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研究生: 廖崇惇
Chung-tun Liao
論文名稱: 探討交聯劑對SBF仿生幾丁聚醣膜材的影響
The Fabrication of Biomimetic Chitosan Scaffolds by Using SBF Treatment with Different Crosslinking Agents
指導教授: 何明樺
Ming-Hua Ho
口試委員: 胡孝光
Shiaw-Guang Hu
Po-Chun Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 幾丁聚醣類人體體液氫氧基磷灰石交聯劑
外文關鍵詞: chitosan, SBF, hydroxyapatite, crosslinker
相關次數: 點閱:473下載:1
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骨誘導性(Osteoinduction)為材料所需具備的一項重要的性質,在本研究中利用模擬人體體液(Simulated body fluid,SBF)來披覆仿生礦化的氫氧基磷灰石於幾丁聚醣/動物明膠支架上,期望利用此仿生礦化層來引導骨細胞生長並誘導其分化以形成新生骨。使用不同長短鏈交聯劑如:三聚磷酸鈉、戊二醛和乙二醛,交聯後的幾丁聚醣/動物明膠膜材進行仿生礦化,並探討氫氧化鈣程序的影響性,XRD、EDS、FTIR、AFM和SEM物性分析結果探討交聯劑在仿生礦化中所造成的差異性。結果顯示,TPP交聯後並浸泡氫氧化鈣7天和SBF14天的膜材有最佳氫氧基磷灰石沉積於表面,TPP交聯劑本身提供更加充足的磷酸根離子,且在礦化程序中更能誘導氫氧基磷灰石生成,使其鈣磷比和結晶性相近於人體骨骼ECM。

Osteoinduction is a key issue in bone tissue engineering. In this study, the chitosan substrates was modified with the simulated body fluid(SBF)which would create a biomimetic layer on the interface between tissues and scaffolds for the bone formation. In the formation of hydroxyapatitie (HA) crystals by SBF treatment, the chitosan plays an important role as a template for the resulted biomimetic HA layer. The properties of chitosan templates are controlled by different crosslinkers, sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP), glutaraldehyde (GA) and glyoxal, before the SBF immersion. From the experimental results from XRD, EDS, FTIR and SEM analysis, the HA layer on the chitosan substrates crosslinked by TPP has the Ca/P ratio and crystallinity which are much closer to those of natural bones. These results prove that the chitosan membrane is more biomimetic by the crosslinking with TPP. It would be due to that the inter-molecular distances are controlled by these crosslinkers. Comparing with the other corsslinkers used in this research, the molecular size of TPP is more similar to the size of HA crystals in the ECM of human bones. That is to say, the resulted HA crystals are constrained in the chitosan template where the inter-space has be dominated by the TPP. Thus, a highly biomimetic layer is obtained.
To investigate the biocompatibility and osteoinduction effects, the chitosan membranes with SBF treatment are used for the culture of osteoblastic cells in this study. The cellular activity, cell proliferation, cell morphology and alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) expression, were analyzed. The results in this research suggested that the SBF modification would improve the biocompatibility of chitosan substrates. Besides, by the crosslinking with TPP, the SBF-treated shows even higher osteoinduction effects, revealed by the increase in ALPase activity. In conclusion, the SBF process on chitosan membranes can be more efficient in the bone tissue engineering by TPP crosslinking. The excellent properties of biocompatibility and osteoinduction makes the substrates prepared in this study to be with high potential in the promotion of bone regeneration.

摘 要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 專 有 名 詞 及 縮 寫 VI 目 錄 XI 圖 目 錄 XVI 表 目 錄 XXI 第一章 序論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1硬骨組織工程材料簡介與分類 4 2.1.1自然性骨材料 6 2.1.2 人工合成骨材料 7 2.2膜材材料簡介 10 2.2.1幾丁聚醣(Chitosan)及生醫領域應用 11 2.2.2 動物明膠(Galetin)及生醫領域應用 14 2.2.3 氫氧基磷灰石(Hydroxyapatite) 16 2.3類人體體液簡介(Simulated Body Fluids,SBF) 20 2.4交聯劑(crosslinker) 23 2.5骨母細胞分化標記 26 2.5.1 鹼性磷酸酶(Alkaline phosphatase) 28 第三章 實驗材料與方法 29 3.1 實驗藥品 29 3.2 實驗儀器 32 3.3 幾丁聚醣/動物明膠/氫氧基磷灰石緻密膜材製備 34 3.3.1 幾丁聚醣/動物明膠緻密膜材製備 34 3.3.2 幾丁聚醣/動物明膠/氫氧基磷灰石緻密膜材製備 35 3.4 基材特性之分析儀器 36 3.4.1掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察(SEM) 36 3.4.2紅外線光譜儀分析(FTIR-Microscopy) 36 3.4.3 X-ray繞射光譜儀分析(XRD) 36 3.4.4接觸角分析(contact angle) 37 3.4.5原子力顯微鏡分析(AFM) 37 3.5 細胞體外實驗 38 3.5.1 細胞來源 38 3.5.2 細胞培養 39 3.5.3 冷凍保存 40 3.5.4 解凍培養 40 3.5.5 細胞計數 41 3.5.6 細胞活性測試 43 3.5.7 鹼性磷酸酶(ALPase)定量分析 45 第四章 結果與討論 48 4.1經過不同交聯劑交聯後之幾丁聚醣/動物明膠膜材基本性質及分析 50 4.1.1接觸角分析材料表面特性(Contact angle) 50 4.1.2傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析(FTIR) 52 4.1.3 X-ray繞射光譜儀分析(XRD) 57 4.1.4原子力顯微鏡分析(AFM) 60 4.2經過SBF仿生礦化後幾丁聚醣/動物明膠膜材基本性質及分析 62 4.2.1 X-ray繞射光譜儀分析(XRD) 62 SBF處理過後分析 62 未經過Ca(OH)2處理直接浸泡SBF處理後分析 67 4.2.2傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析(FTIR) 70 SBF處理過後分析 70 未經過Ca(OH)2處理直接浸泡SBF處理後分析 73 4.2.3接觸角分析材料表面特性(Contact angle) 75 4.2.4掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察(SEM) 77 SBF處理過後分析 77 未經過Ca(OH)2處理直接浸泡SBF處理後分析 81 4.3幾丁聚醣/動物明膠/氫氧基磷灰石緻密膜材之細胞培養實驗 84 4-3-1 細胞於膜材表面生長型態 84 4-3-2 細胞增生 93 4-3-3 細胞粒線體活性測試 95 4-3-4 細胞鹼性磷酸酶測試 98 第五章 結論 101 參考文獻 103 附錄A. 鹼性磷酸酶 檢量線 115

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