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研究生: 李湘慈
Xiang-Tzu Lee
論文名稱: 探討微氣泡超音波於抑制順鉑誘發NOX4基因表現並治療耳毒性
Investigating the effect of ultrasound -microbubble on inhibiting cisplatin-induced NOX4 gene expression and treating ototoxicity
指導教授: 廖愛禾
Ai-Ho Liao
口試委員: 沈哲洲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 順鉑煙酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸氧化酶4基因沉默溶菌酶微氣泡超音波活性氧
外文關鍵詞: cisplatin, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase 4, gene silencing, lysozyme microbubble, ultrasound, reactive oxygen species
相關次數: 點閱:390下載:0
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順鉑是治療癌症時的常見藥物,但其會有導致耳毒性的副作用。順鉑進入細胞後與水形成複合物,該複合物會阻斷 DNA 複製和轉錄並抑制DNA修復與細胞週期過程。另外順鉑也會產生過量的活性氧且能與抗氧化酶(例如:超氧化物歧化酶和過氧化氫酶)共價結合,減弱內耳抗氧化防禦能力。還原態的菸鹼醯胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, NADPH) 氧化酶4(NOX4)是順鉑誘導活性氧((Reactive oxygen species,ROS)產生的重要氧化酶,過去研究證實透過NOX4 siRNA轉染細胞可有效使NOX4基因沉默並且減弱順鉑造成的細胞毒性和ROS產生。本研究建立吸附NOX4 siRNA之溶菌酶微氣泡結合超音波介導技術,施打超音波造成穴蝕效應可開啟細胞膜通透度,使溶菌酶微氣泡作為藥物載體將NOX4 siRNA送入細胞,此技術除了提高轉染效率及避免NOX4 siRNA降解外,也可有效抑制NOX4基因表現與ROS產生。
首先測定順鉑對於HEI-OC1細胞的毒性並檢測順鉑誘發細胞內NOX基因表現,接著製備LyzMBs- NOX4 siRNA其濃度為1.49 ± 0.861 (×108 bubbles/mL)且NOX4 siRNA吸附率為89.25 %;並進行體外細胞實驗 (n=5),其實驗組別分別為Control (no treatment)組、CDDP(20 µM)組、單純NOX4 siRNA溶液浸泡與超音波組 (NOX4 siRNA+CDDP / NOX4 siRNA+US+CDDP)、NOX4 siRNA溶液混合溶菌酶微氣泡浸泡與超音波組 (LyzMBs+ NOX4 siRNA+CDDP / LyzMBs+ NOX4 siRNA+US+CDDP)、吸附NOX4 siRNA之溶菌酶微氣泡浸泡與超音波組(LyzMBs- NOX4 siRNA+CDDP /LyzMBs- NOX4 siRNA+US+CDDP)。
在體外試驗中,吸附NOX4 siRNA之溶菌酶微氣泡施打超音波後轉染效率提升52.79 %,相較CDDP組其抑制NOX4基因抑制效率提升124.6 %、ROS抑制效率提升75.4 %。在離體組織中,經由超音波微氣泡作用可有效抑制NOX4基因表現,治療因順鉑造成之毛細胞損傷。

Cisplatin is a common drug for treating cancers, but it has the side effect of ototoxicity. After entering into the cell, cisplatin produces a complex with water and the complex blocks DNA replication and transcription and results in the inhibition of DNA repair and cell cycle progression. In addition, cisplatin also produces excess reactive oxygen species(ROS) and can covalently bind to anti-oxidant enzymes (e.g., superoxide dismutase and catalase), weakening the antioxidant defense capacity of the inner ear. NOX4 is an important oxidase for cisplatin-induced ROS production. Past studies have confirmed that NOX4 siRNA transfected cells can effectively silence the NOX4 gene and attenuate the cytotoxicity and ROS production caused by cisplatin. This thesis aims to explore the feasibility of NOX4 siRNA-coated lysozyme microbubble combined with ultrasound for gene therapy. Then, cavitation effect caused by the application of ultrasound can increase the cell membrane permeability and confirm that the lysozyme microbubbles can be used as drugcarriers to deliver NOX4 siRNA into cells. This technology can improve the transfection efficiency and avoid the degradation of NOX4 siRNA. In addition, to improve the transfection efficiency and avoid NOX4 siRNA degradation, this technology was also inhibit used to NOX4 gene expression and ROS production.
Firstly, the toxicity of cisplatin to HEI-OC1 cells was determined and the intracellular NOX gene expression induced by cisplatin was detected. Then, LyzMBs-NOX4 siRNA was prepared at a concentration of 1.49 ± 0.861 (×108 bubbles/mL) and the adsorption rate of NOX4 siRNA was 89.25%; in the in vitro cell experiments (n=5), the experimental groups were divided into Control (no treatment) group、CDDP (cisplatin) (20 µM) group、NOX4 siRNA solution alone soaking and ultrasonic group (NOX4 siRNA+CDDP / NOX4 siRNA+US+ CDDP)、NOX4 siRNA solution mixed with LyzMBs soaking and ultrasonic group (LyzMBs+ NOX4 siRNA+CDDP / LyzMBs+ NOX4 siRNA+US+CDDP)、NOX4 siRNA adsorbed LyzMBs soaking and ultrasonic group (LyzMBs- NOX4 siRNA+CDDP/LyzMBs-NOX4 siRNA+US+CDDP).
In the in vitro test, the transfection efficiency of the LyzMBs-NOX4 siRNA group increased by 52.79 % after ultrasound treatment, compared with the CDDP group, the inhibition efficiency of NOX4 gene inhibition increased by 124.6 % and the ROS inhibition efficiency increased by 75.4 %. In the Organ of Corti explant, microbubbles combined with ultrasound can effectively inhibit the expression of NOX4 gene and reduced cochlear hair cell damage caused by cisplatin.

ABSTRACT iii 致謝 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 x 表目錄 xiii 第1章、緒論 1 1.1 內耳耳毒性治療 1 1.1.1順鉑導致耳毒性之藥物治療簡介 2 1.1.2順鉑導致耳毒性之基因治療簡介 (Gene therapy) 3 1.2 超音波傳輸機制 4 1.2.1 超音波簡介 (Ultrasound) 4 1.2.2 醫用超音波 (medical ultrasound) 5 1.2.3 超音波結合微氣泡於基因治療之應用 7 1.3 超音波微氣泡對比劑 7 1.3.1 穴蝕效應 (Cavitation) 8 1.3.2 穩態穴蝕效應 (Stable cavitation) 9 1.3.3 慣性穴蝕效應 (Inertial cavitation) 10 1.4 溶菌酶簡介及應用 11 1.4.1 溶菌酶 (Lysozyme) 11 1.4.2 溶菌酶微氣泡相關研究 12 1.5順鉑(CDDP)簡介及耳毒性機制 12 1.5.1順式-二氯二氨合鉑(CDDP) 12 1.5.2順鉑誘導耳蝸細胞凋亡與過氧化作用機制 13 1.6 NADPH氧化酶簡介及應用 15 1.6.1 NADPH氧化酶家族介紹 15 1.6.2 NADPH氧化酶4(NOX4) 16 1.6.3 NADPH氧化酶產生ROS路徑 17 1.7 siRNA簡介及應用 18 1.7.1 siRNA 18 1.7.2 siRNA 修飾 18 1.7.2基因沉默 (gene silencing) 19 1.7.3細胞轉染 (cell transfection) 20 1.8 研究動機 21 第2章、材料與方法 22 2.1 研究架構 22 2.2藥品與設備 23 2.2.1 藥品 23 2.2.2 設備 25 2.3 溶菌酶微氣泡製備 26 2.4 細胞培養 27 2.4.1 細胞株及細胞繼代 27 2.4.2 細胞計數 27 2.5.基因轉殖超音波導入系統 28 2.6 CDDP細胞毒殺分析 29 2.6.1 細胞IC50分析 29 2.6.2 CDDP與超音波介導技術結合微氣泡對於細胞存活之影響 31 2.7 CDDP誘發細胞NOX基因表現分析 32 2.7.1即時定量反轉錄聚合酶連鎖反應 qRT-PCR 32 2.7.2 RNA extraction 33 2.7.3反轉錄 (Reverse Transcription) 35 2.7.4定量PCR (qPCR) 35 2.8 表面吸附 NOX4 siRNA 之溶菌酶微氣泡製備 36 2.9 溶菌酶微氣泡與吸附NOX4 siRNA 溶菌酶微氣泡之性質分析 37 2.9.1 濃度量測 37 2.9.2 吸附NOX4 siRNA之溶菌酶微氣泡吸附效率分析 38 2.10 體外細胞實驗 39 2.10.1細胞實驗組別設計與方法 39 2.10.2 細胞生存率分析 40 2.10.3 轉染效率分析 41 2.10.4 細胞NOX4基因抑制分析 42 2.10.5 細胞ROS分析 44 2.11離體組織 Organ of Corti實驗 45 2.11.1離體組織 Organ of Corti 培養 45 2.11.2 離體組織 Organ of Corti實驗 45 2.11.3離體組織 Organ of Corti固定 46 2.11.4螢光染色及共軛焦顯微鏡拍攝 46 2.12 統計分析 47 第3章、實驗結果 48 3.1 CDDP細胞毒殺分析 48 3.1.1 CDDP IC50分析 48 3.1.2 CDDP與超音波介導技術結合微氣泡對於細胞存活之影響 49 3.2 CDDP誘發細胞NOX基因表現分析 50 3.3 溶菌酶微氣泡與吸附NOX4 siRNA 之溶菌酶微氣泡性質分析 52 3.3.1 濃度量測 52 3.3.2吸附NOX4 siRNA之溶菌酶微氣泡吸附效率分析 53 3.4 體外細胞實驗 54 3.4.1 細胞生存率分析 54 3.4.2 轉染效率分析 56 3.4.3 細胞NOX4基因抑制分析 60 3.4.4 細胞ROS分析 65 3.5離體組織 Organ of Corti螢光染色 67 第4章、討論 69 第5章、結論 73 參考文獻 74

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