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研究生: 謝宛儒
Wan-Ru Shie
論文名稱: 理論計算於新型紫精衍生物之電化學和電致變色性質的研究
A Theoretical study on electrochemical and electrochromic properties of novel viologen derivatives
指導教授: 江志強
Jyh-Chiang Jiang
口試委員: 廖德章
Der-Jang LIAW
Ming-Kang Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 電致變色新型紫精衍生物理論計算電致變色材料
外文關鍵詞: Electrochromic Materials, Theoretical study, viologen derivatives
相關次數: 點閱:409下載:4
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本研究以有機電致變色材料為主軸,利用Gaussian09中的密度泛函理論(DFT)及時間相依密度泛函理論(TD-DFT)進行電致變色材料的分析,研究了它們的電化學和光學性質,藉由改變材料的共振配體(conjugation group)、推電子基(electron donating group)及分子間的共振強度(  spacer),系統性的分析並提出能提升電致變色材料光電強度的策略。此外,我們還探討了不同強度的推電子基的效應以及溶劑對氧化和還原過程中對整體電致變色的影響。計算結果顯示所設計的單體具有清晰的顏色轉換在氧化還原過程中
。當引入更強的推電子基團和更強的 spacer在第二氧化態中有新的長波長(NIR)吸收峰產生。因此,可增加其應用性。透過本研究,吾人更加了解不同取代基在整體電致變色材料中所扮演的角色,以及發展出可同時用於氧化及還原型態的新型電致變色材料,有助於未來的電致變色材料之設計及應用,本研究希望除了透過傳統實驗的分析之外,從理論計算的角度出發,提出新的觀點供其他學者參考。

Electrochromism is the property of a material to reversibly change the color as a result of electrochemical oxidation or reduction driven by electrical bias. Recently, studies on electrochromic materials (EC) and designing suitable electrochromic devices (ECD) has attracted great attention because of their potential applications in various fields such as smart windows, mirrors, safety helmets, and displays. Among the different kind of EC materials, viologen (1-1’-disubstituted-4,4’-bipyridinum) is used as a redox couple in many electrochemical and photoelectrochemical processes, since it undergoes reversible one-electron reductions and formed very stable radical cations at very low potential. However, most of the electrochromic materials can only be used in the one direction such as either reduction or oxidation process, which resulted in only one color state. Thus, finding suitable EC materials is essential in developing a new generation of electrochromic devices. A high-performance EC material primarily should possess multicolored characteristics, long-term stability, easy processing and rapid response time. Keeping in mind, In this study, we aimed to develop the novel electrochromic materials which can be used in both reduction and oxidation processes.
In this study, we propose a simple linkage approach by merging ambipolar EC materials in both -acceptor- (-A-) and donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) configurations composed of Anthracene, Toluene, and Pyrene as -conjugated molecules, TPA as a donor and viologen as an acceptor moiety investigated their electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties using density functional theory calculations. Furthermore, we also explored the substitutional effects in donor moiety as well as the different solvents on the overall electrochromism during both oxidation and reduction processes using. Here mainly we focused the relationship between the structure, functional group’s electronic and spectral properties, as well as redox potential of designed monomers. Our calculations indicate that designed monomers have attractive absorption properties, and show clear color switching upon the redox process. Besides, introducing stronger electron donating group and stronger -spacer cause the new absorption peaks in the second oxidation states. These designed viologen derivatives will be potential candidates, which can be used in both oxidation and reduction processes for upcoming electrochromic devices.

Abstract I 摘要 II CONTENT III INDEX OF FIGURES V INDEX OF TABLES VIII Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Chromic materials 1 1.2 Electrochromic materials 2 1.2.1 Electrochromic oxidation materials 3 1.2.2 Electrochromic reduction materials 4 1.3 Electrochromic device 7 1.4 Application of electrochromic material 9 1.5 Present work 11 Chapter 2. Computational details 13 Chapter 3. 16 Design of novel electrochromic materials based on viologen: Effects of Donor and π-conjugation length 17 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Structural properties of viologen derivatives: 18 3.2 Optical properties 23 3.3 Electrochromic Properties: 27 3.4 Effects of substitution on EC properties 37 3.5 Conclusion 42 Chapter 4. 43 Design of novel electrochromic materials based on viologen: Effects of Solvent, Strength of Donor and π-spacer 43 4.1 Introduction 43 4.2 Effects of Conjugation in solution 44 4.3 Effects of Donor substitution in solution 54 4.4 Effect of π-spacer in D-A-D configuration 63 4.4 Conclusion 73 Chapter 5. Summary 74 Reference 76 Appendices 81

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