簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蕭鴻達
Hung-Ta Hsiao
論文名稱: 軟硬兼施-公司成長策略的多面向發展
Both Hard and Soft – Multi-Oriented Development of the Company's Growth Strategy
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 成長策略資源拼湊組織靈巧性價值共創
外文關鍵詞: Growth Strategy, Resources Bricolage, Organizational Ambidexterity, Value Co-creation
相關次數: 點閱:439下載:8
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T-Shike is a system integration manufacturer in the information service industry, and is a leader in the industry. It's an agent for selling world-famous brand computer communication products and providing product construction and maintenance. It also provides software and hardware system integration services for almost 30 years. Brad is the top executive of the customer service business department of T-Shike. After discovering the performance of business department in the past five years has not been able to grow in revenue gross profit, he considers how to lead the team to break through the stagnation and how to develop new growth strategy. In developing a new growth strategy of the solution in Internet of Things, it is expected that new product can be energy to increase revenue in new market, and also brings revenue to the original service. After the strategy is determined, what Brad should do is organizing the project team as soon as possible. When the project is established, how he can let the new project team grow quickly and accumulate experience. And the project team adjust to the difficulties in implementing the project in recent years. Finally, the team grow up with customers and original factories to make a common chain to jointly promote the project to achieve a win-win situation.
This thesis allows students to understand how to analyze and define the aspect of strategic policy, and how to find the corresponding growth strategy when they assume the role of decision-makers and face the threats. They would also know how to avoid spending too much money for reducing the cost pressure in the early stage of strategy implementation, and use the available resources to quickly support the implementation of the strategy. Project team can learn and work simultaneously in the face of project implementation. At the same time, they can use resources and explore to accumulate experience, and quickly modify its strategic model, and assess whether the current organization needs to be adjusted. Finally, it realizes mutual assistance and mutual growth between customers, original factories and companies, and create value together.
This thesis adopts Harvard Case Writing Method, including two parts: case text and teacher manual. The teacher manual describes the discussion contents in the case in detail. The main topics are Growth Strategy, Resources Bricolage, Organizational Ambidexterity, and Value Co-creation. It uses the literature theory and case analysis to achieve the purpose of combining thetry and practice.

摘要-I Abstract-II 誌謝-III 第一部分、個案本文-1 第一節、 發現困境、長思對策-1 第二節、 分析環境,謀定策略-4 第三節、 合作連橫,軟硬出擊-9 第四節、 調整腳步、重新再起-16 第五節、 魚幫水、水幫魚一同共創價值-24 第六節、 下一步-27 第二部分、個案教學指引-30 第一節、 個案總覽-30 第二節、 教學目標及課程適用對象-30 第三節、 課前準備與討論-32 第四節、 教學總覽-33 第五節、 個案背景-33 第六節、 問題討論與參考答案-35 第七節、 教學建議與時間分配-45 第八節、 板書規劃-48 參考文獻-53 中文文獻-53 網路部分-53 英文文獻-54

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