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研究生: 林詩萍
Lin - Shih Ping
論文名稱: 信用卡支付與通路選擇行為分析-以全聯導入信用卡服務為例
The Channel Selection in Purchasing Concerning the Credit Card Payment Service
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 陳家祥
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 持卡消費計畫行為理論(TPB)信用卡服務通路選擇。
外文關鍵詞: Credit Card Payment, Theory of Planned Behavior, Credit Card Service, Channel Selection
相關次數: 點閱:603下載:11
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本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,探討消費者持卡行為以及通路消費行為兩大模型,以計畫行為理論(TPB)五大構面態度、主觀規範、行為控制、行為意圖、行為去探究構面間的正向關聯影響。本研究以計畫行為理論(TPB)為研究架構,以307位北、中、南都會區各族群消費者作為問卷研究發放對象,並分析消費者持卡行為以及通路消費行為影響因素,分別以敘述性統計以及線性結構方程模式(Partial Least Squares, PLS)驗證模型。

The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between credit card payment service and consumers’ behavior on purchase channel selection through Pxmart (the biggest supermarket chain in Taiwan) case study, and then see if Pxmart could compete against the other retailers such as hypermarkets or convenient stores by accepting credit card as a payment solution and become one of the main channels that consumers will choose to buy food and daily necessities.

This study is made on the basis of The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and taken Pxmart as a case study to analyze consumers’ intention of using credit cards and consumers’ purchasing behavior from aspects of attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and an individual’s behavioral intentions and behaviors. To collect information for further analysis, a questionnaire constructed by the concept of TPB was randomly given to the 307 consumers who came from urban areas in Northern, Middle, and Southern Taiwan. Finally, all the data were integrated to be mutually supportive and examined through approaches of Descriptive statistics and Partial Least Squares (PLS).

中文摘要I ABSTRACT II 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖索引VI 表索引VII 第一章 、緒論1 1.1.研究背景與動機1 1.2.研究目的3 1.3.研究流程5 1.4.研究範圍與對象6 第二章 、文獻探討7 2.1信用卡市場現況7 2.1.1信用卡的發展7 2.1.2信用卡的營運組成結構及營運現況9 2.1.3國內信用卡業務發展簡史12 2.1.4信用卡支付服務與利益相關者分析14 2.1.5信用卡服務支付模式15 2.2零售業16 2.2.1零售業及市場概述16 2.2.2國內超級市場產業概述20 2.2.3全聯福利中心簡介22 2.3 消費者特徵與購買決策23 2.3.1消費者特徵之內涵24 2.3.2零售業消費者之消費者特徵對購買決策之影響25 2.4計畫行為理論27 第三章 、研究方法32 3.1研究架構32 3.2研究假說推論35 3.3研究變數與問卷衡量37 3.4統計分析方法39 3.4.1敘述性統計39 3.4.2信度分析39 3.4.3效度分析40 3.4.4 PLS路徑模型40 第四章 、研究結果分析41 4.1敘述性統計分析41 4.2信效度分析44 4.2.1信度分析45 4.2.2效度分析46 第五章 、結論與建議52 5.1研究假說與驗證結果52 5.1.1 研究理論假說-消費者持卡行為模型(CUM)之發現52 5.1.2研究理論假說-通路消費意向行為模型(CCIM)之發現54 5.2管理意涵57 5.2.1實務上的建議57 5.2.1未來研究的建議61 第六章 參考文獻63 附錄67

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