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研究生: 阮曉健
Hsiao-Chien Juan
論文名稱: 蟻群最佳化求解相依整備時間之單機延遲問題
Ant Colony Optimization for Single Machine Tardiness Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setups
指導教授: 廖慶榮
Ching-Jong Liao
口試委員: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-Huei Yeh
Yuan-Jye Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 雙目標螞蟻演算法總延遲時間相依整備時間排程最大完工時間
外文關鍵詞: Sequence-dependent setups Weighted tardiness, Bi-criteria
相關次數: 點閱:554下載:0
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在實務界的生產系統中,相依整備時間 (sequence-dependent setups) 是排程不可或缺的考慮因素,而其中總延遲時間一直被視為最重要的目標之一。但儘管相依整備時間之延遲問題是如此的重要,過去的文獻卻鮮有相關的討論。因此在本論文中,我們利用螞蟻演算法 (Ant Colony Optimization;ACO) 在單機環境下求解相依整備時間之延遲問題。我們提出的螞蟻演算法有一些不同以往的特色,包括導入一個費洛蒙初始值的修正參數以及採用局部搜尋的時機等。我們針對標竿問題來做測試,發現它的績效凌駕了許多其它的演算法;我們更進一步地將此演算法應用在無權重的延遲問題上,實驗結果顯示,此演算法在面對其它擁有最佳表現的演算法時,也能顯現出它的優勢。
我們也嘗試將螞蟻演算法應用在求解最大完工時間以及總延遲時間的單機雙目標問題上,並將它與一種派工法則ATCS (Apparent Total Cost with Setups) 做比較,由實驗結果得知,在此問題下,螞蟻演算法亦有相當優秀的表現。

In many real-world production systems, it requires an explicit consideration of sequence-dependent setup times when scheduling jobs. As for the scheduling criterion, the weighted tardiness is always regarded as one of the most important criteria in practical systems. While the importance of the weighted tardiness problem with sequence-dependent setup times has been recognized, the problem has received little attention in the scheduling literature. In this paper, we present an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm for such a problem in a single machine environment. The proposed ACO algorithm has several features, including introducing a new parameter for the initial pheromone trail and adjusting the timing of applying local search, among others. The proposed algorithm is experimented on the benchmark problem instances and shows its advantage over existing algorithms. As a further investigation, the algorithm is applied to the unweighted version of the problem. Experimental results show that it is very competitive with the existing best-performing algorithms.
Furthermore, we try to apply ACO algorithm to the single machine problem with bi-criteria of makespan and total weighted tardiness. The ACO algorithm is compared with the constructive-type heuristic of Apparent Tardiness Cost with Setups (ATCS) and its superiority is demonstrated.

CONTENTS CHINESE ABSTRACT ….………i ENGLISH ABSTRACT ….……...ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …….…..iii CONTENTS ………...iv LIST OF FIGURES ………...vi LIST OF TABLES ………..vii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1. Scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times 4 2.2. and 4 2.3. The ACO algorithm 6 2.4. Multiple criteria scheduling problems 7 Chapter 3. THE BACKGROUND OF ACO 8 Chapter 4. THE PROPOSED ALGORITHM 11 4.1. The step of the proposed ACO algorithm 11 4.2. The distinctive features 16 Chapter 5. COMPUTATION EXPERIMENTS 18 5.1. 18 5.1.1. Parameters setting 18 5.1.2. The test of local search 21 5.1.3. Results and discussions 22 5.2. 25 5.2.1. The small and medium-sized problems 25 5.2.2. The large-sized problems 27 Chapter 6. APPLICATION TO THE MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE SCHEDULING PROBLEM 29 6.1. The efficient schedule 29 6.2. Apply ACO to 30 6.3. Computational results 31 Chapter 7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH 34 REFERENCES 36 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. The flow chat of research 3 2. The framework of local search 15 3. The test of parameter 9 4. The test of parameter 19 5. The test of parameter 20 6. The test of parameter 20 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Applications of ACO algorithm to combinatorial optimization problems 10 2. The impact of introducing a parameter for the initial pheromone trail 21 3. The effect of timing for applying the local search 22 4. Comparison of the solutions from the proposed ACOLJ with the best-known solutions 23 5. Comparison of the proposed ACOLJ with two best-performing algorithms for the unweighted problem (small and medium sized problems) 26 6. Comparison of the proposed ACOLJ with two best-performing algorithms for the unweighted problem (large-sized problems) 28 7. Comparison of the ACO algorithm with ATCS 32


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