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研究生: 廖雪婷
Hsueh-Ting Liao
論文名稱: 綠能風電跨國公司的領導與溝通難題
Leadership and Communication Barrier in a Multinational Wind Energy Company
指導教授: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
口試委員: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
Jen-Wei Cheng
Chin-Jung Chao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 人際需求理論社會權力基礎理論衝突管理理論創新生態理論
外文關鍵詞: Interpersonal Needs Theory, Bases Of Social Power Theory, Conflict Management, Innovation Ecosystem
相關次數: 點閱:219下載:0
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  • 學號:M10801929
    研究生: 廖雪婷
    指導教授:紀佳芬 博士




    Multinational companies are far away from overseas branches. In order to manage overseas subsidiary or branches effectively, the headquarter of multinational corporations need a systematic-control management to overcome the geomatics distance in between. In multinational corporation business activities, the operators not only have to solve issues as organization structure, capital investment, investment income and so on, but also various contradictions and conflicts caused by people from their interactivity.

    The case company is a multinational energy developer. It is a renewable energy company that has been working in Taiwan for 20 years. It is also the first private company to invest in renewable energy in Taiwan.

    This case study explores the process of organizational expansion of the case company, started from the establishment of an overseas branch under the condition that Taiwan was unable to obtain sufficient resources, the manager led the team from scratch and overcome all difficulties, till completed several energy projects.

    The company was constantly expanding, while facing organizational management problems. The decision-making managers of the parent company had great demand for information collection, however, employees sent messages to levels organization of the parent company, informal methods were prone to use. Therefore, by the analysis of the interpersonal demand theory and the basic theory of social power to explore the hidden rules of office political culture are whether necessary, due to the different nationalities of the employees of the company in this case, the employees' country conditions, cultures, education and learning styles are also different. And different concepts or practices in behavior and handling, it is easy to cause conflicts between employees. Conflict management is also the topic of this research.

    With the rapid growth of the global wind power market, Taiwan’s government policies have pushed upstream and downstream suppliers to actively enter the wind power manufacturing and component industries, and the wind power industry chain has gradually become complete. The individual companies are striving for organizational reforms. How to renew the peak of innovation and how to develop towards an innovative ecological approach in the fierce competition in the industry in the future is something that managers need to work hard.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT I 致謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 個案本文 8 1.1 序曲 8 1.2 產業分析 10 1.2.1 臺灣風能的產業動態 10 1.2.2 臺灣風力發電發展現況 11 1.2.3 風力發電產業鏈 13 1.3 個案公司背景 19 1.3.1 「廢核轉綠」的政策明確 22 1.3.2 翻轉綠電兆元的商機 23 1.3.3 強強連手,攜手組成「綠電聯盟」 23 1.3.4 新型產業增加多元的就業機會 24 1.3.5 跨國企業內部的管理衝突 24 1.4 掌握再生能源發展契機,實現綠能未來 28 第二章 教學指引 29 2.1 個案討論 29 2.2 個案總覽 29 2.3 教學目標及適用課程 30 2.4 教學建議 33 2.5 課程目標及課前討論問題 34 2.5.1 課程目標一:人際需求理論(Interpersonal Needs Theory) 34 2.5.2 課程目標二:社會權力基礎理論(Bases Of Social Power Theory) 37 2.5.3 課程目標三:衝突管理理論 (Conflict Management) 39 2.5.4 課程目標四:創新生態系統(Innovation Ecosystem) 42 2.6 板書規劃及時間分配 45 2.7 後記-讓白色風扇持續轉動 47 參考文獻 48 中文文獻 48 網站資源 49 備註 51 備註1:麥寮風力發電系統 51 備註2:苗栗縣竹南及大鵬風力發電廠 52

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