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論文名稱: Non-contacting 3D Measurement System Integrating Webcam Camera and Laser Projector for Fast Industrial Robot Assembly Implementations
Non-contacting 3D Measurement System Integrating Webcam Camera and Laser Projector for Fast Industrial Robot Assembly Implementations
指導教授: 林其禹
Chyi-Yeu Lin
口試委員: 郭重顯
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Shih-Hsuan Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 關鍵字非接觸3D量測系統組裝自動化機械手臂影像投影形狀偵測雷射過濾。
外文關鍵詞: Non-contacting 3D measurement system, part assembly, automated robot arm operation, back projecting, shape-based matching, laser segmentation
相關次數: 點閱:309下載:2
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本論文提出一套結合相機與雷射投影之非接觸3D測量系統,藉由追蹤以點雷射和線雷射在平面影像中的雷射投影,來獲取3D空間中的資訊,並利用手眼校正將相機的座標系轉為機械手臂座標系,供工業六軸機械手臂使用。本論文將系統運用在需要高精準度的電腦主機板記憶體插入任務上。測試結果顯示系統精準度 ±0.35mm,適用於現今大多數機械手臂的組裝任務。

This thesis presents a 3D measurement system combining webcam camera and laser projectors as a non-contacting method for fast robot operations. Two types of laser projector comprising the pointer laser and the line laser are used to obtain 3D information by tracking laser projection on image plane and then calculating its 3D positions in camera coordinate. The system is integrated to an industrial 6-axis robot arm with implementing the hand-eye calibration method so that the scanned 3D points from the camera coordinate can be transformed to the robot coordinate. The whole integration system has been tested on the socket insertion task that demands a high precision requirement. The result from exemplification indicated that system’s precision is and can satisfy many robot arm operated assembly tasks.

Abstracti List of Figuresv List of Tablesvii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1 1.1 Background1 1.2 Motivation1 1.3 Background Knowledge2 1.3.1 3D Scanner2 1.3.2 Introduction to Laser Scanner System3 CHAPTER TWO DENSO ROBOT5 2.1 Transformation Matrix5 2.2 DENSO Robot’s DH Table6 2.3 Direct Kinematics7 2.4 Inverse Kinematics9 2.5 End-Effector Kinematics-Screw Transformation11 2.6 Velocity Jacobian12 CHAPTER THREE NON-CONTACTING 3D MEASUREMENT SYSTEM14 3.1 Camera Pinhole Model14 3.2 Non-Contacting 3D Measurement System15 3.2.1 System Setup15 3.2.2 Laser Scanner System Using Line Laser16 3.2.3 Range Finder System Using Pointer Laser19 CHAPTER FOUR IMAGE PROCESSING26 4.1 Camera Calibration26 4.1.1 Zhang’s Method for Camera Calibration26 4.1.2 Camera Intrinsic27 4.1.3 Camera Extrinsic28 4.1.4 Back Projecting29 4.2 Hand-Eye Calibration30 4.3 Laser Segmentation32 4.3.1 Laser Projector and Laser Filter32 4.3.2 Laser Segmentation by Adaptive Threshold33 4.3.3 Thinning Operation35 4.4 Edge Detection38 4.5 Halconn 2D Shape-Based Matching40 CHAPTER FIVE GUI SYSTEM42 5.1 QT Creator42 5.2 GUI System Using Qt Creator42 CHAPTER SIX EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS45 CHAPTER SEVEN CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS50 7.1 Conclusion51 7.2 Applications52 7.3 Future Works52 References54

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