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研究生: 吳亭儀
Ting-Yi Wu
論文名稱: 論文研究知識管理平台建置之研究
A Study on Developing a Research Knowledge Management Platform for Graduate Students
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
口試委員: 黃世楨
Sun-Jen Huang
Tzu-Chuan Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 研究生教育自我調整學習知識管理網路學習社群
外文關鍵詞: Graduate Student, Self-Regulated Learning, Knowledge Management, Online Learning Community
相關次數: 點閱:647下載:0
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1. 平台提供研究方法概念圖,幫助研究生初步瞭解論文研究必須經歷之過程,加強對於研究工作之掌握。
2. 平台提供研究目標與時程的訂定,長遠目標與短期目標的交互操作,能加強研究生對於研究進度的掌握度。
3. 建置論文研究知識管理平台:根據文獻的理論依據及系統分析,建置幫助研究生進行論文規劃及學習知識之整合交流平台。
4. 應用知識管理概念,使研究生能夠學習他人經歷及資源,加強研究生對於論文研究之瞭解與掌握。

The research aims at assisting graduate students to manage their research by time-course planning. Transforming the records of the research, the knowledge and resources shared by others, and the exchange of discussions, into useful content, it makes research completed successfully. The research knowledge management platform extracts appropriate content from the theories of self-regulated learning, knowledge management, and web-based learning community, and then uses system analysis and design, organizing system conceptual design, functional modules and database design and construction to build the physical system.
The system bases on Chen’s research on the research management and knowledge-sharing platform in 2018. Therefore, the new system which is developed by this research, contains the original introduction of the lab, personal and others’ research process, and learning resources, additional functions including research processes and tasks, calendar, knowledge sharing, experts page, and concept map of research method, hoping to use comprehensive functions to assist graduate students in managing their process and schedule. Moreover, by constructing a web-based learning community, it makes users able to share and develop their knowledge. By interviewing graduate students, this research also receives information on how well the system affects and benefits to thesis studies.
The main contributions of the research include:
1. The platform provides a research method concept map to make graduate students have a common sense of research process and know every step that they may meet in the future.
2. The platform provides a function for research processes and tasks, which assists graduate students to set long-term and short-term goals to manage the research process efficiently.
3. Constructing Research knowledge management platform: According to literature theory and system analysis, to develop a platform that can help graduate students to plan their research and exchange knowledge.
4. Implementing knowledge management, which enables graduate students to learn from others by sharing ideas and knowledge, in order to handle their research well.

摘 要 III Abstract IV 誌 謝 V 表目錄 3 圖目錄 4 第一章 緒論 6 1.1研究背景與動機 6 1.2研究目的 7 1.3論文架構 8 1.4研究限制 9 第二章 文獻探討 10 2.1研究生教育 10 2.1.1研究生教育定義與趨勢 10 2.1.2研究生研究歷程相關研究 11 2.2自我調整學習 14 2.2.1自我調整學習的定義及理論 14 2.2.2自我調整學習策略 15 2.3知識管理 16 2.3.1知識的定義 16 2.3.2知識的分類 17 2.3.3知識管理定義 18 2.3.4知識轉化 20 2.3.5知識分享 22 2.4網路學習社群 23 2.4.1網路學習社群定義 23 2.4.2網路學習社群構成要素 24 2.5結語 25 第三章 研究設計與系統分析設計 26 3.1研究設計 26 3.1.1研究方法 26 3.1.2研究流程與步驟 27 3.2系統分析與設計 28 3.2.1系統概念與架構設計 28 3.2.2系統模組功能設計 31 3.2.3資料庫設計 42 3.2.4系統開發工具 43 3.3結語 45 第四章 系統展示與驗證 46 4.1系統實作成果與展示 46 4.2系統驗證 62 4.2.1驗證流程 62 4.2.2訪談問題設計與定義 63 4.2.3訪談資料與使用者回饋 65 4.3結語 70 第五章 結論與建議 72 5.1研究結論與貢獻 72 5.2未來研究與建議 73 參考文獻 75 附錄一、問卷訪談內容 82

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