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研究生: 何定陽
Ding-Yang Ho
論文名稱: 基於增強式學習架構的組合分段可變步長演算法設計
Design of Combined Piecewise Variable Step-Size Algorithm Based on Boosted Learning Architecture
指導教授: 徐勝均
Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
口試委員: 錢膺仁
Ying-Ren Chien
Cheng-Hao Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 自適應濾波器增強式濾波器組合步長仿射投影符號演算法集成學習脈衝雜訊
外文關鍵詞: Adaptive Filters, Boosted Filters, Combined-Step-Size Affine Projection Sign Algorithm, Ensemble Learning, Impulse Noise
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:0
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隨著時代的變遷與科技的進展,無線傳輸在自動化與控制工程的應用日益受到重視。許多基於無線傳輸的消費性電子產品,其傳輸訊息的過程可能受到許多不同大小和頻率的雜訊干擾。此雜訊甚至可能是脈衝型的雜訊。這樣的脈衝型雜訊會讓自適應濾波器在進行系統識別時得到較差的收斂結果,甚至會造成發散的現象。既有的自適應濾波演算法可以透過可變步長演算法(或是更進一步的組成步階長度演算法),搭配著符號函數的計算方式,來降低脈衝雜訊之影響。然而,當輸入訊號以及整體系統變為複雜時,收斂速度以及穩態誤差的表現仍需要加以改善。為了克服上述方式的缺點,在本研究中我們提出了一類新型自適應濾波演算法的構想。透過結合增強式機器學習以及組合步長的自適性設計概念,使其不僅對於各式雜訊的兼容程度可以提升,即使當環境有所改變時,也能夠較快且較佳地收斂。透過結合增強式濾波器(Boosted Adaptive Filter)中所運用到的機器學習之集成學習(Ensemble Learning)概念,將多個弱濾波器結合來得到一個強濾波器。然後,以組成步長的方法(Combined-Step-Size)來優化各個弱濾波器之間的組成權重。更進一步,進行脈衝偵測,再以此結果來執行分段更新(Piecewise Update)。其中,分段更新結合了:(1) 仿射投影符號演算法(Affine Projection Sign Algorithm, APSA)以抑制脈衝雜訊;(2) 針對一般雜訊的最小均方演算法(Least Mean Square, LMS)來降低運算複雜度。增強式架構中的重要參數以及函式都需針對具有脈衝雜訊的情況來進行重新設計;此外,也針對組合步長的公式重新設計推導,將兩個步長延伸至多個步長。模擬結果顯示:本研究所提出的方法可以在具有脈衝雜訊環境下成功提高系統識別的性能。即使在真實系統具有多變化的情況下,估測系統與真實系統間的誤差也能更快速地收斂,且維持低穩態誤差。

With the changes of the times as well as the progress of science and technology, the application of wireless transmission to automation and control engineering has attracted more and more attention. Many consumer electronic products based on wireless transmission may be interfered by noises of different sizes and frequencies in the process of transmitting messages. This noise may even be pulse-shaped noise. Such impulsive noise will cause the adaptive filter to obtain poor convergence results in system identification, and even cause divergence. The existing adaptive filtering algorithm can reduce the influence of impulse noise through variable step-size algorithm (or further combinational step-size algorithm), combined with the calculation of sign function, to reduce the impact of impulse noise. However, when the input signals and entire systems are complicated, the convergence speed and steady-state error performance still need to be improved. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the above methods, in this research we propose a new adaptive filtering algorithm concept. By combining the enhanced machine learning and the concept of combinational step-size, it not only can not improve the compatibility corresponding to various types of noise, but also can converge faster and better even when the environment changes. By combining the Ensemble Learning concept of Machine Learning used in Boosted Adaptive Filter, multiple weak filters are combined to obtain a strong filter. The Combined-Step-Size method is then used to optimize the weight of the composition of each weak filter. Furthermore, pulse detection is performed, and then the Piecewise Update is performed based on the detection result. Therein, the Piecewise Update combines: (1) Affine Projection Sign Algorithm (APSA) to suppress impulse noise, and (2) Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm for general noise to reduce computational complexity. The important parameters and functions in the Boosted Architecture need to be redesigned for the situation with impulse noise; in addition, the formula for the Combined-Step-Size is redesigned and deduced, and the two step lengths are extended to multiple step lengths. The simulation results show that the method proposed in this research can successfully improve the performance of system identification in an environment with impulse noise. Even when the real system is changeable, the error between the estimated system and the real system can converge faster, and the low steady-state error still can be maintained.

致謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 方法與貢獻 3 1.4 論文架構 4 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1 自適應演算法 6 2.2 含脈衝環境之影響討論 7 2.3 脈衝偵測 8 2.4 仿射投影符號演算法 9 2.4.1 仿射投影符號演算法說明 9 2.4.2 最小均方算法以及仿射投影符號演算法的比較 12 2.5 增強濾波器 13 2.6 組合步長仿射投影符號演算法 18 2.6.1 可變步長仿射投影符號演算法 18 2.6.2 組合步長的特點 18 第三章 組合分段可變步長演算法設計 21 3.1 問題陳述 21 3.2 架構設計大綱 21 3.3 分段更新以及脈衝偵測 24 3.3.1 分段更新 24 3.3.2 脈衝偵測 25 3.4 增強式學習架構 26 3.5 增強架構之設計 27 3.5.1 架構設計 27 3.5.2 差異指數l設計 28 3.6 可變步長策略 33 3.7 組合步長算法 34 3.7.1 結合增強架構的多級組合步長算法 34 3.7.2 多級的組合步長算法設計 36 第四章 測試結果與討論 41 4.1 評估標準 41 4.1.1 系統的歸一化均方差 41 4.1.2 訊號雜訊比 41 4.2 實驗流程 42 4.3 實驗結果與分析 42 4.3.1 增強架構的參數數值測試 43 4.3.2 組合方法測試 48 4.3.3 組合步長仿設投影演算法比較 50 4.3.4 結果分析 56 第五章 結論與未來展望 57 5.1 結論 57 5.2 未來展望 58 附錄 59 參考文獻 61

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