簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 鄭洧峸
Wei-Cheng Zheng
論文名稱: 和諧共鳴 : 構建組織持續發展的密碼
Harmonious Resonance: Constructing the Code for Organizational Sustainable Development
指導教授: 陳崇文
Chung-Wen Chen
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
Chia-Fen Chi
Chun-Nan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 師徒制事業前程規劃內部創業理論創業家精神
外文關鍵詞: apprenticeship, intrapreneurship
相關次數: 點閱:320下載:12
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  • 本論文使用哈佛式個案研究方法,包括兩部分:論文本身和教學指引手冊。教師可以根據個案公司以及個案工程師兩種角度,引導學生站在不同的立場探討如何應用師徒制度、事業前程規劃、內部創業理論和創業家精神等管理議題,探討職業發展的過程以及師徒制度的重要性。期望這份個案研究可以為個人事業發展或企業經營提供參考。本研究以一位年輕工程師李明的職業發展歷程為個案,從追逐創新夢想到面臨職業抉擇,探討他在工作中所經歷的成長、挑戰和決策過程。李明進入一家IC公司後,在老闆陳先生的指導下,由無經驗的新人逐漸成長為優秀員工。他在專案中提出的節能方案得到贊賞和支持,逐漸融入團隊,為公司帶來成功和增長。繼而李明在職業抉擇時面臨內心掙扎,他雖感激陳先生的知遇之恩,但同時渴望追求更大的發展空間和挑戰。透過坦誠交流,李明得到鼓勵和理解。最終,他決定留在公司並獲得晉升機會。他明白選擇的重要性,堅守初衷,繼續與陳先生攜手奮鬥,為公司貢獻。本個案強調價值觀和初衷的重要性,並探討師徒制度在職業發展中的作用。李明的故事彰顯了信任、支持和回饋在團隊合作和成功中的重要性。他的經驗和故事提供了啟示,提醒新進成員珍惜機會,勇於學習和成長。

    This thesis employs the Harvard-style case study methodology (Case Method and Participant-Centered Learning, PCMPCL), comprising two parts: the thesis itself and the instructional guide. Instructors can guide students to explore management issues such as mentorship programs, career development planning, internal entrepreneurship theory, and entrepreneurial spirit from the perspectives of both the case company and the case engineer. The aim is to delve into the process of career development and emphasize the importance of mentorship systems. This case study is intended to serve as a valuable reference for individual career development or business operations.
    The study focuses on the career development journey of a young engineer named Ming Lee, presenting his experiences of growth, challenges, and decision-making from pursuing innovative dreams to facing career choices. Upon joining an IC company, under the guidance of his boss, Mr. Chen, Ming gradually evolves from an inexperienced newcomer to an outstanding employee. His energy-saving proposal in a project receives praise and support, allowing him to integrate into the team and contribute to the company's success and growth.
    As Ming faces career choices, he experiences inner turmoil. While he appreciates Mr. Chen's mentorship, he also yearns for greater development opportunities and challenges. Through open and honest communication, Ming receives encouragement and understanding. Ultimately, he decides to stay with the company and receives a promotion. He recognizes the significance of his choice, remains true to his aspirations, and continues to work alongside Mr. Chen, making contributions to the company.
    This case study emphasizes the importance of values and original intentions while exploring the role of mentorship systems in career development. John's story highlights the importance of trust, support, and feedback in team collaboration and success. His experiences and narrative provide insights and serve as a reminder for new members to cherish opportunities and embrace learning and growth.

    摘要 IV Abstract V 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 1 壹 、個案本文 2 一 、開場白 2 二 、產業背景 3 1. 產業背景 3 三 、個案公司背景 8 1. 個案公司背景 8 2. 核心價值觀 8 3. 核心服務 9 4. 公司產品及應用 10 5. 公司組織架構 11 四 、小徒弟的成長之路 12 1. 李明的創新之夢 12 2. 陳先生的悉心指導 12 3. 歸屬感的萌芽 13 4. 李明的成就和展望 14 五 、面臨抉擇和兩難 16 1. 陳先生的知遇之恩 16 2. 李明面臨的抉擇和內心的掙扎 16 3. 堅守初衷和價值觀 17 4. 堅定的承諾和共同努力 18 六 、追尋理想的抉擇:從創業到公司內創業的轉變 20 1. 迷茫的冬天-挣扎中的抉擇 20 2. 解決方案與尋找指引 20 3. 追尋理想-衝突後組織的未來發展 21 4. 轉折的決定-新的起點 22 七 、天人交戰,外部創業還是內部創業? 23 貳 、教學指引 25 一 、個案總覽 25 二 、個案分析層次及Takeaways 26 三 、適用課程與授課對象 28 四 、個案主要人物背景 28 五 、教學目標與學習目的 30 1. 經驗傳承管理與歸屬感之探討 30 2. 事業前程規劃之探討 33 3. 內部創業決策之探討 35 4. 創業家精神之探討 40 5. 課程結論 42 六 、教學建議 43 七 、板書規劃 44 1. 板書1 李明發展背景 44 2. 板書2 師徒制及故事1整理 45 3. 板書3 事業前程規劃及故事2整理 46 4. 板書4 內部創業故事3整理 47 5. 板書5 企業家精神及故事4整理 48 參考文獻 49

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