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研究生: 吳嘉霖
Chia-Lin Wu
論文名稱: 電網級儲能系統與二次配電系統互操作研究
Study on Interoperation between Grid-Scale Energy Storage System and Secondary Distribution System
指導教授: 陳在相
Tsai-Hsiang Chen
口試委員: 楊念哲
Jyh-Cherng Gu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 智慧電網電網級儲能系統互操作群聚式發電系統再生能源發電系統能源管理系統智慧監控系統電力潮流分析節能減碳環境永續政策
外文關鍵詞: smart grid, grid-scale energy storage system, interoperation, clustered generation system, renewable energy generation system, energy management system, smart supervisor and control system, power flow analysis, energy conservation and carbon reduction, sustainable environment policy.
相關次數: 點閱:541下載:4
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This study aims to deal with the interoperation between the grid-scale energy storage system (gESS) and secondary distribution system. First of all, this study will utilize Matlab® and OpenDSS™ (The Open Distribution System Simulator) software to develop components of typical secondary distribution system distributed system in Taiwan. Including the source, the distribution transformer, feeders, loads, renewable resource systems, and energy storage systems. Furthermore, this study will develop suitable power flow analysis programs to explore and confirm possible interaction and interoperation between gESS and secondary distribution system. Finally, this study will probe into the impact due to the raising penetration of renewable sources. With operation strategy of gESS, we can thereby improve power quality and enhance the feasibility of increasing penetration of renewable generation.

中文摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖表索引VI 第一章緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究方法與步驟2 1.3研究貢獻3 1.4論文架構4 第二章各國配電系統與電網級儲能系統技術發展5 2.1前言5 2.2配電系統電網型態5 2.2.1配電系統規劃準則7 2.2.2配電變壓器供電方式與低壓系統供電等級8 2.3電網級儲能系統之種類與技術發展10 2.3.1電網級儲能系統類別與應用11 2.3.2光-儲系統介紹15 第三章 群聚發電系統元件與二次配電系統數學模型建構18 3.1前言18 3.2配電系統主要元件模型18 3.2.1電源模型18 3.2.2 變壓器模型19 3.2.3線路模型22 3.2.4負載與光-儲系統模型22 3.3配電系統模型建立與系統模擬工具OpenDSS™簡介23 3.3.1系統模擬工具OpenDSS™簡介23 3.3.2配電系統數學模型之建立與驗證24 3.4範例系統架構與參數設定25 第四章群聚式光-儲系統於典型二次配電系統之併網容量研析31 4.1前言31 4.2群聚式光-儲系統運轉控制策略31 4.2系統因子對群聚式光-儲系統設置容量影響之分析32 4.3主要系統因子對群聚式光-儲系統設置容量之評估64 4.4結語66 第五章 裝設儲能系統對提高群聚式太陽光電系統容量占比之研析67 5.1前言67 5.2群聚式太陽光電發電滲透率提高對二次配電系統衝擊之分析67 5.2.1 群聚式太陽光電發電系統併接於A-B相間68 5.2.2 群聚式太陽光電發電系統併接於AN相間72 5.3透過裝設儲能系統提高太陽光電發電滲透率之可行性評估75 5.3.1 群聚式光-儲系統併接於AB相間76 5.3.2 群聚式光-儲系統併接於AN相間80 5.4結語83 第六章結論與未來研究方向84 6.1結論84 6.2未來研究方向85 參考文獻86

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