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研究生: 施人維
論文名稱: 汽機車同向碰撞行車事故之電腦模擬
Computer Simulation on Vehicle/Motorcycle Accidents Using ADAMS
指導教授: 徐茂濱
Mau-Pin Hsu
口試委員: 陳亮光
Liang-kuang Chen
Yue-jeh Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 200
中文關鍵詞: 機車行車事故碰撞模擬責任鑑定運動軌跡
外文關鍵詞: Motorcycle, Traffic accident, Collision simulation, Accident appraisal, motion trajectory
相關次數: 點閱:414下載:18
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  • 臺灣隨著都市化發展,人口集中之情形越來越嚴重,而因都會區車輛密度高,停車不易,民眾常運用輕便的機車做為短程的交通工具。在擁擠的車道上,汽機車行車事故層出不窮,在雙方當事人各執一詞或機車一方無法言語之情形下,可利用已廣泛運用在學術機構的電腦軟體來重建肇事前後之經過,以釐清肇事責任。但目前大部分為汽車與汽車間之碰撞模擬,汽車與機車間之行車事故模擬則較闕如,其中在路權(道路優先使用權)相當的同向碰撞行車事故,警方及鑑定單位常以碰撞後機車倒地方向作為判斷依據,惟實際案例中常為當事人所不服與質疑,由於事故之責任區分影響當事人權益甚鉅,因而建立一套汽機車間的碰撞模擬系統有其必要性。

    As urbanization developments continue in Taiwan, the population concentrating in urban areas has become more and more severe. As a result, city vehicle density increase, and parking is hard to find. People move to lighter vehicles like motorcycles for short distance transportation. In a crowded line, automobile with motorcycle accidents happen very frequently; and with each party sticking to his own version, or the motorcycle party is unable to speak, the use of academic institute’s computer simulation to reconstruct the scene prior and after the accident in order to clarify responsibility become widely known. However, most of these collision simulations are suitable between automobile, collision simulation of automobile with motorcycle are still rare. Especially in accidents where both parties are going in the same direction and have the same rights-of-way. The police and forensic unit usually make their ruling based on the motorcycle’s position, which usually brings criticism and doubts. As the responsibility of accident affects both parties’ interest in a big way, it is necessary to create an automobile with motorcycle collision simulation system.

    Since the traffic authorities have not build a vehicle related database, we used SolidWorks 3D to draw human figures, motorcycles, and car models in this research. In addition, we imported ADAMS software to input the model parameters. We included many same-direction traffic collision possibilities in the simulation. We studied the vehicle speed in correlation to the direction and position of where the motorcycles fall. Motion trajectory and the direction of where the motorcycle falls are also estimated through animation.

    The results of this study show that the rules that police frequently used to reconstruct a traffic accident scenario may not be correct, based on the falling side of a motorcycle in the actual scene after its collision with an automobile. Therefore, the police and the appraisal committees must be more careful on their appraisal work if a motorcycle is involved in an accident.

    第一章 緒論 1.1 前言 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究目的 1.4 文獻回顧與整理 1.5 研究流程與架構 第二章 汽機車同向擦撞行車事故之模擬 2.1 前言 2.1.1 對向撞擊型態行車事故 2.1.2 側向撞擊型態行車事故 2.1.3 角撞型態行車事故 2.1.4 同向追撞型態行車事故 2.1.5 倒車撞擊型態行車事故 2.1.6 機車翻倒前的速度估算分析 2.2 汽車模型 2.2.1 汽車模型外觀及尺寸 2.2.2 汽車模型各部位連接方式設定 2.3 機車模型 2.3.1 機車模型外觀及尺寸 2.3.2 機車模型各部位連接方式設定 2.4 同向汽車與機車行車事故模擬 2.4.1 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角0度模擬 2.4.2 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角5度模擬 2.4.3 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角10度模擬 2.4.4 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角15度模擬 2.4.5 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角20度模擬 2.4.6 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角25度模擬 2.4.7 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角30度模擬 2.4.8 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角35度模擬 2.4.9 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角40度模擬 2.4.10 參考車輛與相對車輛夾角45度模擬 2.5 小結 第三章 實際案例之模擬分析 3.1 前言 3.2 案例一模擬分析 3.2.1 案情摘要與資料蒐集整理 3.2.2 模擬分析 3.3 案例二模擬分析 3.3.1 案情摘要與資料蒐集整理 3.3.2 模擬分析 3.4 案例三模擬分析 3.4.1 案情摘要與資料蒐集整理 3.4.2 模擬分析 3.5 小結 第四章 結論與建議 4.1 結論 4.2 建議

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