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研究生: 林育梨
Yu-Li Lin
論文名稱: 應用於動態式階層存取控制之金鑰管理機制
Key Management Mechanisms for Dynamic Hierarchical Access Control
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 楊維寧
Wei-Ning Yang
Chin-Laung Lei
Chung-Huang Yang
Wen-Guey Tzeng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 密碼學金鑰管理存取控制橢圓曲線密碼系統資料庫安全電子訂閱系統行動代理人
外文關鍵詞: electronic subscription system, on-line Pay-TV system
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:11
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  • 一般的資訊系統應用中,使用者為了確保個人電子檔案或文件的機密性,可以利用自己的加密金鑰以及加密技術來對電子檔案或文件執行加解密。企業的組織型態通常為一個階層式架構,組織成員存在著上司與下屬的從屬關係,基於存取控管原則,上司也常被賦與隨時可以存取下屬所擁有的電子檔案或文件的權利。因此,企業組織必須建置一個有效率的金鑰管理機制(key management mechanism),一方面提供個人資料保護,另一面可以允許組織成員根據其權限來存取其下屬的檔案或文件。
    本論文針對階層組織架構可能面臨的動態存取控制(dynamic access control)問題,提出安全且有效率的三種金鑰管理機制:植碁於橢圓曲線密碼系統之動態式階層存取控制(KM-DHAC)、具時限性之動態式階層存取控制(TB-DHAC)、以及適用於行動代理人之動態式階層存取控制(MA-DHAC)。
    考量選用秘密金鑰的彈性度及空間儲存問題,本論文提出一個植碁於橢圓曲線密碼系統(elliptic curve cryptosystem) 之新的動態式階層存取控制 (KM-DHAC)。在階層組織系統中,每位使用者可以選擇自己的秘密金鑰,且只需握有一把秘密金鑰即可推導出另一把加密金鑰,如此一來,不僅達到高彈性、低儲存空間,亦擁有橢圓曲線密碼系統之特性-高效率及高安全性。
    最後,本論文提出一個適用於行動代理人之動態式階層存取控制(MA-DHAC),不同於之前其他學者所提出之方法,本方法中被拜訪的主機(visited host)及行動代理人內之機密檔案(confidential file)皆只擁有一把秘密金鑰(superkey),階層架構中之所有節點皆可以利用superkey及隨機數(random number)推導解密金鑰(decryption key)。如此,一方面可減少行動代理人必須儲存密鑰的空間,另一方面則增加秘密金鑰的重複使用性(reusable)。

    In the general information system applications, users can use their encryption key and encryption technique to ensure individual electronic files and documents confidentially. In modern society, hierarchical structure of users exists in many organizations and is always used to represent the relationship among users. Based on access control principle, predecessors can read and store electronic files or documents that belong to successors. Hence, the organization has to develop an efficient access control mechanism that protects individual information items and allows users to access the successor’s information items according to their privileges.
    In this dissertation, we have presented three key management schemes for dynamic hierarchical access control (DHAC): (i) Novel key management for DHAC scheme (KM-DHAC), (ii) time-bound DHAC scheme (TB-DHAC), and (iii) DHAC scheme for mobile agent (MA-DHAC). Our proposed schemes not only address dynamic access control problems such as adding/deleting a security class, creating/revoking a relationship, and changing a secret key efficiently, but also ensure that any secret information in the system is not disclosed.
    In the previous work, each security class has two secret keys which are generated by CA. Consider the flexibility and storage space, we propose a novel key management scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystem. In proposed KM-DHAC scheme, each security class can choose its own secret keys (a secret key and a decryption key) and uses its secret key to derive related decryption key. These are different from the previous work. Consequently, the proposed KM-DHAC scheme provides not only flexible and lower storage space, but also preserves the characteristic of elliptic curve cryptosystem that can achieve the same security with smaller key size as RSA.
    We consider the situation that a user may be employed for only a period of time. If a user resigned from his position, he cannot decrypt the later data to obtain useful message. For this reason, we proposed a time-bound DHAC scheme (also called TB-DHAC) in which the decryption keys for an authorized receiver is different for each time period. In our scheme, the system can assign each receiver a set of discrete time periods rather than a continuous time interval. The proposed TB-DHAC scheme is suitable for electronic subscription system and on-line Pay-TV system.
    Finally, we design a key management scheme for mobile agent to prevent the sensitive data to from being accessed by an unauthorized host. In proposed MA-DHAC scheme, the mobile agent assigns only one superkey to each visited host and each confidential file. Each visited host can use its superkey and a public random number to derive the intended confidential file. In addition, we adopt one-way hash function to allow the superkeys to be reused. Compared to previous work, the proposed MA-DHAC scheme requires lower storage space of the mobile agent.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 中文摘要 i ABSTRACT iv 誌謝……. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES x Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Motivation and Objective 10 1.3 Organization of Dissertation 12 Chapter 2 System Model of Dynamic Hierarchical Access Control (DHAC) 13 2.1 Traditional DHAC System Model 13 2.2 DHAC System Model for Mobile Agent 19 Chapter 3 Novel key management for DHAC Scheme 30 3.1 Previous Work 30 3.2 Proposed Scheme 32 3.3 Dynamic Access control 36 3.4 Security Analysis 41 3.5 Performance Analysis 46 Chapter 4 Time-Bound DHAC Scheme 51 4.1 Previous Work 51 4.2 Proposed Scheme 52 4.3 Dynamic Access control 56 4.4 Security Analysis 61 4.5 Performance Analysis 67 Chapter 5 DHAC Scheme for Mobile Agent 74 5.1 Previous Work 74 5.2 Proposed Scheme 75 5.3 Dynamic Access control 78 5.4 Security Analysis 81 5.5 Performance Analysis 86 Chapter 6 Discussions 91 Chapter 7 Concluding Remarks 96 Bibliography 98 Biography 107

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