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研究生: 林尚箴
Lin-Shang Chen
論文名稱: 幫助非專業使用者的直覺互動型棋盤式圖宮廟布局設計系統
Intuitive and Interactive Manhattan-patterned Temple Layout Design System for Novices
指導教授: 賴祐吉
Yu-Chi Lai
口試委員: 賴祐吉
Yu-Chi Lai
Shih-Syun Lin
Wen-Kai Dai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 宮廟互動式程序化生成棋盤式
外文關鍵詞: Temple, Graph, Interactive Procedural Modeling, Manhattan-patterned
相關次數: 點閱:167下載:0
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  • 3D 建築模型在現代電腦圖學發達下,無論在遊戲領域抑或是建築領域都佔有其重
    棋盤式圖 (Manhattanpatterned Graph) 用來描述此種類的布局,並將建築物的相鄰關係
    圖 (Manhattanpatterned Graph) 裡的相互關係,自動優化整體布局,包含建築物的大小
    輯系統。最後,透過與瑪雅 (Maya) [1] 的比較,在同一個目標布局下,本論文的系統更

    With the improvement of technology and hardware, the application of largescale
    layouts such as urban, temples, shrines and palaces is becoming more and more exten
    sive. Most of these layout designs are in a regular and neat Manhattanpatterned.The
    relationship among components follow some rules and logic. Even with the relevant
    background knowledge, professionals still spend a lot of time iterating on designs. We
    propose a system that allows novices to quickly design and build Manhattanpatterned
    Temple Layout. Componential graphs record topological relationships among compo
    nents. However, Manhattanpatterned rowcolumn information is difficult to encode in
    vertices and edges. On the other hand, Manhattanpatterned matrices facilitate the defini
    tion of rowcolumn information and geometric constraints. But, it is difficult to achieve
    simple encode and optimize topological properties and cons Therefore, this paper uses
    graph to encode topological properties and constraints. At the same time, we restrict the
    connection of vertices and give the meaning of orientation, and realize the characteristics
    of Manhattanpatterned rowcolumn and grids to become Manhattanpatterned Graph. It
    can overcome the limitations of graphs and Manhattanpatterned matrices, while consid
    ering to logical and geometrical information. Allows users to adjust a single parameter
    while the system automatically adjusts other related layout. After implementation, We de
    signed a user study of designing a layout against the commonly seen 3D modeling system,
    Maya. The result shows the effectiveness and intuitiveness of our system.

    論文摘要 Abstract 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 1 介紹 1.1 研究目標 1.2 主要貢獻 1.3 論文架構 2 相關研究 2.1 傳統的程序化生成 (Procedural Modeling) 2.2 基於棋盤式 (Manhattan­patterned) 的程序化生成 3 研究方法 3.1 中式建築背景 3.2 棋盤式圖 (Manhattan­patterned Graph) 參數 3.3 棋盤式圖 (Manhattan­patterned Graph) 3.4 棋盤式約束 (Manhattan Constraint) 3.5 系統總攬 4 使用者介面以及操作 4.1 使用者介面 (User Interface) 4.2 使用者操作 5 最佳化控制參數 5.1 優化函式 (Optimization Function) 的設計 5.2 符合時序連貫性的最佳化 5.3 優化函式 (Optimization Function) 的加速 5.4 布局擴張 6 實驗結果與分析 6.1 各種宮廟布局結果 6.2 使用者測試 (User Study) 7 結論與後續工作 7.1 未來研究方向 參考文獻

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