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研究生: 刁兆穎
Chao-Ying Tiao
論文名稱: 設計運用積層製造之晶格結構迫擊砲砲盤
Design of Lattice Structures for Additive Manufacturing of Mortar Baseplate
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
阿米爾 那錫爾
Aamer Nazir
口試委員: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
阿米爾 那錫爾
Aamer Nazir
Shang-Chih Lin
Chi-Pin Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 積層製造三維列印晶格結構模擬分析輕量化工程迫擊砲
外文關鍵詞: Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Lattice Structure, Simulation, Lightweight engineering, Mortar
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:0
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  • 近年來,隨著國家戰略及戰爭型態的轉變,我國軍隊朝「小而精、小而強、小而巧」目標發展,就傳統武器而言,即以輕量化為首要目標,而隨著積層製造技術日漸成熟,可將其應用於軍事工業中,相異於傳統減法製造技術,能輕易產製出幾何結構更為複雜之工件,並可將許多零組件產製為單一工件,故在符合最終產品之機械性能下,能達到減輕重量及節省材料成本之雙重功效,因此,美國即漸漸擴大在陸海空三軍各式武器裝備上之應用範圍。
    最終完成六角蜂巢及凹形蜂巢等2種晶格結構之砲盤設計,並藉由電腦模擬分析,評估其機械性能可承受砲彈射擊時所產生之後座力,且經實體模型試製結果顯示,若採六角蜂巢結構設計之砲盤輕量化成效較凹形蜂巢結構佳,未來若以此進行實體工程製作,預期較現行採鍛壓方式成形之砲盤減輕約19.2 %之重量,重量將由原本之11.1公斤減輕至9公斤,可提供軍事機關執行後續相關武器構型研改參考運用。

    In recent years, with the changes in national strategy, our military has been forwards to the goal of elite troops. As the traditional weapons, reducing the weight is the primary subject of improvement. As the additive manufacturing technology matures, it can be applied to the military industry.Different from the traditional subtraction manufacturing technology, it has the capacity to produce complex geometric structures easily, and able to produce many components into a single workpiece. It is able to reduce weight and save material costs under the mechanical performance of conform to the final product. Therefore, the US has expanded the scope of applicability in military equipment.
    In view of this, this article will combine with lattice structure by means of additive manufacturing technology. With the T75 81mm mortar that currently in service with our military as the research object, carry out the project of weight reduction to improve the mobility and decrease the combatants loading.
    Finally, completed the design of two lattice structure of hexagonal honeycomb and re-entrant honeycomb. After computer simulated and analyzed, it is evaluated that its mechanical performance can bear the recoil of shooting. Through the trial-production of solid model, that present the result of the efficiency of weight reduction of the hexagonal honeycomb is better than re-entrant honeycomb. In the future, if this is used for actual manufacturing, it is expected the baseplate will reduce the weight about 19.2%, and that will be lighter than current method of forging. The weight will be reduced from the original 11.1 kg to 9 kg, and that able to provide to military units as the research and improvement for related weapon configuration as the reference.

    摘要 IV ABSTRACT V 致謝 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XIII 第1章、 緒論 1 1.1. 前言 1 1.2. 研究動機 3 1.3. 本文貢獻與架構 5 第2章、 文獻探討 6 2.1. 迫擊砲 6 2.1.1. 未來發展趨勢 6 2.1.2. 輕量化工程 6 2.2. 積層製造 7 2.2.1. 發展歷程 7 2.2.2. 特性 8 2.2.3. 製造流程 9 2.2.4. 製程技術及其適用材料 10 2.2.5. 積層製造技術於軍事裝備之應用 17 2.3. 晶格結構 24 2.3.1. 介紹 24 2.3.2. 特性 25 2.3.3. 應用 26 第3章、 結構設計與製造 28 3.1. 迫擊砲砲盤原型 28 3.2. 迫擊砲砲盤晶格結構設計 30 3.2.1. 設計概念 30 3.2.2. 設計方法及步驟 30 3.2.3. 晶格結構之砲盤 36 3.3. 以積層製造方式製造晶格結構之砲盤 44 3.3.1. 製造設備及材料 44 3.3.2. 製程步驟 46 第4章、 分析結果與討論 51 4.1. 有限元素分析法 51 4.2. 迫擊砲砲盤之應力分析 51 4.2.1. 材料參數設定 51 4.2.2. 匯入模型 52 4.2.3. 網格建立 53 4.2.4. 邊界條件設定 55 4.2.5. 分析結果 59 4.3. 討論 64 第5章、 結論與未來展望 65 5.1. 結論 65 5.2. 未來展望 69 參考文獻 71

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