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研究生: 彭永賢
論文名稱: 職涯選擇工作平台之探討
The Exploration of Work Platforms for Career Choice
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tainyi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 工作平台連結經濟職涯選擇多邊平台商業模式網絡組織
外文關鍵詞: job platform, connection economy, career choice, multiple-side business model, network organization
相關次數: 點閱:217下載:6
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移動定位服務(Location-based Service)開啟了美國Uber、中國滴滴打車的叫車服務,轎車司機透過網路與手機,即時與叫車客戶連結;UberRush組織腳踏車手或走路工當快遞;GigWalk讓個人可在地承接小工作;美國Kickstart、台灣FlyingV讓每個人推銷自己的計畫,向廣大群眾募集資金,再製造產品或執行專案計畫;Quirky 讓大眾發表想法或參與新商品構想,經平台委員及會員評選,若成功再與發表人及參與者分利;99designs 讓發包者如同舉行設計比賽,用小成本就可從眾多的設計作品中,挑選最愛;瑞典Crowding讓企業向大眾發出挑戰,徵求各種問題解決方案;日本創河連結創意工作者與文創影音製作公司;Linkedin網站藉由使用者建立的專業人脈網絡、專業社群,為自己找尋工作機會、商業交易機會或發掘人才等。
1. 職涯選擇的影響因素及流程為何?有何工具可運用?
2. 現有的「工作平台」有那些類型?其商業(營運)模式為何?如何運用?
3. 隨政治、經濟、社會及科技(PEST)趨勢、企業發展與新世代人心需求,工作平台將如何發展?
1. 依職涯選擇理論,歸納整理出職涯選擇的流程與影響因素供參考。
2. 依創業、自營、正職、非典型四種從業身份,再加「其它綜合」共五類來分類並枚舉各工作平台,再選出典範個案,說明商業模式並歸納其演變。
3. 隨競爭與社會發展,「企業網絡化」、「網絡企業化」雙向發展成「網絡團隊」,企業成一群網絡節點的動態連結集合,推論「團隊經紀教練平台」形成。

With the rapid development of information networks and mobile technology, "connection economy" has changed the operational relationship among enterprise, customers and the third-party vendors. "Network organization" formed by the relationship changes subvert human work patterns. From the job seeker’s perspective, this study investigates the application of the work platforms using the "new working relationship" between the organizations and people.
Location-based Service opened the called car service of American Uber and China "Di Di Da Che". The passengers instantly link with the cab drivers through the mobile phones. Once a user requests UberRUSH, a courier will arrive either on bike or on foot to deliver a package elsewhere. American Kickstart, Taiwan FlyingV enable everyone to sell their plan and raise funds from the masses, and then manufacture a product or execute project plan. Quirky let the public participate in the new product idea or post conception. If the conception got approval by the platform committee, the benefits will be distributed among the initiator, participants and platform. With the help of 99designs, employer post a design request like holding a competition, then pick his favorite from numerous design works. Sweden Crowding allows enterprises to issue a challenge to the public to seek solutions to various problems. Japan "Creek & River" connects the creative professionals and production companies. Via LinkedIn, users can create a professional network of contacts, join the professional communities, identify talent, and find jobs or business transaction opportunities.
In the "connection economy" generations, the platform develops mutually beneficial ecosystem and create new value chain by linking people, companies, a number of groups and resources. Many occupations have new "working style" such as cab drivers, writers, designers, entrepreneurs and so on. There are many aspects of these new changes, this study focus are as follows.
When a person graduates, unemployed or want to change job, he needs to think about the following questions:
1. What are the factors and process flow of a career choice? What tools are available to use?
2. How to classify those existing work platforms? What are their business models? How to use them?
3. How will the work platform evolve with PEST trends, enterprise development and the needs of the new generation people?
The study results as follows.
1. According to career choice theory, collate and analyze the processes and factors that influence career choice.
2. By entrepreneurs, self-employed, principal, atypical four kinds of practitioners of identity, coupled with “other comprehensive” of five to classify and enumerate the working platforms, then select multiple model cases to illustrate their business models, and summarizes their evolution.
3. With competition and social development, the two-way evolvement between “enterprise networking” and “network enterprising” will form a “networking teams”. The enterprise or organization becomes a dynamic link to a gathering of network nodes.
This research expects that the job seekers could efficiently utilize the work platforms and two summarized career choice diagrams- the factors and the process flow. And I suggest that more in-depth follow-up studies can develop work platforms and create "personal values".

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 VI 目錄 VIII 圖目錄 XII 表目錄 XIV 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的與問題 3 1.3 研究方法 3 1.3.1 研究架構與流程 4 1.3.2 職涯選擇 5 1.3.3 商業模式與工作平台 5 1.4 章節介紹 6 第二章、 文獻探討 7 2.1 競爭趨勢 7 2.1.1 連結經濟 7 2.1.2 網絡組織 11 2.1.3 眾包 13 2.2 商業模式與多邊平台 14 2.2.1 商業模式 14 2.2.2 多邊平台 18 2.3 職涯選擇 22 2.3.1 職業、職涯、生涯定義 22 2.3.2 職涯理論分類 26 2.3.3 職涯選擇相關理論摘選 29 2.3.4 職涯選擇輔助工具 41 2.3.5 職業結構 43 第三章、 文獻研究整理歸納 46 3.1 商業模式與多邊平台整理歸納 46 3.2 職涯選擇整理歸納 47 3.2.1 從業身份定義 47 3.2.2 職涯選擇影響因素 49 3.2.3 職涯選擇的流程 51 第四章、 工作平台分類與個案 53 4.1 工作平台分類枚舉 53 4.2 創業類平台 55 4.2.1 FlyingV 57 4.2.2 AppWorks 61 4.3 自營類平台 63 4.3.1 黑秀網 64 4.3.2 Pinkoi 69 4.3.3 呼叫師傅 74 4.4 正職類平台 77 4.4.1 104 人力銀行 77 4.5 非典型類平台 80 4.5.1 主管司機 80 4.5.2 GigWalk 83 4.6 其它類平台 85 4.6.1 LinkedIn 85 4.6.2 日本創河 88 第五章、 研究發現 93 第六章、 結論、建議及推論 100 第七章、 研究限制 103 參考文獻 104 附錄-工作平台網站列表 111  

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