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研究生: 盧彥宇
Yen-Yu Lu
論文名稱: 針對儲存系統的馬丁格爾及反馬丁格爾模型的閒置時間預測之策略
An Idle Time Detection Strategy based on the Martingale and Anti Martingale Models for Storage Systems
指導教授: 吳晋賢
Chin-Hsien Wu
口試委員: 吳晋賢
Chin-Hsien Wu
Li-Pin Chang
Yuan-Hao Chang
Ya-Shu Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 快閃記憶體快閃記憶體轉換層強化式學習預測空閒時間
外文關鍵詞: Flash Translation Layer, NAND Flash Memory, Reinforcement Learning, Idle Time prediction
相關次數: 點閱:310下載:6
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Some previous works have been proposed to utilize the idle time of a workload to improve the system performance of solid-state drives (SSDs). This is because SSDs that adopt NAND flash memory will face two critical issues: (1) ”out-of place updates” and (2) ”garbage collection (GC)”. However, the GC activities will cause the long-tail latency and degrade the system performance. Therefore, how to correctly detect the idle time of a workload to perform the appropriate operations in SSDs (e.g., the GC activities) is a key point.
In the paper, we will propose an idle time detection strategy to predict the idle time of the real workloads. The detection strategy is to apply three proposed voting methods as investors to the revised Martingale and Anti-Martingale models that are used in economics for investment transactions. The experimental results also show that the prediction accuracy of the proposed strategy can be stably about 80% in average.

Abstract Contents List of Figures List of Table List of Formula I. Introduction II. Background knowledge 2.1 Martingale and Anti-Martingale Models 2.2 Solid-State Drives III. RELATED WORK IV. Motivation V. An Idle Time Detection Strategy Based on The Martingale and Anti-Martingale Models A. System Overview B. Multiple Voting Methods of Idle Time Detection 5.2.1 Voting Method 1 (VM1): Number of Read and Write Requests in Different Sizes: 5.2.2 Voting Method 2 (VM2): Idle, Light and Heavy Loading States: 5.2.3 Voting Method 3 (VM3): Access Percentages of Idleness, Read and Write Requests in each Period and their Order: C. The Martingale and Anti-Martingale Models for the Multiple Voting Methods 5.3.1 Prediction Voting: 5.3.2 Final Prediction Decision: 5.3.3 Martingale and Anti-Martingale Models: VI. Experiment A. Experimental Setup B. Experimental Results VII. Conclusion References

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