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研究生: 魏得恩
Te-En Wei
論文名稱: 主動式RFID技術防碰撞兼具防偽功能 的補強
Anti-collision with Anti-Counterfeiting Enhancement for Active RFID Technologies
指導教授: 張立中
Li-Chung Chang
Albert Jeng
口試委員: 曾德峰
Der-Feng Tseng
Chin-Laung Lei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 無限射頻辨識複製威脅防偽協定防碰撞協定
外文關鍵詞: RFID, Clone, Thread, Anti-collision, Anti-counterfeiting
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:4
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  • 最近這幾年下來,無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)
    能看到 RFID 的身影,而 RFID 是一種內建無線電波技術的晶片,晶片中可儲
    比目前條碼系統具有更高的效率與彈性。而簡單的 RFID 系統架構是由讀取器
    (Reader)、標籤(Tag) 與後端伺服器系統(back-end host system) 組成,其運作方式
    會產生碰撞(collision),因此為了成功地挑出每一個 RFID 標籤讓它們能夠分批
    (anti-collision) 機制。
    比較和討論。在 RFID 系統中,現存的 RFID 防碰撞方法有 Space Division
    Multiple Access (SDMA)、Time Domain Multiple Access (TDMA)、Frequency
    Domain Multiple Access (FDMA) 與 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 四
    大類,而其中又以 TDMA 最適用於 RFID 系統上且廣受討論。TDMA 又可分
    成以讀取器來主導的 Reader-driven 與由標籤來主導的 Tag-driven 兩類,由於
    便利於防碰撞卻乏人問津,所以我們的討論焦點會集中於 Tag-driven 的部份。
    不過雖說是對於 Tag-driven 的部份討論,但是有些方法卻是從 Reader-driven
    的部份針對 Tag-driven 的防碰撞作變形而來,其中就以 ALOHA 和 Query Tree
    這兩種樣式的機制最為明顯,當然除了這兩種機制之外還有 CDMA 和 PDC 這
    撞機制我們除了介紹 TDMA 之外,也會介紹有關於 CDMA 和 PDC 這兩種分
    除了碰撞的問題之外,由於目前一些RFID 標籤(EPC 標籤)已經廣泛的應用
    由於當 RFID 標籤和讀取器是透過開放式的空間,來做自動辨識和無線控管,
    RFID 標籤可能會洩漏產品的資訊,使得躲在暗處的敵人可以悄悄追蹤或監控這
    個RFID 標籤。因此,為了避免偽造的標籤欺騙合法的讀取器,令讀取器以為該
    發生。為了要達成這些安全性的目標,RIFD 標籤需要抵抗很多種類的攻擊,比
    較特殊的攻擊就是標籤的複製,因此,RFID 標籤的弱點是很容易遭受複製和偽
    造的攻擊。在這章節中,我們介紹已知用來抵抗偽造 RFID 標籤的技術,並且
    提出這些技術的缺失與改善的方法,一開始我們會概略的介紹在RFID 標籤上偽
    造的議題,並且檢視如何在 RFID 標籤上預防複製或偽造的已知方法,然後針
    EPDC (Enhance Power-based Distance Clustering) 這個方法,經由接收到訊號強度
    依此來達到分批防碰撞的效果。而我們提出的 EPDC 可以與任何主動式標籤的
    們也會以前文所提到的主動式標籤防碰撞的機制來搭配 EPDC 做比較。過去總
    但是它所能造成的威脅和後果是不能夠輕忽的,所以我們提出了Anti-collision &
    防偽(anti-counterfeiting) 的結合,利用這個機制將所有偽造的標籤排除,以減輕

    In the recent year, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system has been
    widely used in many different areas. Its main purpose is to identify an object quickly.
    The most popular application of RFID is in supply chain management for barcode
    replacement. Different from traditional barcode, RFID has many advantages such as
    no line-of-sight requirement, high toleration of harsh environments, long read range,
    large storage space, traceability, and multiple reads at once. A RFID system consists
    of the Reader(s) (or Interrogator), the Tag(s) (or Transponder) and the back-end host
    system. In a RFID system, the tags are classified into passive and the active tags. For
    passive tags, usually a reader propagates a RF signal at its working frequency, and
    then the tag responds with a RF signal at different frequency. On the contrary, the
    active tag that forwards to the reader a RF signal, and then the reader responds to the
    tag. Because the information conveyed between the reader and the tag is through RF
    channel. Once multiple tags or readers transmit data simultaneously, these data will
    affect each other and cannot be recognized. Therefore, in order to successfully
    singulate each active tag by the reader we need a particular method, which is the
    anti-collision protocol for active tags. Although there are many approaches to achieve
    anti-collision, they are not perfect and cannot be applied to everywhere. Therefore, we
    first survey the existing anti-collision protocols and then propose some remedies
    especially with a special focus on how to significantly increase the practicability and
    how to efficiently implement these anti-collision protocols.
    First, we present an overview of the existing anti-collision protocols for passive
    tags and then we present the overview of the existing active RFID anti-collision
    protocols. We also classify and compare them according to their major characteristics.
    The existing multiple access techniques in RFID system include Space Division
    Multiple Access (SDMA), Time Domain Multiple Access (TDMA), Frequency
    Domain Multiple Access (FDMA) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) four
    major categories. TDMA is the most popular approach to achieve anti-collision and
    further divided into Reader-driven and Tag-driven. Because there are too many
    discussions about Reader-driven, not discuss about Tag-driven. Therefore, we will
    concentrate our discussions only on the Tag-driven anti-collision schemes, which are
    the main streams in the active tags environment. In those schemes, a tag must
    dominate the anti-collision protocol and tell the reader what it should do. Tag-driven
    protocols could be classified into two major approaches, one is Query tree-style since
    it uses the tag ID to build a binary tree, while the other is Slotted ALOHA-style since
    it uses a contention-based multiple access scheme to assign each tag into a unique timeslot. On the other hand, there are also DCMA protocol and PDC scheme for
    solving active tag anti-collision; we also introduce both them in our thesis.
    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been used for over half a
    century since World War II. RFID was used in anti-counterfeiting area before it was
    used in retailers, the logistics and the global supply chains applications. In 2003, it
    was suggested using the RFID system plus Electronic Product Code (EPC) to prevent
    fake drugs by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in 2004, Pfizer
    and Purdue Pharma companies used RFID tag which attached to the item to prevent
    fake drugs of Viagra and OxyContin. In recent years, several technologies used for
    RFID tags against counterfeiting have been proposed. RFID consists of readers and
    tags. There is an antenna in the reader that is used to connect tags, and the antenna of
    the tag itself is connected to the micro-chip that was embedded into the tag. Due to
    the advancement of the technologies, the size of RFID tag becomes smaller, its speed
    becomes faster, its price becomes cheaper, and it can be used easily. The RFID
    antenna can also be printed on the product or embedded in them. Generally speaking,
    RFID tags can used for identification as well as for anti-counterfeiting purpose. The
    attack which we hear most frequently is duplicating. That means the attacker can
    acquire RIFD tag easily and can study it and read the contents of its memory, and
    make another new tag with the same memory content of the valid tag. If a duplicated
    tag is used in the goods, the reader will not be able to discover that it is a fake tag. We
    overview the existing anti-counterfeiting schemes and then provide the comparisons
    and remedy guidelines of these schemes.
    In the active anti-collision protocols, all tags always are objective for these
    protocols. However, in fact, it costs the RFID system too much resources and time to
    accomplish both purposes when there are many tags present on the scene. Therefore,
    we provide EPDC to solve this problem, in this approach, the tags are clustered based
    on their distance from the reader, and this distance-based clustering is achieved by
    changing the reader’s antenna power level. However, this scheme cannot be used to
    solve the active tags collision; therefore, we think this scheme can solve this problem.
    We show how the EPDC protocol could be integrated with other anti-collision
    protocol for active tag, it makes the anti-collision protocol for active tag more useful,
    we also give how the EPDC implements. We also analyze the advantages and
    superiority of the proposed EPDC protocol in this thesis, and ensure its feasibility
    analysis under the practical environments. In the past, the anti-collision protocol and
    anti-counterfeiting protocol are usually treated separately. Normally, an
    anti-counterfeiting protocol will begin when an anti-collision protocol ends. In fact, it
    costs the RFID system too much resources and time to accomplish both purposes when there are many tags present on the scene. Therefore we propose a new protocol
    called CRPAC to make both of them working together. While the anti-collision
    protocol is progressing, the anti-counterfeiting challenges are piggybacked with the
    anti-collision commands sent by the reader and the tag will reply the answers after
    finishing anti-collision. This combined approach can kill two birds with one stone by
    achieving both anti-collision and anti-counterfeiting at the same time. Compared to
    the traditional separate anti-collision and anti-counterfeiting schemes, this combined
    approach can complete most of the anti-counterfeiting procedure by the time
    anti-collision process is finished. It saves a lot of time and message overheads to
    anti-counterfeiting the tags due to the parallel processing of the anti-counterfeiting
    and anti-collision protocols. Furthermore, CRPAC doesn’t make use of any
    complicated mathematical operations (e.g. cryptographic primitives). The proposed
    CRPAC algorithms is especially applicable to multiple tags scenario that requires
    anti-collision and anti-counterfeiting. The proposed CRPAC protocol will perform the
    best, if all the challenges sent out are within the timeslot allocations that are required
    to resolve the anti-collisions. We will also verify the comparisons of the proposed
    CRPAC algorithms in this thesis, and ensure its security, privacy and un-traceability
    under passive attacks, and active attacks for guessing and query. CRPAC could make
    the practical active RFID system more useful and secure.

    摘 要............................................................................................................................I Abstract.......................................................................................................................III 致 謝..........................................................................................................................VI 目 錄........................................................................................................................VII 第 1 章 緒論...............................................................................................................1 1.1. 為何射頻辨識系統需要防碰撞協定 …………………………………….2 1.2. 為何標籤需要防偽的機制………………………………………………...3 1.3. 防碰撞協定與防偽機制在射頻辨識系統中如何動作…………………...3 1.4. 研究動機…………………………………………………………………...4 1.5. 論文貢獻與架構...........................................................................................5 第 2 章 現有射頻辨識系統中的主動式標籤防碰撞機制概述...............................6 2.1. 射頻辨識系統中的被動式標籤防碰撞的回顧….......................................8 2.1.1 樹狀樣式協定.........................................................................................8 Binary Tree Algorithm (BTA)….....................................................9 ID-Binary Tree Stack Anti-collision Algorithm (ID-BTS) ...........10 Query Tree Algorithm (QTA) .......................................................10 16-Bit Random Number Aided Query Tree Algorithm (RN16QTA)…………………………………………………….12 Adaptive Query Splitting Protocol (AQS)……………………….12 2.1.2 ALOHA 樣式協定.................................................................................12 Q-Algorithm…..............................................................................13 Q+-Algorithm................................................................................14 Adaptive Binary Splitting Algorithm (ABS)….............................15 Framed-Slotted ALOHA with Tag Estimation and Binary Splitting (EB-FSA)…...............................................................15 Extended Anti-Collision Algorithm (EAA) …...........................16 2.1.3 其它防碰撞協定...................................................................................16 2.2. ALOHA 樣式的主動式標籤的防碰撞…………………………………..17 2.3. DCMA 樣式的主動式標籤的防碰撞…...................................................19 2.4. QUERY TREE 樣式的主動式標籤的防碰撞……....................................22 2.4.1 MULTI-SLOTTED SCHEME (MS)......................................................22 2.4.2 MULTI-SLOTTED SCHEME WITH SELECTIVE SLEEP (MSS).....24 2.4.3 MULTI-SLOTTED SCHEME WITH ASIGNED SLOTS (MSA)........25 2.5. 其它的防碰撞技術….................................................................................26 2.6. 射頻辨識系統中主動式標籤防碰撞機制的改善….................................27 第 3 章 現有射頻辨識系統中標籤防偽的機制概述...........................................30 3.1. 基本的設定和介紹….................................................................................30 3.2. 簡易的 EPC 標籤防偽機制….................................................................31 3.3. JUELS 提出的標籤防偽機制...................................................................32 3.3.1 JUELS 的基本式標籤防偽...............................................................32 3.3.2 JUELS 的加強式標籤防偽...............................................................33 3.4. DUC ET AL. 提出的標籤防偽機制…………………………………….34 3.5. PUF-CERTIFICATE-IDENTIFY-BASED IDENTIFICATION (PUF-CERT-IBI) 機制…...........................................................................35 3.5.1 PHYSICAL UNCLONABLE FUNCTIONS (PUF)...........................35 3.5.2 金鑰的選取….....................................................................................36 3.5.3 PUF-CERTIFICATE-IDENTIFY-BASED IDENTIFICATION.........37 3.6. 射頻辨識系統中標籤防偽機制的比較….................................................38 3.7. 射頻辨識系統中標籤防偽機制的改善….................................................41 第 4 章 無線射頻之可調式訊號強度與主動式標籤之防碰撞機制…………….42 4.1. EPDC 簡介…............................................................................................43 4.2. EPDC 機制…............................................................................................43 4.3. EPDC 如何運作….....................................................................................44 4.4. EPDC 解析…............................................................................................45 4.5. EPDC 之可行性分析…............................................................................46 第 5 章 無線射頻標籤之防碰撞兼具防偽功能的通訊機制……………………..49 5.1. CRPAC 機制…..........................................................................................49 5.2. CRPAC 如何運作…...................................................................................52 5.2.1 EPC & DCMA的類型........................................................................52 5.2.2 BASIC JUELS & DCMA的類型.......................................................53 5.2.3 ENHANCED JUELS & DCMA 的類型............................................54 5.2.4 DUC & DCMA的類型.......................................................................56 5.3. CRPAC 之比較..........................................................................................57 5.4. CRPAC 之安全性分析..............................................................................59 5.4.1 被動式攻擊之分析.............................................................................59 5.4.2 主動式攻擊之分析.............................................................................60 第 6 章 結論和未來研究方向……………………………………………………..62 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………………..64

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