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研究生: 呂竑錂
Hung-ling Lu
論文名稱: 在非固定鏡頭下之物件追蹤-使用粒子濾波器結合三步搜尋追蹤演算法
Object Tracking under a Moving Camera-Using Particle Filter Embedded Three-Step Search Tracking Algorithm
指導教授: 王乃堅
Nai-jian Wang
口試委員: 劉昌煥
Chang-huan Liu
Shun-ping Chung
Chia-yu Yao
Li-tw Yao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 物件追蹤粒子濾波器三步搜尋演算法
外文關鍵詞: Object tracking, Particle Filter, Three-Step Search
相關次數: 點閱:344下載:1
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Currently, object tracking system is the core of the application of the hu-man-machine vision system for entertainment as well as surveillance system. Object tracking system is an important topic, but it wastes a lot of computing resource; how-ever, it has been used widely when computing has been speeding up in the past a few years. Many object tracking systems adopt Particle Filter and Mean Shift since they are easy to be implemented. However, Mean Shift results in conspicuous cumulative errors; and Particle Filter has serious drifting problem when the sample numbers are small. Accordingly, we propose a new algorithm- Particle Filter Embedded Three-Step Search (PFETSS) to solve the drifting problem. Also by considering the color weights, our algorithm is able to acquire a robust result. The color features are needed to generate the target object model. However, the colors with large center gravity movement are excluded from our model. Our algorithm generates the color weights using object template, its color distribution of adjacent pixels, as well as the center gravity of colors. In the process of calculating their similarity, we take the major color of the target object into consideration. After Particle Filter, an approximate object position is obtained. Then a Three-Step Search algorithm is applied to solve drifting problem. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm can not only solve the drifting problem of Particle Filter, but also require fewer samples. In our method, the probability of successful tracking is greatly improved by considering color weights in clutter background. We use 30 samples in our PFETSS. After 100 expe-riments, our experimental results show that out method can 100% track the object successfully. Particle Filter, on the other hand, has 73% of probability of success, other conditions remaining the same; As for computation time, Particle Filter Embedded Three-Step Search algorithm, with 30 samples, is 29.621 times faster than Full Search algorithm according to my experiment result. With the sample number, Particle Filter is 31.416 times faster than Full Search algorithm. Hence, the computation time between Particle Filter Embedded Three-Step Search algorithm and Particle Filter algorithm is not significantly different.

目錄 i 中文摘要 iii ABSTRACT iv 誌謝 ivi 圖表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究背景與方法 3 1.3 論文組織 6 第二章 物件追蹤系統架構與模型建立及量測 7 2.1 移動物件追蹤系統架構 7 2.2 移動物件描述 9 2.2.1 核心函數 9 2.2.2 物體目標影像之色彩分佈密度函數 13 2.2.3 移動物體候選影像之色彩分佈密度函數 16 2.2.4 相似度計算Bhattacharyya Coefficient 18 第三章 移動物體的追蹤 23 3.1 平均值位移演算法 23 3.2 粒子濾波器 28 3.3 粒子濾波器結合三步搜尋追蹤演算法 32 3.3.1 移動物體模型建立 32 3.3.2 相似度計算 34 3.3.3 三步搜尋演算法 37 3.3.4 PFETSS追蹤流程與步驟 39 第四章 實驗結果與效能分析 42 4.1 實驗結果展示 43 4.2 實驗數據統計 58 第五章 結論與未來展望 61 5.1 結論 61 5.2 未來展望 61 參考文獻 62 作者簡介 65

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