and small molecules. However, some studies have confirmed that the cochlear blood-labyrinth barrier and the blood-brain barrier exist different mechanisms in drug delivery. Therefore, this paper prepared metformin-coated oxygenated albumin microbubbles (MetOMB), and combined with ultrasound to improve the delivery efficiency of the cochlear blood-labyrinthine barrier and treat inner ear damage.
According to the research results, the encapsulated rate of MetOMB is 65.50±2.87 %, the average particle size and surface zeta potential are 1887.42±44.42nm and -0.66±0.29mV, and the concentration of MetOMB is 9.56 ± 1.67 (×108 bubbles/mL), it can be confirmed from the breaking efficiency and dialysis bag simulated oxygen release experiments that ultrasound can induce the cavitation effect of MetOMB and release oxygen. In the results of the in vitro cell experiments, the survival rate and reactive oxygen species (ROS) of HEI-OC1 cells were measured. In the results, the damaged cell survival rate of ultrasound combined with MetOMB was increased by 12.18% compared with the No treatment group, and the ROS inhibition effect was 14.39%. In small animal experiments, partial pressure measurement can confirm that MetOMB achieves oxygen release through the cavitation effect induced by ultrasound. The area below curve (AUC) of partial pressure in no injection group (Control), the MetOMB injection group alone (MetOMB), and the MetOMB injection combined with ultrasound group (MetOMB+US) was 117.80±96.10, 764.40±85.20, 1429.64±270.35 mmHg, respectively, the safety and therapeutic effect of this new platform were confirmed in the hearing test.

中文摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第 1 章 緒論 1.1內耳結構 1.2血迷路屏障 1.3聽力損傷 1.4二甲雙胍 1.4.1二甲雙胍發展 1.4.2藥理作用 1.5超音波微氣泡對比劑 1.6含氧微氣泡 1.7超音波 1.7.1超音波簡介 1.7.2超音波結合微氣泡對於藥物的傳輸機制 1.7.3穴蝕效應 1.8活性氧(ROS) 1.9研究動機 第 2 章 材料與方法 2.1研究架構 2.2藥品與設備 2.2.1藥品 2.2.2設備 2.3二甲雙胍包覆含氧白蛋白微氣泡製備 2.4二甲雙胍包覆含氧白蛋白微氣泡之表面特性 2.4.1二甲雙胍與含氧白蛋白微氣泡之包覆效率評估 2.4.2高解析度場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡拍攝 2.4.3粒徑分析 2.4.4電位分析 2.4.5濃度量測 2.5 二甲雙胍包覆含氧微氣泡之影像系統分析 2.6含氧微氣泡經超音波施打模擬藥物釋放之釋氧測試 2.7二甲雙胍包覆含氧微氣泡之體外細胞實驗 2.7.1細胞株與細胞繼代 2.7.2細胞實驗組別設計與方法 2.7.3細胞生存率分析 2.7.4含氧微氣泡施打超音波對細胞ROS分析 2.8動物實驗 2.8.1實驗動物及麻醉 2.8.2模擬經顱打破效率 2.8.3內耳氧分壓測試 2.8.4聽性腦幹反應檢查 2.9統計分析 第 3 章 實驗結果 3.1二甲雙胍包覆含氧微氣泡之表面特性分析 3.1.1含氧微氣泡包覆Metformin效率之評估 3.1.2 高解析度場發掃描式電子顯微鏡表面分析 3.1.3 光學定性分析 3.1.4 粒徑分析 3.1.4 電位分析 3.1.5 濃度分析 3.2 微氣泡影像系統分析 3.3釋氧分析 3.3.1 不同微氣泡之釋氧分析 3.3.2 含氧微氣泡經超音波施打模擬藥物釋放之釋氧分析 3.4 細胞缺氧傷害與超音波介導技術結合微氣泡對於細胞存活之影響 3.5 細胞缺氧傷害與超音波介導技術結合微氣泡對於抑制ROS效果分析 3.6模擬微氣泡經顱施打超音波之影像系統分析 3.7 小鼠內耳之氧分壓變化 3.8 聽性腦幹反應檢查(ABR) 第 4 章 討論 第 5 章 結論 參考文獻

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