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研究生: Marojahan Tampubolon
Marojahan - Tampubolon
論文名稱: 具最大功率追蹤控制數位化差動升壓型換流器之研製
Study and Implementation of a DSP-Based Differential Boost Inverter with Maximum Power Point Tracking
指導教授: 羅有綱
Yu-Kang Lo
Huang-Jen Chiu
口試委員: Yi-Hua Liu
Yi-Hua Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 83
中文關鍵詞: 最大功率追蹤擾動觀察法差動升壓型換流器數位信號處理器控制
外文關鍵詞: Maximum power point tracking, P&O method, differential boost inverter, DSP control
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:37
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  • 鑒於太陽能電池之轉換效率問題,本論文旨在研製一應用於再生能源之以數位信號處理器實現最大功率追蹤之差動升壓型換流器。差動升壓型換流器(differential boost inverter, DBI)為一新型之架構,然而,此架構之數位控制尚未有論文針對其探討,因此本文將以數位控制實現控制此新型架構。本論文所採用之最大功率追蹤發法為擾動觀察法,此方法因其具有較易實現與較少之量測參數之特性而被廣泛使用。本論文使用數位信號處理器Picollo F28035實現此方法。
    此外,本論文亦介紹DBI之動作原理,此新型換流器相較於傳統之太陽能換流器具有能以單級轉換器實現升壓功能之優點。最後本論文實作出一具以數位控制最大功率追蹤之差動升壓型換流器,並透過實際量測驗證此架構之理論與可行性。實驗結果顯示出以擾動觀察法達到最大功率追蹤之效果卓越,其最大準確度達98. 91%。此外,DBI 在負載變動下亦能夠產生一正弦波信號。

    This thesis especially presents a DSP-based differential boost inverter (DBI) with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for renewable energy applications. This study becomes important because photovoltaic (PV) efficiency is a big concern. Moreover, a differential boost inverter is a relatively new topology of inverter as an alternative to the conventional PV inverter. However, the MPPT implementation based on this inverter has not been investigated yet. The MPPT method employed in this study was P&O method. This technique is widely used because it is easy to implement and need fewer measured parameters. To implement this technique, a digital signal processor (DSP) based on Picollo F28035 is used.
    Furthermore, a review of DBI is also introduced. The advantage of this inverter comparing to a conventional PV inverter is its ability to produce a sinusoidal output voltage higher than its input voltage in single-stage conversion. A prototype implementation has been done. The results show that the P&O MPPT method has been successfully implemented. The maximum MPPT accuracy is 98. 91%. In addition, The DBI is able to produce a sinusoidal output at the various load levels.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACTi 摘 要ii TABLE OF CONTENTSiv LIST OF FIGURESvii LIST OF TABLESxi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1 1.1. Background1 1.2. Thesis Organization2 CHAPTER 2 BASIC OF PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL4 2.1. Category of Photovoltaic Cell4 2.1.1. Polycrystalline Silicon4 2.1.2. Mono Crystalline Silicon5 2.1.3. Amorphous Silicon5 2.2. Operation Principle of Photovoltaic Cell6 2.3. Equivalent Circuit Model8 2.4. Photovoltaic Cell11 CHAPTER 3 DIFFERENTIAL BOOST INVERTER13 3.1. Introduction13 3.2. Topology14 3.3. Principle of Operation14 3.4. Modeling Representation16 3.4.1. Bidirectional Boost Converter Modeling16 3.4.2. Bidirectional Boost Inverter Modeling18 CHAPTER 4 MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING24 4.1.MPPT Method Reviews24 4.1.1.Voltage Feedback Method24 4.1.2. Power Feedback Method25 4.1.3. Perturbation and Observation Method26 4.1.4. Increment Conductance Method28 4.2. Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Introduction31 4.3. DSP Based DBI with MPPT32 4.3.1. PV Current and Voltage Sensing34 4.3.2. P&O Implementation in DSP36 4.3.3. Analog to Digital Converter37 4.3.4. Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM)37 CHAPTER 5 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS40 5.1. Power Components40 5.1.1. Inductor and Capacitor Design41 5.1.2. Power MOSFET42 5.2. Auxiliary Components44 5.2.1. Bootstrap Design44 5.2.2. Snubber Design46 5.3. Sensing Interface49 5.3.1. Input Current Sensing Interfacing49 5.3.2. Input Voltage Sensing Interfacing50 5.4. Experimental Result and Analysis52 5.4.1. DBI Performance Without MPPT53 5.4.2. MPPT Controller Performance58 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK67 6.1. Conclusion67 6.2. Future Work67 REFERENCES69

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