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研究生: 陳政煒
論文名稱: 網路通訊晶片流浪記–個案公司流程再造的故事
Failure Analysis Process Re-engineering
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 陳正綱
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 策略管理併購組織變革流程再造組織學習服務品質
外文關鍵詞: Strategic management theory, Mergers and acquisitions strategic
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:4
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本研究藉由個案晶片設計公司依其核心理念,"Connecting Everything"採行併購策略,水平的收購網路晶片設計公司,描述其所採用之策略,經組織變革及進行流程再造後,迅速增加產品缐組合,成為世界級的網路通訊晶片設計公司。本論文以敎學個案方式撰寫,陳述企業高階主管及董事會進行購併策略的動機,並瞭解併購的可能性,及未來面臨成功或失敗的因素及陷阱。併購執行後管理者進行組織變革及流程再造,以適應新的外在環境變化。論文包含個案本文與教師手冊兩部分,為研究者整合管理案例、管理知識、累積實務經驗,以及產業研究的觀點所匯集而成之虛擬個案。本個案配合策略管理、組織變革、服務管理等理論,印證組織自我學習,使用服務藍圖找出服務失敗點,有系統補救服務之錯誤,完成服務流程再造的實例,謹供相關產業與實務專家併購決策時之參考。

The thesis is a case study of an IC design house whose core mission is “connecting everything”. To achieve the core mission, the company began making a series of acquisitions that would expand its technological capabilities. The company further implemented organizational change and process reengineering to rapidly increase the company’s product portfolios, which helped the company became a world-class communications IC design house. This study utilized case-writing method that illustrates how the corporate executives and board of directors are motivated by the strategic acquisitions, understand the feasibility and potential risk of failure, and implement organizational change after the merger in order to adapt to the new changes in the industry. There are two parts in this study: case description and teaching manual. The virtual case in the study has integrated management case, management knowledge, accumulated practical experience, and the views of industry research. The scope of this study is helping organization make decision in mergers and acquisitions and implement leadership to reduce crisis impact, moreover, applying marketing management tool to lead teams toward right direction.

第一章 個案本文 1.1 萬里長征 1.2 怨聲載道 1.3 合縱連橫 1.4 招兵買馬 1.5 速戰速決 1.6 群雄並起 1.7 逐鹿中原 1.8 風起雲湧 1.9 未完待續 第二章 教學指引 2.1 個案總覽 2.2 教學目標與適用課程 2.3 學員課前準備 2.4 學員問題討論 2.5 個案背景 2.6 個案分析 2.7 教學建議 2.8 板書規劃 2.9 後記 附錄 IC (Integrated Circuit) IC半導體產業 IC晶圓產品介紹 (晶圓代工) IC封裝測試產業 IC零件不良品分析及IC設計服務產業

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