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研究生: 陳正偉
Cheng-wei Chen
論文名稱: 觸控介面操作使用經驗之研究與設計-以電子睡眠日誌為例
The Study and Design on Usability and User Experience of Touch Screen - A Case Study of Electronic Sleep Diary
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-hui Tang
口試委員: 陳玲鈴
Lin-Lin Chen
Chien-Hsiung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 睡眠日誌觸控操作介面設計使用性使用經驗
外文關鍵詞: Sleep Diary, Operation of touch screen, Interface design, Usablity, User experience
相關次數: 點閱:473下載:26
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  • 隨著科技進步,現今觸控介面的應用越來越多,市面上見到的電腦作業系統與硬體也漸漸往觸控及平板電腦操作發展,趨勢在於操作方式是直覺且多變化的,然而與個人電腦鍵盤滑鼠的輸入有所差異,例如觸控方式是以手指或筆尖接觸螢幕上的功能圖示,而個人電腦是靠滑鼠左右鍵及滾輪的滑動在螢幕上做輸入操作,其觸控操作方式皆不同於鍵盤滑鼠輸入,因此在人機互動方面產生了新的議題。

    With the enhancing technology, there are more and more applications of the touch screen coming out nowadays. The operation system and hardware of touch and tablet computer are developed gradually on the market. Because of the variation of operating, it’s different from touch and keyboard by entering. For example, by clicking the icon on the screen, we need finger and pen to touch. On the other hand, the personal computer uses the mouse with left and right to enter. Owing to the situation, there is the new topic for discussion in Human Computer Interaction (HCI).
    Life pressure has become a big issue to many people in recent year, such like insomnia and sleeping problems. The research, “Electronic Sleep Diary”, is the product records the daily activity for insomnia patient during the process of examination and now the traditional sleep diary has digitalized. Hopefully it would improve the usability by screen touch.
    According my research, the interface of electronic sleep diary is developed for user-centered design. Planning the different methods for screen touch and problem analysis during touch process and developing the new way of manipulation. Let user easily control the diary. The goals of the research are the following. 1) With the traditional sleep diary, it turns into the electronic sleep diary. 2) The experiment has two parts, the first one compares the traditional paper record method and electronic sleep diary, the second compares the original version of electronic sleep diary and iPad version using the different manipulating method to find out user's usability issue.3) The design and discussion of manipulating process and usability. The research experiment and the result show electronic diary hafees higher achievement than the traditional method. User has higher rating than the old method. We experiment the testers about the visual images, interaction manipulate information architecture and user experiment. User's point of view is important in developing the product and interface design. The original version and iPad have different comments on scenario and user experiment. Moreover, the original one looks more professional and good feelings for user. The iPad version has higher usability than the original one. With the user experience and scenario, it revises and assists designer in screen touch and interface design.
    By the two part experiment, there are two suggestions of the following.1) With the concept of HCI added in the design helps the users easy in learning, effectively writing the diary and review the information. Furthermore, the user works on the diary more effective and process becomes more interesting. 2) Throughout the testers' interview, designer's concept doesn't really perfect the needs for the user. The designer should join the multidisciplinary-team and make the user evaluation in the process. Then it would help the designer finish and let the result better.

    中文摘要i 英文摘要iii 謝誌v 目錄vi 圖表目錄ix 第一章緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究問題4 1.3研究目的4 1.4研究架構5 1.5研究範圍與限制8 第二章文獻探討9 2.1人機介面10 2.1.1圖型化使用者介面11 2.1.2認知心理12 2.1.3使用性13 2.2使用者中心設計13 2.2.1使用者經驗14 2.2.2資訊架構16 2.2.3隱喻設計17 2.3研究方法分析與設計17 2.3.1使用者介面塑模19 2.4睡眠日誌介紹19 2.4.1電子睡眠日誌發展20 2.4.2觸控操作22 2.5平板電腦產品介紹22 2.5.1型別22 2.5.2系統軟體23 2.6文獻探討小結 24 第三章研究方法與步驟25 3.1研究設計25 3.2研究流程27 3.3研究方法與問卷設計28 3.3.1研究問卷使用量表統計28 3.3.2研究記錄分析方式-紮根理論29 3.4介面設計發展30 3.4.1紙本睡眠日誌內容分析30 3.4.2電子睡眠日誌介面設計31 3.4.3電子睡眠日誌原版本系統與操作方式36 3.4.4電子睡眠日誌iPad版本系統與操作方式38 3.5第一次實驗 - 紙本與電子睡眠日誌實驗40 3.5.1受測者41 3.5.2實驗規劃42 3.5.3任務設計42 3.5.4測量方法43 3.6第二次實驗 – 電子睡眠日誌原版本與iPad版本44 3.6.1受測者46 3.6.2實驗規劃46 3.6.3任務設計46 3.6.4測量方法47 第四章研究成果48 4.1第一次實驗結果-紙本與電子睡眠日誌48 4.2第一次實驗口語記錄與譯碼結果51 4.3第二次實驗結果-電子睡眠日誌原版與iPad版56 4.4第二次實驗結果口語記錄與譯碼結果59 第五章討論65 5.1睡眠日誌內容數位化討論65 5.2電子睡眠日誌介面討論68 5.3觸控產品與內容的結合70 5.4增加觸控介面使用性設計之討論71 第六章結論與建議73 6.1研究結論73 6.1.1電子睡眠日誌介面設計之結論73 6.1.2於使用經驗研究之結論74 6.2後續研究與建議75 參考文獻76 附錄78 附錄一 美國睡眠協會紙本睡眠日誌-英文部份78 附錄二 美國睡眠協會紙本睡眠日誌-中文部份79 附錄三 第一次實驗問卷部份80 附錄四 第一次實驗問卷獨立樣本分析部份87 附錄五 第一次實驗開放性問答與譯碼部份89 附錄六 第二次實驗問卷部份97 附錄七 第二次實驗問卷獨立樣本分析部份104 附錄八 第二次實驗開放性問答與譯碼部份106

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