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研究生: 王必裕
Pi-Yu Wang
論文名稱: 沉默13天損失200億元-企業經營策略轉型之個案分析
Silence 13 days, loss of 20 billion yuan-A Case Study of Business strategy and Transition
指導教授: 林義貴
Yi-Kuei Lin
口試委員: 紀佳芬
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 轉型策略危機管理服務體驗
外文關鍵詞: Crisis management, Transformation strategy, Service experience
相關次數: 點閱:510下載:22
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Food and beverage brands in Taiwan, in recent years, gradually began to move toward internationalization and organization. In order to support the development of progressive catering services, Enhance corporate value and create differences in the development of their appearance. The government in Taiwan began to actively promote the internationalization of domestic cuisine in 2010. It expected that there will be more integrated resource invested to catering in domestic food industry, and it will help to improve the industrial development and catering services to assist international level. In this case study, A restaurant group in the thinking of organizational culture, is to get rid of second-rate job of restaurant service, and exudes a outstanding sense of taste and specialty restaurants, it is worth thinking is that the barriers to entry and barriers to the restaurant industry is not high, so the key point of survival and profitability is the Content differentiation, innovation and service experience, the transformation strategy and crisis management.
A restaurant group were still good profit during the operating. However, it faced with food security concerns, causing the fell of image. It test management to deal with crisis, Although the company is subjected to immediate response and handling, However, long-established companies and therefore damage the image, Than A restaurant Group take Welfare Marketing not only to restore corporate image, but also to make achievements overseas exhibition shop. The way to deal with the challenges is to slow down, and in the market for brand marketing, the business strategies of service and so on, to establish unshakable brand restaurant.
Billions of people, when and where we chat are "eating" daily, this is our daily lives. It emphasis on catering industry in recent years, and develop the management talent into the restaurant industry, and increase the management talent in Workplace territory. In this case study, in accordance with the books and published works of brand-related staff in A restaurant group, when it authorized from A restaurant group, then discuss in the class, translated into practical action catering business.

目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表索引 VI 圖索引 VII 壹、個案本文 1 一、個案公司的文化與發展歷史簡介 (浪起) 1 二、個案公司的飲食文化 (汪洋) 9 (1)企業文化的建立 9 (2)公司的服務體驗 10 三、個案公司的經營困境 (風雲四起) 15 (1) 失敗要快,關店要早[13] 15 (2) 食安風暴[14] 16 (3) 經營策略困境處理 19 四、個案公司的轉型 (再見浪濤) 21 (1)誠實面對顧客與處理危機 21 (2)重新定義顧客需求與差異化服務價值 22 (3) 庶民經濟品牌的策略轉型 23 貳、教學手冊之建議 25 一、個案總覽 25 二、教學目標 26 三、作業指派 27 四、教學建議 28 五、個案分析 29 (1) 請分析個案公司運用何種轉型模式,來打造餐飲王國? 29 (2) 請分析本個案中,如何解決它的食品安全危機處理? 33 (3) 分析本個案中,它運用何種模式來達到服務體驗? 38 六、其他授課教材內容 43 後記 45 參考文獻 47

1. 聯合報(2010)。王品集團布局全球,最快後年掛牌。
2. 經理人月刊(2012)。王品集團董事長戴勝益:沒有企業文化當特色,就只是一間店,不是一家企業。
3. 時報國際(2006)。王品的獨特性策略 創造了多品牌經營優勢與國際化目標。
4. 聯合報(2010)。王品集團布局全球,最快後年掛牌。
5. 楊舜慧、溫肇東(2008)。台灣本土餐飲集團的創新流程與價值創造。產業管理評論,第3卷第1期,頁51-66。
6. 1111人力銀行(2014)。戴勝益.人人都有機會當老闆。
7. hello hello(2011)。王品集團行銷。
8. 經濟日報社(2013)。戴勝益:十座大山、十大決策。
9. 經濟新潮社(2010)。感動力:人際互動、商業經營的最高境界
10. 經理人月刊(陳芳毓,2008)。戴勝益的「人性管理學」用半部《論語》。
11. 經理人月刊(文及元,2008)。因應不景氣,求「變」才能打開市場。
12. 遠流出版(高端訓,2012)。WOW!多品牌成就王品。
13. 商業週刊(尤子彥 ,2013)。戴勝益:失敗要快,關店要早。
14. 維基百科(2004)。王品集團。
15. 東森新聞(林向愷,2014)。戴勝益三大決策錯誤 引爆王品大危機。
16. 聯合報(陳靜宜,2015)。王品員工:以前每月紅利上萬 現在五百。
17. 蘋果日報(林海,2014)。政府痛斥王品「不負責」。
18. 危機管理(芬克,1986)。對付突發事件的計劃。
19. AIDMA 行銷法則。維基百科,早在1898年,美國廣告學家艾里亞斯·路易斯即已提出稱為「AIDA」的消費者行動模式。
20. Rindova & Koha (2001). Continuous morphing:Competing through dynamic capabilities, Form, and Function, Academy of Management Journal, 44(6), 1263-1280.
21. Kalakota, R. & Robinson M. (1999), ”e-Business-Roadmap for Success,” Addison Wesley.
22. Teece, D. J., Pisano, G. and Shuen, A. (1997) ‘Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management’,Strategic Management Journal 18(7): 509-33.
23. McCarthy's four Ps (1960), The marketer E. Jerome McCarthy proposed a four Ps classification in 1960, which has since been used by marketers throughout the world.
24. Lauterborn's four Cs (1990), Robert F. Lauterborn proposed a four Cs classification in 1990 which is a more consumer-oriented version of the four Ps that attempts to better fit the movement from mass marketing to niche marketing

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