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研究生: 黃川庭
Chuan-Tim Huang
論文名稱: 珠寶照明設計中LED色溫對珠寶成色與購買意願之探討
The Study of Purchase Intention in the LED Lighting and color temperature for Jewelry Color
指導教授: 王韋堯
Regina W. Y. Wang
口試委員: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
Chien-Hsiung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: LED色溫珠寶照明設計情緒維度購買意願
外文關鍵詞: ighting design for jewelry, emotional dimension
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:6
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  • LED是一個新興環保節能光源,商業照明紛紛採用更節能之LED照明。珠寶行業也是現今使用LED照明數量最多之一,也是高價值的零售展示商業。珠寶本身不發光,藉由照明環境中,光投射到珠寶呈現不同光澤與顏色。因此呈現珠寶的美,必須要有合適的珠寶照明設計。但何種照明適合何種顏色之珠寶可以使消費者產生較愉悅之情緒及喚起情緒,進而產生較高購買意願卻缺乏相關研究。有鑒於此,本研究主要目的為探討不同LED色溫下,消費者對珠寶色系產生之情緒維度及對珠寶產生之購買意願影響。經由收集珠寶照明設計樣本使用情況之分析,設計不同LED色溫照明,透過觀察法、實驗法與實境問卷法收集消費者對不同色系珠寶在不同色溫之LED照射環境下的情緒維度所引發對珠寶購買意願,探討珠寶照明設計之情緒維度與購買意願之關係。研究結果顯示,消費者在不同LED色溫照射下對不同顏色寶石之情緒維度都會有所不同。情緒維度之效價、喚醒度與購買意願三者之Pearson 相關係數達顯著正相關。欲使消費者產生較高之購買意願,必須提高消費者對商品之愉悅感與激發情緒喚醒度。本研究結果可提供珠寶業者在展售不同珠寶與規劃珠寶照明時參考。本研究亦對照明設計師與珠寶業者、LED生產業者與後續研究者建議。

    LED, an environmentally friendly energy source in nature, has been developed into a more commercial energy-saving lighting. Displaying in retail with LED lighting, jewelry industry is the high-value business that utilizes this luminal art the most. Jewelry itself does not radiate; only with the help of lighting can the jewelry be lustered and colored. To reveal the beauty of the jewelry, appropriate lighting has to be presented with design. But what kind of lighting for which color of jewelry can please consumers better, evoke higher acceptance, and produce more desire to purchase remains unexplored. This study is therefore aimed to investigate the emotional dimensions consumers would have under different LED color temperatures, so that the jewelry deals can be facilitated. Lighting design samples in different LED color temperatures were analyzed and presented to jewelry consumers. Data of consumers’ emotional dimension and their purchase desire were collected through observation, experimentation and reality questionnaire. The results show that the emotional dimensions consumers have vary in relationship with the LED color temperatures. From the Pearson correlation coefficient, a positive correlation with significance was found among the emotional dimension of valence, arousal and purchase intention. To foster consumers’ willingness to buy jewelry, their pleasure arousal has to be stimulated and strengthened. The results of this study may provide retailers with parameters and planning of different lightings for different jewelry. Recommendations are also made for lighting designers, LED production industry and future research possibilities.
    【Keywords】: lighting design for jewelry, LED, color temperature, emotional dimension, purchase intention

    一、緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究目的5 二、文獻探討10 2.1 珠寶照明設計10 2.1.1色溫13 2.1.2 LED15 2.2情緒23 2.2.1 情緒維度24 2.3購買意願27 三、研究方法32 3.1樣本設計33 3.1.1珠寶照明設計特徵34 3.1.2前測實驗42 3.2 實驗樣本設計45 3.3 情緒維度問卷與購買意願問卷實驗51 3.3.1問卷實驗架構51 3.3.2受測者53 3.3.3實驗樣本54 3.3.4問卷實驗步驟與過程55 3.3.5實驗步驟與過程57 3.3.6 設備與環境57 3.3.7問卷資料分析法59 四、研究結果與討論61 4.1樣本基本資料分析結果61 4.2珠寶照明設計對情緒維度研究結果61 4.3珠寶照明設計對購買意願的影響68 4.4情緒維度與購買意願之相關分析結果68 4.5情緒維度與購買意願之迴歸分析結果69 4.6珠寶照明設計、情緒維度與購買意願問卷假設驗證70 4.7綜合討論72 五、結論與建議75 5.1結論75 5.2建議77 5.2.1供照明設計師與珠寶業者之建議78 5.2.2供LED生產業者之建議78 5.2.3供後續研究者之建議81 參考文獻84 附錄93

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