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研究生: 楊景嵐
Jing-Lan Yang
論文名稱: 智慧型手機網頁瀏覽器程式(app)之選單位置與互動體驗設計研究
A Study on the Menu Position and Interaction Experience of Web Browser Application on Smart Phone Devices
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 賴文祥
Wen-Hsiang Lai
Jindean Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 瀏覽器體驗與體驗設計人機互動介面設計工具列顯示
外文關鍵詞: Browsers, User experience design, Human computer interaction, Interaction design, Main menu position of applications
相關次數: 點閱:413下載:23
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  • 21世紀是數位化的時代;硬體提供環境、軟體提供內容,此一相輔相成的概念,正深刻的描述著移動時代產品生態環境的建構主軸,而人群接受與擷取資訊的方式也正在這個洪流當中隨之改變。據調查消費者在智慧型手機上所使用的功能,目前已然以行動上網為其大宗,使用者每天透過介面與瀏覽器軟體進行互動,進入虛擬的世界,因此應用程式本身的介面設計與功能使用性都將深深影響用戶上網的體驗。

    本研究的主要目的為探究智慧型手機瀏覽器app介面設計之現有使用情況和未來可能發展方向,透過對介面的使用性與使用者體驗調查進行兩階段性的研究:(1)前導性實驗,透過市售三款下載率較高之網路瀏覽器應用程式進行使用性任務操作並計測績效,後輔以感受性量表與使用者訪談,藉此進而了解現存瀏覽器應用軟體在介面功能上的使用性差異因子。(2)驗證性實驗,透過文獻探討並綜合第一段實驗所得出之結果,進行模擬介面設計,模擬介面實驗採3(工具列顯示方式) x 2 (工具列文字顯示)雙因子實驗方式進行;工具列顯示方式共三個層級:1.固定顯示、2.固定隱藏、3.提示性隱藏方式;而工具列文字顯示則有兩個層級:1.具文字說明、2.不具文字說明。


    The 21st century is the era of digitization. The increasing popularity of mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets have tremendously changed the way people getting online. Meantime, these devices also provide fertile ground for the growth of mobile apps. This complementary concept, mobile devices plus mobile apps, profoundly describes the ecological environment construction of mobile era. According to the survey of audiences' user behavior in the smartphone sector, the research found that “browsing the internet”comes No.1 in a ranking of things users are used for. People are highly dependent on the app browsers to get into the virtual world nowadays. Therefore, the interface designs and usability of web browser application will deeply affect the users' interaction experiences.

    In this study, “usability”and “user experience” design factors pertinent to web browser application were explored. It is hoped that the research results could be referred to improve the current interactive design and the future interface optimization.

    This study includes two parts of experiment:(1)The first phase of the experiment is to investigate the current interactive designs of web browser applications. It explored the menu positions, system functions, procedure of operations and came along with the audience interviews to seek the possibilities of interface optimization. (2)Combine the first phase experiment results with the relevant literatures to conduct the validation experiment in the second phase. The experiment was designed base on a 3 (main menu position) by 2 (text auxiliary) two-way ANOVA.
    The factor of main menu position has three levels:(1)The main menu is permanently displayed at the bottom of the screen where users could utilize and operate the function icons directly. (2)The main menu is permanently hidden at the bottom of the screen. Users will need to trigger the Android menu icon to roll out the function icons. (3)The main menu is hidden at the upper right corner and with a metaphor menu icon to point out its position. The factor of text auxiliary has two levels:(1) Function icons with subtitle supports. (2) Function icons without subtitle supports.

    The generated results indicated that:(1)The main menu permanently displayed at the bottom effectively enhance the usability of the interface. (2)Provide text auxiliary will better help users to identify the true functionality of the icons. (3)Metaphor menu icon was better identified then the Android menu icon.(4)Main menu should always be located at the bottom of the screen which would help users to improve the operational efficiency.

    摘要.................................I ABSTRACT.............................II 致謝.................................IV 目錄.................................VI 圖目錄...............................X 表目錄...............................XIII 第一章 緒論..........................1 1.1 研究背景與動機.................. 1 1.2 研究目的.........................3 1.3 研究架構與流程...................5 1.4 研究範圍與限制...................7 第二章 文獻探討......................8 2.1 網路瀏覽器.......................8 2.1.1 網路瀏覽器之定義...............8 2.1.2 網路瀏覽器之發展與現況.........8 2.2 體驗與體驗設計...................11 2.2.1 體驗的定義.....................11 2.2.2 體驗經濟.......................11 2.2.3 體驗行銷.......................13 2.2.4 體驗設計.......................16 2.3 人機互動 (HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION:HCI) 19 2.3.1 何謂人機互動 (HCI).............19 2.3.2 心智模式 (Mental Model)........21 2.4介面設計 (INTERACTION DESIGN).....22 2.4.1 圖形化使用者介面 (Graphical User Interface:GUI) 22 2.4.2 使用者介面設計基本原則.........24 2.4.3 介面隱喻.......................26 2.5 使用性工程.......................27 第三章 研究方法......................29 3.1 研究方法.........................29 3.2 實驗流程與建構...................29 3.3 研究進行步驟.....................31 第四章 前導性實驗....................32 4.1 調查樣本分析.....................32 4.1.1 樣本1:Dolphin Browser.........33 4.1.2 樣本2:UC Browser for Android..34 4.1.3 樣本3:Opera Browser...........35 4.2 實驗設備.........................37 4.3 受測者分析.......................37 4.4 前導性實驗設計...................39 4.5 前導性實驗結果分析...............41 4.5.1 計時任務績效分析...............41 任務1分析....................41 任務2分析....................44 任務3分析....................47 任務4分析....................50 任務5分析....................53 4.5.2 系統易用性尺度量表(SUS)分析....56 4.5.3 尼爾森系統可用屬性量表(Nielsen's Attributes of Usability)分析.......................58 4.5.4 事後訪談整理...................61 4.6 前導性實驗小結...................63 第五章 驗證實驗......................65 5.1 實驗設計.........................65 5.1.1 實驗變項設定...................65 5.1.2 模擬介面設計...................68 自變項一:主選單呈現方式說明.69 自變項二:功能項目有無輔助說明文字 71 5.1.3 操作任務設計...................71 5.1.4 實驗問卷設計...................72 5.2 受測者分析.......................73 5.3 實驗結果分析.....................76 5.3.1 計時任務績效分析...............76 計時任務績效分析:任務一.....76 計時任務績效分析:任務二.....79 計時任務績效分析:任務三.....82 計時任務績效分析:任務四.....84 計時任務績效分析:任務五.....87 5.3.2 使用者主觀感受評量分析.........90 系統易用性尺度量表(SUS)......90 尼爾森系統可用屬性量表(Nielsen's Attributes of Usability)分析.......................93 5.3.3 事後訪談整理分析...............104 第六章 結論與建議....................105 6.1 研究結果.........................105 6.1.1 計時任務操作績效分析...........106 6.1.2 系統易用性尺度量表(SUS)與尼爾森系統可用屬性量表(NAU)................................107 6.2 結論與建議.......................110 6.3 後續研究與發展...................112 參考文獻.............................114 英文參考文獻.........................114 中文參考文獻.........................115 網路參考文獻.........................116 附錄一 前導性實驗問卷................118 附錄二 驗證性實驗問卷................122

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