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研究生: 欒自雨
Chih-yu Luan
論文名稱: 基於排隊理論之蜂巢式網路節能機制探討
Study on Energy Efficient Mechanism for Cellular Networks Based on Queuing Theory
指導教授: 呂政修
Jenq-Shiou Leu
口試委員: 石維寬
Hsing-Lung Chen
Ray-Guang Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 無線基地台綠能導向節能機制排隊理論
外文關鍵詞: Base Station, Green-Oriented, Energy Efficient Mechanism, Queuing
相關次數: 點閱:438下載:0
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由於科技日新月異的快速發展,人類對於能源的需求與日俱增,隨著各類高排碳量工業的發達,對環境的影響直接反應在全球氣溫暖化,溫室效應持續提升,引起劇變的聖嬰及反聖嬰現象,影響天然氣候常規的循環變化,造成世界各國經濟發展重大的損失。於是,人們開始反思是否因為對科技的過度依賴,造成天然資源的濫用,間接或直接地破壞地球的臭氧層。所以綠色、環保、節能等議題已引起世界各國積極重視,如何減少碳足跡(Carbon Footprint)的產生,就成為當今政府部門及科學家積極的努力方向。目前經統計,ICT產業的能源損耗估計占所有電子損耗的2%至10%,未來ICT產業如何作到綠能導向,經過分析目前ICT業界能源損耗的組件後,發現無線基地台(BS)的能源損耗為主要肇因,所以本文主要探討無線基地台的各種節能機制並運用排隊理論及其經濟效益評估模式提出一個節能機制選定的流程,希望提供網路管理者一個系統運作的參考。

As the rapid advancement of technology development, human are increasingly growing demand for energy. With the development of all kinds of high carbon emissions industry, the direct impacts to the environment are global warming gas continuing to enhance the greenhouse effect, and also causing the El Nino and anti- El Nino phenomenon, affecting the normal cycle of natural climate changes. These are resulting in the significant losses of economic development around the whole world. As a result, people began to think about whether it is because of excessive dependence on technology, resulting in the abuse of natural resources, directly or indirectly damage the earth's ozone layer. So, many of politicians in the world have drawn greatly attention to green, environmental protection, energy conservation and other relative issues. Government departments and scientists become actively endeavoring to reduce carbon footprint. Currently statistics showing that ICT industry is estimated to 2-10% loss accounting for all the electronic energy loss. It is a goal for ICT industry to achieve green-oriented. Through the analysis of the current energy consumption, it is found that the wireless base stations (BS) are the main causes of energy loss. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses the mechanisms of wireless base station. And a process for energy-saving based on queuing theory and its economic assessment model. It is hoping to provide a system operation sample to network administrators.

論文摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝IV 目錄V 圖片索引VII 表格索引IX 第1章緒論1 1.1研究動機與背景1 1.2研究目的2 1.3論文架構2 第2章文獻探討3 2.1蜂巢式網路之組成3 2.2基地台能量損耗因素3 2.3基地台節能方式4 第3章前景知識13 3.1排隊理論介紹13 3.2最基本的排隊模型14 3.3排隊理論的基本要素15 3.4排隊模式主要變數(績效衡量的標準)16 3.5排隊理論的經濟分析17 第4章面臨挑戰19 4.1節能機制選定的流程19 4.2環境評估21 4.3效益衡量標準25 4.4模式選定25 4.5節能方式搭配26 第5章運用環境假設28 5.1單一基地台於單一蜂巢式網路28 5.1.1環境假設28 5.1.2節能機制啟動衡量方式29 5.2多個基地台於蜂巢式網路35 5.2.1環境假設35 5.2.2節能機制啟動衡量方式35 第6章結論與未來研究方向之建議39 參考文獻41

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