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研究生: Brigita Cika Risda
Brigita Cika Risda
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Shih-Chen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: interactivitysocial mediadelone and mcleanmobile payment
外文關鍵詞: interactivity, social media, delone and mclean, mobile payment
相關次數: 點閱:477下載:13
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行動網路技術在印尼國家當中非常普及,許多企業也把該技術視為是一個很好的機會,令其成為相關的應用開發商。現今,有許多企業創造行動應用程式以滿足我們的日常生活上的需求。其中一項就是行動支付,隨著環境的變化,以行動支付為主要服務的企業快速地崛起,然而同行業者數量的增加,競爭也變得愈趨激烈。而作為行動支付龍頭的Go-pay 意識到了危機,因此制定新的策略,開發且維持潛藏的消費者,以令自己在市場中可以保持競爭優勢。
因此本研究將探討消費者的忠誠度在社群媒體的互動性質下所扮演的角色, 並藉DeLone & McLean資訊系統成功模式、互動性、信賴度與消費者忠誠度理論,詳細描述Go-pay 如何應用社群媒體 Instagram 去維繫與消費者之間的關係。而本研究共蒐集來自Go-pay 424位的使用者作為本研究樣本。
而研究結果指出互動性指標,會正向影響消費者對於 Go-pay 支付服務的評價,不論是針對系統、資訊或是服務的品質,且對於顧客滿意度與信任度亦是如此;此外顧客滿意度與信任度也正向影響於顧客忠誠度。最後希望能夠透過本研究分析結果與發現,作為欲利用社群媒體平台高互動的特性,以維持與顧客關係的行動支付服務企業之參考。

The huge penetration of mobile internet in Indonesia seen as a big opportunity for a business to be a mobile application provider. Many firms made mobile application as human assistance to everyday life. One of the technology is mobile payment. As the number of mobile payment provider is dramatically increasing, Go-pay as the leading mobile payment provider needs a strategy to retain and keep their potential customer to keep winning the market in the mobile payment area.
This research aims to investigate the role of social media interactivity in customer loyalty, how the Go-pay can use their social media interactivity in Instagram as a social media platform to retain their customer by combining DeLone and McLean IS success model and interactivity, trust and loyalty. The purposed model was tested with 424 valid responds from Go-pay users.
The results show that interactivity positively impacts customer evaluation about Go-pay mobile payment (system quality, information quality, and service quality) and also has a positive impact on customer satisfaction and trust whereas trust and satisfaction found to have a positive impact on customer loyalty. Our findings have a guideline for the mobile payment service provider in enabling social media interactivity to retain their potential customers.


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