簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林佳靜
Chia-Ching Lin
論文名稱: 廢棄物資源化 打造永豐餘工紙永續經營
Recycling Waste To Create A Sustainable Operation Of YFY Packing Inc
指導教授: 張光第
Guang-Di Chang
口試委員: 廖四郎
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 線性經濟資源拼湊理論綠色創新循環經濟共好企業永續經營
外文關鍵詞: Linear Economy, Resource Bricolage, Green Innovation, Circular Economy, Gun Ho, Environment Social Governance
相關次數: 點閱:523下載:6
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台灣工業用紙於1973年開始使用回收(廢)紙作為原料,展開了最初步的產品循環,然而,回收(廢)紙並無法百分之百完全應用,往往伴隨著塑膠垃圾等雜物 導致在生產過程中產生了許多的製程廢料,這些事業廢棄物,造紙廠均無法自行處理,全需委外處理且所費不貲。

Papermaking uses wood or recycled (wasted) paper as the main raw material to produce pulp, cardboard, paper and other fiber-based products. Although the paper industry is classified as a traditional industry, it is closely related to the overall economic development and social and cultural construction. Therefore, the boom of the paper industry has always been regarded as the current indicator of economic prosperity. However, the paper industry is also an industry with high energy consumption and serious pollution. From the extraction of raw materials, production and processing into commodities, to consumer purchase, use, and then direct disposal, it has always been a linear method that cannot continuously recycle resources.
Taiwan Industrial Paper began to use recycled (waste) paper as raw material in 1973, and launched the initial product cycle. However, recycled (waste) paper cannot be fully applied, often accompanied by plastic waste and other debris in the production process. There are a lot of process wastes generated in the process, and these industrial wastes cannot be disposed by the paper mills themselves, and they all need to be outsourced and are expensive.
In 2017, the YFY Packing Inc was delighted that the investment in new equipment could increase the production capacity by another 300,000 tons. However, the problems hidden under the iceberg included the increase in business waste due to the increase in production capacity. The increase in business waste due to regulatory issues was outsourced. Difficulty and outsourcing processing costs are increasing year by year. Due to the insufficiency of existing regulations and technologies, reusable waste can only be disposed of by outsourcing, incinerators or solid landfills. Therefore, we plan to use our own factory equipment, related processing systems and technical research of our team to build a new green innovation and preserve the concept of environmental protection and sustainable recycling through resource patchwork thinking. , start from the enterprise side, and strengthen the connection between people and the land, practice the value of sustainable development of environmental protection, let the concept of "common good" continue to ferment, and then spread this energy to all corners of Taiwan's society, contributing to global environmental protection The ecological chain establishes a virtuous circle of circular economy development, and indeed fulfills the responsibility of Environment Social Governance

ASTRACT 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 壹. 個案本文 ㄧ. 個案簡介 二. 永豐餘介紹 (一)永豐餘集團 (二)永豐餘投資控股(股)公司 (三)永豐餘工業股份有限公司 (四)永豐餘工業用紙的核心競爭力 (五)永豐餘工業用紙的挑戰 三. 造紙產業概況及台灣造紙業發展近況 (一)造紙產業概況 (二)台灣造紙產業近況 (三)台灣造紙產業展新局 四. 工業用紙在台灣 (一)台灣工業用紙的發展歷程 (二)工業用紙 循環經濟再進化 貳. 教學指引 一. 個案摘要 二. 教學目標與適用課程 三. 學生課前討論課題 四. 個案背景說明 五. 個案分析 六. 教學建議 七. 結論

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