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研究生: 黎寶琪
論文名稱: 閱讀族群使用社交軟體之介面設計研究
A Study on the User Interface Design of Social Media Application Used by Target Readers
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Zun-Hwa Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 介面設計使用者經驗閱讀族群服務設計使用性社群媒體跨領域
外文關鍵詞: User interface design, user experiences , readers, service design , usability , social media, cross-disciplinary
相關次數: 點閱:143下載:9
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關鍵字: 介面設計、使用者經驗、閱讀族群、服務設計、使用性、社群媒體、跨領域

The current internet architecture is well-developed, and with the growth of digital technology, the speed of Information transfer has become faster and more immediate. The forms of Information transfer have become more diverse, resulting in the emergence of various types of online social platforms and new media. These social media platforms are gradually gaining influence, not only fostering online social cultures among individuals but also altering their social patterns, becoming one of the primary modes of communication for people. Users can establish virtual communities, share life experiences, exchange information, and connect with other users through social media platforms.

According to the aforementioned trends in internet development, this study will focus on a group with preferences for readers and develop a cross-disciplinary system tailored to their online social preferences. The first phase involves assessing the interface and service requirements of the target group. This will be achieved through observational research on user trends and communication habits within social platforms, followed by in-depth interviews and task testing with three relevant participants. These participants are individuals who engage in reading activities for at least three days a week and possess rich experience in using social media. The second phase includes preliminary system architecture design, where the interface design process will integrate system functions based on conclusions drawn from the first phase. Users will then operate prototypes and complete semi-structured questionnaires for usability testing. The third phase will involve modifying the experimental sample based on the data and feedback obtained in the second phase. Finally, the experimental sample will be assessed through QUIS and EVS questionnaires to determine its alignment with the needs of the readers for social media.

The results of this study indicate: (1) in the experimental sample, functionality, information content, and interface design meet the interface requirements of the target audience; (2) designing platforms integrated with social media and discussion boards tailored to the specific needs of a group helps users exchange information more quickly and effectively, fostering interaction among users; and (3) findings from EVS data analysis reveal that designing content and functions based on user communication habits and motives helps meet the service needs of the target group while enhancing the system's reference value and customer loyalty.

Keywords: User Interface design, user experiences, readers, service design, usability, social media, cross-disciplinary

目錄 摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 ix 一、 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 1 1.3 研究背景相關調查 3 1.3.1 閱讀族群社交媒體平台 4 1.4 研究架構與範圍 5 二、 文獻探討 8 2.1 社群媒體(Social media) 8 2.1.1 社群媒體定義 8 2.1.2 討論版的架構和運作 8 2.1.3 訊息傳播 9 2.2 訊息與圖像處理(Information Graphics) 10 2.2.1 數據呈現方式與參考價值 11 2.3 設計原則(Design Principle) 13 2.3.1 介面使用性設計(Usage Design) 13 2.3.2 服務設計(Service Design) 14 2.3.3 使用者導向設計 15 2.3.4 互動設計 15 三、 研究方法 17 3.4 使用者滿意度測量 18 3.5 原型設計 19 四、 前導研究 21 4.1 研究方法與流程 21 4.2 觀察結果 23 4.2.1 目標族群動向 23 4.2.2 使用者行為 24 4.2.3 介面現況分析 25 4.3 深度訪談 27 4.3.1 訪談對象基本資料 27 4.3.2 訪談流程與樣本說明 28 4.4 深度訪談結果 31 4.4.1 樣本A深度訪談結果 31 4.4.2 樣本B深度訪談結果 34 4.5 深度訪談結果結論 36 五、 前導研究結果與分析 38 5.1 實驗樣本設計 38 5.1.1 線上服務體驗設計 38 5.1.2 原型架構 39 5.1.3 色彩規劃 41 5.1.4 主頁面設計 41 5.1.5 討論版設計 42 5.1.6 書籍排行榜設計 44 5.1.7 個人檔案設計 45 5.2 前導使用性實驗 47 5.2.1 實驗對象 47 5.2.2 實驗流程與變項 47 5.2.3 實驗問卷設計 48 5.3 問卷統計結果分析 50 5.3.1 實驗問卷回饋整理 56 5.4 結論與建議 58 5.5 原型設計修正結果 60 5.6 顧客服務體驗價值 68 5.6.1 EVS問卷設計 69 5.7 第二次原型使用性測試結果 71 5.7.1 第二次實驗問卷回饋結果整理 78 5.8 EVS服務體驗價值評估結果 80 六、 結論與建議 83 6.1 研究結論 83 6.2 後續研究建議 84 參考文獻 86 附錄 92 附錄一 使用性實驗半結構式問卷內容 92 附錄二 EVS價值體驗量表問卷內容 95

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