簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳刻墾
Ke-Ken Wu
論文名稱: 交友軟體介面資訊架構及檢索方式之設計研究
Research on the Interface Information Architecture and Retrieval Approach of Dating Applications
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Wen-Hsiang Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 交友軟體資訊架構資訊檢索方式介面設計使用性工程
外文關鍵詞: Dating application, Information architecture, Information retrieval approach, Interface design, Usability engineering
相關次數: 點閱:283下載:50
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According to the report of Future Business in 2021, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world has strictly adopted a quarantine policy, forcing all social fields to close overnight, and making people immediately lose the opportunity to communicate and connect with emotions. In the post-epidemic era, dating applications will no longer only provide singles to look for partners, but will gradually become a new medium for users to establish friendship. Therefore, this research takes dating applications as the research topic, and explores the influence with information architecture and retrieval approach on interface and experience through experimental methods. And based on the experimental results, the future interface design improvements and suggestions are proposed.
This research experiment is divided into two phases: (1) The pilot experiment takes three existing dating applications in Taiwan to analyze the information structure and sort out the functions, and conducts experimental operation and observes the usage through smart mobile devices. Finally, understand the existing dating applications Interface design and experience issues through interviews. (2) The confirmatory experiment is 2 (shallow information architecture and deep Information architecture) ×3 (browsing, searching, and compositing retrieval approach) two-way ANOVA. According to the results of the literature collation and pilot experiment, the information architecture and interface were redesigned, and 6 confirmatory experiment samples were designed; the confirmatory experiment invites a total of 60 testees, and conducted experiments through between-subjects, taking operating time performance and usage experience as dependent variables to explore the differences in the influence and use of independent variables.
The results of the confirmatory experiment are as follows: (1) shallow information structure is more suitable for dating applications, and the operation is more in line with the user's mental model; (2) browsing and compositing retrieval approach are more in line with the user operating habits, and help to quickly read the information provided by the dating applications. It will not change due to specific search requirements; (3) provide a good and easy-to-read icon design on the interface, which is easier for users with low experience in using dating software to learn; (4) the interface design of dating applications should keep up with the times and consider the prevailing interface design trends and user habits in the current era; (5) The chat message classification should provide a design for switching between different pages according to the reading status, so that users can search for chat records; (6) interest tags can be added to the criteria filtering setting of friends, and interest is used as the matching condition, and add the function of setting completion, so that the user has a complete action relationship after completing the setting; (7) The display of the dating page can be the form of the whole photo as an overall design, which is more in line with the user visual feeling.

摘要ii ABSTRACTiii 誌謝v 目錄vi 表目錄ix 圖目錄xii 第壹章 緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的2 1.3研究架構3 1.4研究範圍與限制5 第貳章 文獻探討6 2.1網路交友之相關研究6 2.1.1網路的特性6 2.1.2網路交友行為7 2.1.3網路交友動機8 2.2交友軟體9 2.3資訊架構10 2.3.1資訊架構概念10 2.3.2心智模式與資訊架構12 2.3.3資訊架構分析方式14 2.4資訊檢索16 2.4.1 資訊尋求行為16 2.4.2 資訊檢索方式17 2.5使用者介面設計19 2.5.1 介面設計19 2.5.2 使用者介面設計原則19 2.5.3使用性工程20 2.5.4使用性評估21 2.6文獻探討小結23 第參章 研究方法與實驗流程24 3.1研究方法24 3.2研究流程27 3.3研究流程架構28 第肆章 前導性研究與實驗29 4.1前導性實驗受測樣本29 4.1.1 A樣本29 4.1.2 B樣本30 4.1.3 C樣本31 4.2資訊架構整理32 4.2.1資訊架構-內容蒐集32 4.2.2資訊架構-內容分析36 4.2.3功能統整表37 4.3前導性實驗設備39 4.4前導性實驗流程與規劃40 4.5前導性實驗任務設計41 4.6前導性實驗研究結果42 4.6.1受測者資料分析42 4.6.2任務T1-1「查看主頁面交友資訊」功能實驗分析43 4.6.3任務T1-2「查看目前喜歡你的人數」功能實驗分析44 4.6.4任務T2-1「查看已配對名單中的好友資訊」功能實驗分析47 4.6.5任務T2-2「使用搜尋功能找到已配對對象」功能實驗分析48 4.6.6任務T3-1「瀏覽個人資訊頁面並進入編輯」功能實驗分析49 4.6.7任務T3-2「新增一張個人照片並上傳」功能實驗分析50 4.6.8任務T3-3「新增職業信息(職稱)及喜好興趣」功能實驗分析51 4.6.9任務T4-1「交友條件設定」功能實驗分析52 4.6.10系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分數分析55 4.7前導性實驗小結56 第伍章 驗證性實驗與設計57 5.1驗證實驗研究變項58 5.2驗證實驗設計與流程62 5.2.1驗證實驗樣本63 5.2.2驗證實驗問卷與任務設計70 5.3驗證實驗對象71 5.4驗證實驗結果72 5.4.1任務T1「查看好友資訊」功能實驗分析73 5.4.2任務T2「查看好友訊息」功能實驗分析77 5.4.3任務T3「新增職業為學生」功能實驗分析81 5.4.4任務T4「新增運動興趣為羽球並刪除登山」功能實驗分析85 5.4.5任務T5「新增其他興趣為攝影」功能實驗分析89 5.4.6任務T6「交友條件設定」功能實驗分析90 5.4.7系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分數分析91 第陸章 結論與建議92 6.1結論92 6.1.1前導性實驗之現有交友軟體之研究實驗結果92 6.1.2驗證實驗之交友軟體資訊架構與資訊檢索方式之設計研究結果93 6.2設計建議94 6.3後續研究建議96 參考文獻 97 附錄103 附錄一、前導性實驗問卷:現有交友軟體使用經驗與情況調查103 附錄二、驗證性實驗問卷:交友軟體驗證介面模擬設計107 附錄三、系統使用性尺度量表(System Usability Scale, SUS)110

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