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研究生: 鄭允中
Yun-Chung Cheng
論文名稱: 外語聽力焦慮與聽力理解的關聯性之後設分析
Foreign Language Listening Anxiety and Listening Comprehension: A Meta-Analysis
指導教授: 曾文鐽
Wen-Ta Tseng
口試委員: 曾文鐽
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 外語聽力焦慮聽力理解效應值後設分析信賴區間
外文關鍵詞: foreign language listening anxiety, listening comprehension, effect size, meta-analysis, confidence interval
相關次數: 點閱:444下載:4
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  • 過去研究結果指出外語聽力焦慮與聽力理解有負面的相關性,但是過去結果得出的關聯性大小不一。此外,過去的後設分析研究顯少著重在外語聽力能力。一份最近的研究雖然試圖分析外語聽力焦慮與聽力理解的關聯性,不過當中的資料歸類方式不盡完善(Li, 2022)。
    整體來說,這次的研究結果顯示外語聽力焦慮與聽力理解的關聯性成顯著負相關,且大小為中等(r=-0.490, 95% CI [-0.547, -0.429], p=0.000)。當中,聽力焦慮問卷的總題數和聽力焦慮問卷的克隆巴赫係數為顯著的調節變項。

    Previous research has found that foreign language listening anxiety adversely correlates with listening comprehension. (Annisa et al., 2020; Nasir & Pafritri, 2023; Xu & Huang, 2018). However, the reported sizes of the correlation coefficients were inconsistent, ranging from small to large. In addition, previous meta-analyses focused primarily on general foreign language anxiety, and had limited studies to draw from when it came to listening anxiety, which is skill-specific (Karalik & Merc, 2019; Teimouri et al, 2019; Zhang, 2019). Furthermore, a recent meta-analysis that sought to investigate the association between listening anxiety and listening comprehension used a questionable coding scheme (Li, 2022). This study is an attempt to determine the overall relationship between foreign language listening anxiety and listening comprehension by analyzing a surpassing number of effect sizes while following a clear coding scheme. Subsequently, which moderators (educational level, language distance, number of items on listening anxiety questionnaire, test type, Cronbach's alpha of listening anxiety questionnaire) hold significant influence over the relationship will also be investigated.
    A sum of 45 effect sizes from 38 empirical studies were eligible for meta-analysis after the screening process. Afterwards, a coding scheme containing bibliographic information, participant background, research results, and instrument design was constructed. Finally, the aggregated data underwent a meta-analysis and moderator analysis.
    On the whole, the relationship between foreign language listening anxiety and listening comprehension was shown to be negative and moderate (r=-0.490, 95% CI [-0.547, -0.429], p=0.000). As for the moderators, the number of items in a listening anxiety questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha of a listening anxiety questionnaire turned out to be significant moderators the relationship. On the other hand, educational level, language distance, and test type yielded homogenous results. Given that students with greater levels of listening anxiety tend to do worse on listening comprehension tests, educators should design techniques to reduce stress and tension.
    Overall, the present study provides an updated and comprehensive insight into the interrelation between foreign language listening anxiety and listening comprehension, as well as significant moderators. Potential pedagogical and theoretical implications will be discussed accordingly.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Research Background 1 Research Gaps 2 Research Questions 3 Significance of the Present Study 4 Organization of the Thesis 4 Terminology 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Foreign Language Listening Anxiety 6 The Relationship Between Foreign Language Listening Anxiety and Listening Comprehension 7 Previous Related Meta-Analyses 8 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Literature Search Process 13 Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria 14 Data Coding 16 Data Analysis 25 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS Overall Relationship Between Foreign Language Listening Anxiety and Listening Comprehension 26 Results for Moderator Analysis 26 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION Summary of Main Findings 31 Educational Level 32 Cognate 34 Number of Items on Listening Anxiety Questionnaire 34 Test Type 36 Cronbach’s Alpha of Listening Anxiety Questionnaire 37 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION Overall Conclusion 38 Implications 38 Limitations 40 REFERENCES 42 APPENDICES Figure 1. Prisma Flowchart 50 Table 1. Coding Scheme 51 Table 2. Coding Table 52 Table 3. Correlation Between Listening Anxiety and Listening Comprehension 56 Table 4. Result of Fixed Effect Regression 56 Table 5. Result of Fixed Effect Regression Continued 56 Table 6. Result of the Moderator Analysis 57

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    全文公開日期 2027/02/21 (校外網路)