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研究生: 何宇文
Yu-Wen Ho
論文名稱: 二維輸入震波對剛性方槽儲存液體之對流模態效應研析
Seismic Effect of Two-dimensional Excitation on Convective Mode of Water in Rigid Square Tanks
指導教授: 柴駿甫
Juin-Fu Chai
口試委員: 林凡茹
Fan-Ru Lin
Wei-Hung Hsu
Ting-Yu Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: 方形儲槽對流模態潑濺水高潑出水量數值分析
外文關鍵詞: square tanks, convective mode, sloshing height, splashing volume, numerical analysis
相關次數: 點閱:291下載:1
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  • 本研究主要為二維輸入震波對剛性方形儲槽儲存液體之對流模態效應研析,主要目的為提出一套數值分析方法評估液體儲槽受震之潑出水量,期盼能夠提出較SPID[1]規範潑出水量估算公式更為準確之方法。研究中,先利用振動台試驗結果探討潑濺液面形狀,得儲槽受小震波作用下,潑濺液面近似於線性平面;因此,在液面為線性平面之假設下,以振動台試驗結果探討儲槽受一維震波和二維震波引致潑濺水高之關係,以及單自由度系統模型推估之潑濺水高之適用性。由於潑濺水高和潑出水量為正相關,潑濺水高越高,潑出水量越多,本研究藉由儲槽壁之最大潑濺水高回歸所得線性平面與儲槽餘裕提出一估算潑出水量方法,經與試驗結果比對,得此方法約略可降低SPID規範潑出水量估算公式之保守度,然而在具不同頻率內涵之震波、儲槽之邊界效應以及方形儲槽中液體旋轉行為之影響下,此方法僅適用於特定條件下之潑出水量估算,後續仍須更進一步探討各影響因子與潑出水量之關係。

    This study mainly discusses seismic effect of two-dimensional excitation on convective mode of water in rigid square tanks . The main purpose is to propose a set of numerical analysis methods to evaluate the amount of water splashed out of the liquid tanks due to earthquakes . Expect to be able to evaluate results that are more accurate than SPID[1] specifications . In the study, first use the shaking table test results to explore the shape of the splashing liquid surface, and it is found that the splashing liquid surface is approximate to a linear plane when the storage tank is under small excitation ; therefore, under the assumption that the liquid surface is a linear plane, using the shaking table test results to explore the relationship between the sloshing height caused by one-dimensional and two-dimensional excitation in the storage tank , and the applicability of sloshing height estimated by the SDOF system. Since the sloshing height and the splash water volume are positively correlated , the higher sloshing height, the more water splashed . This study uses the maximum sloshing height of the tank wall to return the linear plane and the tank freeboard to propose a method of estimating the amount of spilled water , after the comparison with test results , this method can approximately reduce the conservativeness of the SPID standard spilled water volume estimation formula. However, under the influence of excitation with different frequency connotations , the boundary effect of the storage tank, and the liquid rotation in the square storage tank , this method is only suitable for estimating the amount of splashed water under specific conditions , and the relationship between each influencing factor and the amount of splashed water must be further explored in the follow-up.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XIII 符號說明 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 1 1.2.1 研究動機 1 1.2.2 研究目的 1 1.3 研究內容 2 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 線性潑濺模型相關研究 5 2.2 相關規範之評估公式 6 2.3 國內相關研究 8 第三章 方槽對流模態水高分析 11 3.1 振動台試驗 11 3.1.1 試體試驗 11 3.1.2 輸入波設計 12 3.2 水面潑濺形狀 16 3.3 一維及二維潑濺水高間關係 17 3.4 單自由度系統模型推估潑濺水高歷時 18 3.4.1 脈衝輸入下單自由度系統模型推估潑濺水高歷時 18 3.4.2 地震輸入下單自由度系統模型推估潑濺水高歷時 21 第四章 潑出水量分析 63 4.1 估算潑出水量方法 63 4.2 實驗數據驗證估算潑出水量方法 63 4.3 加入束制條件之迴歸平面 67 4.4 數值分析估算潑出水量 68 第五章 結論與建議 86 5.1 結論 86 5.2 建議 87 參考文獻 88 附錄一 不同特性輸入波 一維潑濺水高疊加與二維潑濺水高間關係 89 附錄二 不同特性輸入波 單自由度系統模型推估潑濺水高歷時 113

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