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研究生: 陳淑美
Luch - Chen
論文名稱: 利用平衡計分卡來衡量企業的績效之個案研究-以台灣E公司為例
A Case study of Balanced Scorecard on Corporate Performance – An Example of E Company
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 黃彥聖
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 平衡計分卡績效衡量
外文關鍵詞: Balance scored card, Performance evaluation
相關次數: 點閱:1435下載:5
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當資訊時代的來臨、全球化競爭的趨勢、數位化科技的發展、及高財務槓桿操作,使得現今企業所面臨的競爭狀態,較以往更形複雜,所以企業為求生存及不斷發展,必須在經營與管理上不斷擬定策略,以建立競爭優勢。Kaplan & Norton於1992年所提出的衡量方式─「平衡計分卡」(The Balanced scorecard),其均衡的架構,強調企業財務與非財務、內部與外部、長期與短期、領先與落後指標間的平衡,及策略執行的特殊價值,具體轉化企業策略,提供高階管理者一個快速且全面性審視企業經營的方式。

Enterprise must continuously make strategy in the management for setting up competition strength in order to survive and continuous development. Owing to it is more sophisticated than before for current enterprise to face competition status as information technology coming, globalization competition trend, digital technology development as well as high efficiency financial control.
When Mr. Kaplan & Norton proposed the method of measurements in 1992. - The Balanced Scorecard, which cover balance structure, emphasize enterprise finance & non-finance, internal & external, long-term & short-term, the balance between pioneer & fall behind and special value of strategy execution. It specifically turns into enterprise strategy and offers top management a rapid and overall method to check enterprise as running a business.
The research focus on one of foreign company in Taiwan as an object of study and adopt individual research method. In terms of actual obvious, reading research related data of case and visiting research people. The research purpose includes following points:
lIn terms of reviewing technical literature and probing into theory. We further understand the knowledge of the balanced scorecard.
lTo find out enterprise performance of running a business through case study & data analysis, document review and theory to be probed.
lTo submit suggestion that case company makes effort in the future.
The research is found:
According to the view of the balanced scorecard and case company’s strategy of running a business. We can learn that case company how to make effort in the future through efficiency of running a business and measurement of performance indicator. Moreover, other enterprises are able to apply the analysis conclusion.

第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景與動機1 第二節研究目的2 第三節論文架構2 第四節研究限制3 第二章文獻探討4 第一節平衡計分卡4 第二節其他重要相關文獻17 第三節本章小結30 第三章研究方法31 第一節個案研究法31 第二節研究資料32 第四章個案研究33 第一節個案公司的介紹33 第二節個案公司的策略地圖44 第三節平衡計分卡構面的衡量指標、績效、結果46 第四節個案公司未來努力的方向53 第五章研究結論與建議54 第一節研究結論54 第二節建議未來研究的方向54 參考文獻55

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