簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李家瑋
Chia-wei Lee
論文名稱: 紋理分析於瑕疵偵測上的應用
The Application of Texture Analysis on Defect Detection
指導教授: 陳志明
Chih-Ming Chen
口試委員: 許新添
Hsin-Teng Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞:  灰階共生矩陣 鄰近灰階相依矩陣 紋理分析相位相關  瑕疵偵測  瑕疵定位
外文關鍵詞:   defect detection,   defect localization,  texture analysis, phase correlation,   GLCM,   NGLDM
相關次數: 點閱:252下載:9
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  • 近半世紀來,由於工商業的快速發展,今日的工業已經具有先進自動化技術與卓越製造能力。然而生產線效能的提升,往往也可能在極短的時間內會生產出數量龐大的瑕疵品,人工檢測不但費時費力且容易造成遺漏。近年來機器視覺的技術逐漸被應用於自動化檢測的系統,一種以紋理分析理論為基礎之瑕疵偵測與定位系統,多年來,已經引起廣泛且深入的研究與發展。
    影像瑕疵的偵測及定位主要是利用樣板比對的方式,透過比對無瑕疵樣板與待測影像的特徵差異,以達到瑕疵定位的目的。在本論文中分別以紋理分析之統計法,包括灰階共生矩陣與鄰近灰階相依矩陣,以及以傅立葉轉換為基礎的頻譜法來分析影像的紋理特徵,並發展瑕疵偵測定位系統。為了改善因待測影像的偏轉而造成瑕疵偵測性能大幅降低的問題,本論文也更進一步地提出以相位相關法(Phase correlation)來估測待測影像偏轉的角度並予以補償。

    The rapid development in automation techniques in the last few decades has drastically changed the land scope of the industrial world. The highly automated machines can produce with previously unimaginable speed. One of the problems with this production speed is that if there is any fault on any part of the production process and if it is not detected soon enough, quite a lot of defected product can be spewed out of from the machine in a very short while, and hence causes tremendous losses. Frequent human inspection can partly relieve only part of the problem, because it needs highly trained skills and is generally not very reliable. The recent development in machine vision techniques seems able to provide a more reliable alternative. Many research efforts have been devoted in this area, and many encouraging results has been published. As a result, to design a defect detection and localization system which based on the texture analysis theory is possible nowadays.
    This thesis is to design a system is to detect and locate defects by comparing the pre-selected reference and the input image. Many traditional texture analysis techniques such as statistics-based method (namely, GLCM and NGLDM) and Fourier analysis based method are thoroughly examined, analyzed. Based on our findings, we developed a phase correlation technique which can handle image rotation problem effectively. An hence the system we designed is able to detect and locate defects efficiently even if the input image is rotated.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 簡介 1 1.2 目的 8 1.3 內容大綱 9 第二章 紋理分析的基本原理與方法 10 2.1 簡介 10 2.2 灰階共生矩陣 10 2.2.1 灰階共生矩陣特徵值的定義其其影像特徵 16 2.3 鄰近灰階相依矩陣 21 2.3.1 鄰近灰階相依矩陣特徵值的定義及其影像特徵 24 2.3.2 影像旋轉對於鄰近灰階相依矩陣的影響 30 2.4 以傅立葉轉換為基礎的頻譜法 34 2.4.1 特徵值的定義 40 2.5 影像瑕疵偵測與定位技術實例與分析 44 2.5.1 系統架構 44 2.5.2 應用灰階共生矩陣所建立的瑕疵偵測定位系統 47 待測影像無偏轉時的系統性能 47 待測影像有偏轉時的系統性能 48 2.5.3 應用鄰近灰階相依矩陣所建立的瑕疵偵測定位系統49 待測影像無偏轉時的系統性能 49 待測影像有偏轉時的系統性能 50 2.5.4 應用傅立葉頻譜分析法所建立的瑕疵偵測定位系統52 待測影像無偏轉時的系統性能 52 待測影像有偏轉時的系統性能 53 2.5.5 結果分析 55 第三章 瑕疵偵測定位演算法 57 3.1 問題回顧 57 3.2 影像偏轉角度的估測 58 3.2.1 相位相關法 58 3.2.2 影像偏轉角度估測之性能評估 63 3.3 加入相位相關法所建立的瑕疵偵測定位系統 66 3.3.1 系統架構 66 3.3.2系統性能評估指標 69 3.3.3 相位相關法+灰階共生矩陣的系統性能 70 第四章 結論 76 參考文獻 79

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