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研究生: 高玉荃
Yu-Chuan Kao
論文名稱: 含飛灰之SBR水泥砂漿補修材料性能之試驗研究
Experimental investigation on properties of SBR-modified mortar with Fly Ash for patch repair material
指導教授: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
口試委員: 詹穎雯

學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 斷面修復法水泥砂漿補修材料飛灰聚合物材料SBR
外文關鍵詞: Patch repair material, Cement mortar of repair materials, Fly ash, Polymer materials, SBR
相關次數: 點閱:339下載:0
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  • 在台灣,鋼筋混凝土(RC)建築物為普遍使用之建築形式之一,自古至今,多數的建築物已呈現老化或損毀,為了安全之考量,進行補修或補強時選擇適當的補修工法及材料絕對是相當重要的。斷面修復法為最常見之修復方法之一,係將受腐蝕之鋼筋和侵蝕的混凝土部分去除,之後填補上補修材料修復。市售之水泥砂漿補修材料大多會添加聚合物材料來進行改性,以增加水泥砂漿補修材料之撓曲和黏結強度、改善滲透性、抗化學侵蝕能力以及抗凍融性,但與此同時也大幅度提高了材料價格。為了在不失去聚合物改性水泥砂漿補修材料之特性的前提下有效地降低補修材料成本,本研究擬以添加飛灰用來取代部分水泥來,並加入少量丁苯橡膠(SBR)聚合物材料來探討飛灰對於SBR水泥砂漿補修材料之效用。
    根據試驗結果,由於乳膠SBR比粉末SBR更容易降低砂漿之抗壓強度和撓曲強度,因此認為粉末SBR更有利用作斷面修復材。且隨著聚合物固形量與總水量之比值(S/W比)增加,將降低抗壓強度、抗拉強度和撓曲強度。除此之外,如S/W比過小,則SBR無法改善SBR改性飛灰水泥砂漿之力學性能。因此建議當W/B比為50%之含飛灰SBR水泥砂漿補修材料(飛灰取代率50%),S/W比為5 ~ 10%,其力學性能較適用於補修材料。
    關於耐久性能方面,在S/W比固定之情況下,飛灰取代水泥的比例越高,氯離子的滲透深度越淺。在相同之飛灰取代率下,SBR對氯離子滲透深度之影響不大。關於耐候性能方面,紫外線會對補修材料造成老化,導致表面吸水率增加及抵抗氯離子滲透之能力減弱。試片經紫外線照射不同時間下,飛灰取代率為25%,且W/B為50%和S/W比為7%之案例對抵抗氯離子滲透之能力最佳且穩定。據模擬結果可得出的結論是,於最大拉應力區補修後之構件其承載能力皆有上升,補修的範圍越大,構件之承載能力也越大。依照本研究使用之案例,採用S/W比為7%之含飛灰SBR水泥砂漿補修材料進行懸臂梁之高應力區補修時,只要補修範圍至少需要600 mm×60 mm以上,則補修材料才不至於發生提前剝落的現象。

    Reinforced concrete (RC) is the most popular construction material for structures. From the 1970s to the present, over years of wind, rain, and even frequent earthquakes, many RC buildings or structures have deteriorated even to the point of becoming dangerous. Therefore, maintaining deteriorated/damaged RC buildings or structures is a very important issue. In the past several years, the polymer-modified cement mortar has been proposed as a replacement to cement mortar as a repair material. The incorporation of synthetic polymers into Portland cement mortar and concrete began in the 1950s. However, commercial polymer-modified cement mortar products for repair are much more expensive than ordinary cement mortars. Therefore, to reduce the cost of the repair material, the goal of this work is to replace some of the cement in polymer-modified cement mortars with fly ash.
    Fly ash is used as a supplementary cementations material (SCM) in the production of Portland cement concrete. The advantages of fly ash are pore refinement, environmental protection, and cost. However, a shortage of fly ash is currently resulting in low early-age strength. The polymer-modified cement has been widely used as a repair mortar owing to its high strength, good durability, and favorable bonding with old concrete structures. Therefore, if cement mortar could be made to combine the advantages of both fly ash and Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) polymer material, then the repair material would not only be cheaper but also exhibit better performance. Therefore, this investigation studies the effect of fly ash on the mechanical properties of polymer-modified cement mortars, and then recommended the mixing proportions of repair materials. After that, the durability test and weather resistance test were carried out on the repair materials. Moreover, the effect of repair range on the behavior of repairing components is discussed by Finite Element Analysis.
    According to the experimental results, since latex SBR decreases the compressive strength and flexural strength more than powder SBR, powder SBR is favored for use as the patch repair material. The compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength decrease as the SBR solid/water ratio (S/W ratio) of powder SBR increases. However, SBR cannot improve the mechanical properties of SBR-modified cement mortars with fly ash when the S/W ratio of SBR is less. Therefore, the W/B ratio of 0.5, it is recommended that SBR-modified cement mortar containing fly ash (fly ash replacement rate of 50%), S/W ratio of 5 ~ 10%, its mechanical properties are suitable for repair materials.
    Regarding the durability, in the case of S/W ratio fixation, the higher replacement ratio of fly ash that the better the resistance to chloride ions. The condition of the fly ash replacement ratio is fixed; SBR has little effect on chloride ion penetration depth. Regarding weather resistance, ultraviolet rays cause aging of repair materials, resulting in the surface water absorption increase and the resistance to chloride ion penetration decrease. In three different UV exposure times, the S/W ratio of 7% is the most excellent and stable in its ability to resist chloride ion penetration. According to the Finite Element Analysis can be concluded that the repaired components can increase bearing capacity. The larger the repairing range, the stronger the bearing capacity of the component. Limited to the case of this study, use the S/W ratio of 7% of fly ash SBR cement mortar repair material on the high tensile stress of the cantilever beam, at least the repair range to more than 600 mm×60 mm, the repair materials will not early peeling off.

    目錄 摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 表索引 圖索引 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究目的 1.4 研究架構 第二章 鋼筋混凝土之劣化及補修相關介紹 2.1 鋼筋混凝土建築物之劣化行為 2.1.1 混凝土裂縫 2.1.2 混凝土剝落 2.1.3 建築物滲漏水 2.2 鋼筋混凝土建築物之耐久性能檢測 2.2.1 現場檢測 2.2.2 實驗室檢測 2.3 鋼筋混凝土劣化之原因 2.3.1 混凝土之劣化 2.3.2 鋼筋之劣化 2.4 鋼筋混凝土之補修策略 2.4.1 混凝土之補修工法 2.4.2 鋼筋之補修工法 2.4.3 台灣之補修工法 2.5 斷面修復補修材料 2.5.1補修材料之相容性需求 2.5.2補修材料之總類 2.5.3聚合物水泥砂漿補修材料 2.6 飛灰之應用 第三章 SBR水泥砂漿補修材料力學性質 3.1 材料與試驗 3.1.1材料 3.1.2力學性能試驗 3.2 控制變因 3.3 力學性能之探討 3.3.1 飛灰取代率 3.3.2 強度品質基準 3.3.3 W/B比 3.3.4 SBR之型態 3.3.5 後期強度 3.3.6 強度回歸公式 3.4 固定飛灰取代率之案例 3.4.1 力學性能 3.4.2 SEM 3.4.3 強度回歸公式修正 3.5 高含量SBR之案例 第四章 SBR水泥砂漿補修材料耐久性能 4.1 耐久性能之重要性 4.2 耐久性能試驗 4.3 飛灰對耐久性之影響 4.3.1乾縮試驗 4.3.2吸水率試驗 4.4 S/W比對飛灰水泥補修砂漿耐久性之影響 4.4.1乾縮率 4.4.2氯離子含量 4.5 飛灰取代率對高含量SBR水泥砂漿耐久性之影響 4.5.1乾縮率 4.5.2氯離子含量 4.6 界面處之耐久性試驗 4.6.1試體 4.6.2鹽水浸漬試驗 4.6.3快速氯離子滲透試驗 第五章 SBR水泥砂漿補修材料耐候性能 5.1 耐候性能試驗 5.2 氯離子含量檢測 第六章 經SBR水泥砂漿補修材料修復後之構件力學行為分析模擬 6.1 ANSYS 有限元分析軟體之介紹 6.2 ANSYS 有限元分析軟體之分析流程 6.3 ANSYS 有限元分析軟體之模擬 第七章 綜合討論與建議 7.1 結論 7.1.1 力學性能 7.1.2 耐久性能 7.1.3 耐候性能 7.1.4 分析模擬 7.2 未來展望 參考文獻

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