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研究生: 余建翰
Chien-Han Yu
論文名稱: 模組化資源整合流程之研究-以台北國際花卉博覽會未來館為例
A process model of Modular Resources Integration: A case study of Pavilion of Future, Taipei International Flora Exposition
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 模組化資源整合資源整合流程
外文關鍵詞: modular, resource Integration, process of resource Integration
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:16
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  • 在這個日益競爭的時代,市場需求快速變遷,組織所要面臨的問題挑戰越來越多元,除了要維持以往的品質和控制成本外,效率儼然成為一個夠能夠使自身突破重圍的因素。想要在大環境之中不被忽略,組織一定要具備相當的彈性,才得以敏捷的應對顧客需求變化,然而如何讓組織獲得更佳的彈性,是當今組織所要關心的。當組織面臨一個史無前例的新挑戰時,且在現階段無法靠自身能力來解決的情況下,決定要從頭開始設計、規劃解決方案,既耗費成本又耗時,顯然不符合現今的社會趨勢。因此如果要讓自身擁有更多的能力,去面對各式的問題挑戰,借重他人的知識和專業能力做整合,是一個值得實行的方式,如此一來便能使組織的能力跨足更多領域,敏捷的因應各式的問題挑戰。

    Accompanied with the fast shifting market in this more and more competing era, organizations and business are facing more diverse and different challenges and tasks. In addition to maintain both good quality and low cost of products, efficiency without doubt becomes a vital factor that can help the business itself to cross the dilemma. In order not to be ignored by the society, the businesses should also possess some flexibility so that they can make a response to their client agilely. As a result how a business possesses the maximum flexibility is the priority issue that we concerned about. For example, if a business or a corporation is dealing a task that they have never met before all they can do is to start all over from the beginning to analyze the problems and then to team up the people within the group to get through it. It is not wise enough for a business to do so since it is time consuming and would waste a lot of money. It is cleverer for the business to integrate the professional supports and knowledge from others. It is a worthwhile way the business should adapt to, it will help the corporation to have the ability to solve the problems from all kinds of fields agilely in the end.
    This thesis is based on the case study of Pavilion of Future in Taipei International Flora Exposition and incorporating the Modular designing principles (Architecture, standard, and interface) and the process of resource integration to make it more flexible. It is pretty challenging since it is the first time that Taipei city government and Taiwan Floriculture Development Association holds the international event. My work will provide a flexible set of resource Integration process model for the business and corporation.

    摘要........................................................I Abstract........................................................II 誌謝........................................................III 目錄........................................................IV 表目錄........................................................VI 圖目錄........................................................VII 第一章、緒論........................................................1 1.1 研究背景與動機........................................................1 1.2 研究問題與目的........................................................2 1.3 研究範圍與流程........................................................4 1.4 論文架構........................................................6 第二章、文獻探討........................................................7 2.1資源整合(Resource Integration)........................................................7 2.1.1資源........................................................7 2.1.2資源整合流程........................................................9 2.2模組化(Modular)........................................................13 2.2.1模組化定義........................................................13 2.2.2模組設計規範........................................................14 2.2.3模組化原則........................................................16 第三章、研究架構與方法........................................................20 3.1研究方法........................................................20 3.2研究架構........................................................23 3.3研究對象........................................................25 3.4 研究觀察重點........................................................26 3.5 資料蒐集與分析方法........................................................27 第四章、個案描述與分析........................................................31 4.1 個案背景描述........................................................31 4.1.1 展館主題定位........................................................31 4.1.2 展館相關單位........................................................33 4.2 個案分析........................................................38 4.2.1 模組化資源整合流程........................................................41 4.2.2 研究結果........................................................53 第五章、研究結論........................................................57 5.1結論與研究貢獻........................................................57 5.2研究限制與未來研究方向........................................................60 參考文獻........................................................61 附錄─受訪單位資料........................................................67

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