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研究生: 林裕勛
Yu-Hsun Lin
論文名稱: 手機相機模組之容差分析
Tolerance Analysis for the Camera Module of a Cellular Phone
指導教授: 鄧昭瑞
Geo-Ry Tang
Chao-Hsien Chen
口試委員: 蔡志成
Jhy-Cherng Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 相機模組容差手機
外文關鍵詞: camera module, tolerance, cellular phone
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:16
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This work studies the tolerance design of the camera module in cell phones. The research focuses on the tolerance specifications assigned to the optical and mechanical components in the module. A complete design process is described in this thesis. The design starts from choosing a patent camera module of which the optical structure is close to the design goal. The function specification and physical restrictions are then properly defined and an initial design is obtained by modifying the optical parameters from the patent module. Next, an optimization process is conducted through a commercial optic design software package. During the process, proper restrictions to control the profile of aspheric lens are essential to get reasonable outputs.
In order to have products with good quality but competitive price, the design process searches for the robust parameters by means of tolerance analysis. From a given amount of allowable performance degradation, a functional tolerance budget is distributed to the optical components based on sensitivity analysis. It is an iterative process and the adjustments of system parameters are required to enlarge individual tolerances of the components system from a fixed total budget. Since the design software available can only deals with dimensional variations at the assembly condition, a detailed tolerance design is necessary to ensure the quality of an optomechanical system. For a predefined mounting arrangement, this work also studies the geometry constraints due to the size tolerances and the geometrical tolerances specified with the mechanical components of the camera module.

摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖索引VII 表索引X 符號表XII 第一章緒論1 1.1前言1 1.2文獻回顧1 1.3研究方法3 1.4本文架構3 第二章像差理論與非球面透鏡4 2.1高斯光學4 2.1.1基點4 2.1.2基本的符號定則5 2.1.3描光與厚透鏡公式6 2.1.4光學不變量8 2.2像差﹙aberration﹚8 2.2.1球差﹙spherical aberration﹚9 2.2.2慧差﹙coma﹚10 2.2.3場曲﹙curvature of field﹚10 2.2.4像散﹙astigmatism﹚11 2.2.5畸變﹙distortion﹚12 2.2.6色差12 2.2.7薄透鏡像差公式13 2.3非球面透鏡14 第三章光學與機械容差16 3.1光學零件的製造容差16 3.1.1面型容差16 3.1.2厚度容差18 3.1.3表面容差19 3.1.4材料特性的容差20 3.1.5非球面係數21 3.2光學零件的組裝容差21 3.2.1剪切容差21 3.2.2筒狀傾斜容差22 3.2.3透鏡群移動容差22 3.2.4滾動容差23 3.3幾何容差23 3.3.1正位度容差24 3.3.2垂直度容差25 3.3.3曲面輪廓度容差25 3.3.4真平度容差26 3.4容差分析26 3.4.1最差情況法26 3.4.2吉爾森法27 第四章光學系統設計28 4.1訂定系統規格30 4.1.1感測元件30 4.1.2光學特性參數31 4.1.3成像品質33 4.1.4系統長度33 4.2初始系統34 4.3調整與優化初始系統36 4.4優化透鏡輪廓40 4.5容差分析與分配44 4.5.1容差分析45 4.6更改透鏡材質49 第五章鏡頭機構的容差分析54 5.1夾持機構54 5.2透鏡尺寸的標註57 5.3間隔圈尺寸的標註59 5.4容差與機構的關係61 5.4.1透鏡群移動容差61 5.4.2筒狀傾斜容差62 5.4.3光學元件的楔形容差64 5.5鏡筒的尺寸標註與組合件的容差分析65 第六章結論與未來展望69 參考文獻72 作者簡介74

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