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研究生: 楊坤澄
Kun-Cheng Yang
論文名稱: 基於深度殘差網絡和共變異池化層融合的超解析度影 像重構研究
Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Fusion of Deep Residual Network and Covariation Pooling Layer
指導教授: 楊振雄
Chen-Hsiung Yang
口試委員: 徐勝均
Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
Chin-Sheng Chen
Chang-Hsi Wu
Chen-Hsiung Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 色彩模型通道注意力機制深度學習超分辨率
外文關鍵詞: Color Model, Channel Attention, Deep Learning, Super Resolution
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:0
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近年來因為深度學習的日漸熱門,許多電腦視覺的研究日漸蓬勃發展,尤其是在影像辨識跟影像處理這塊,除了也歸因於硬體攝影設備的品質更加優良,光學設備的精準,使得影像更加清晰,但有時候會因為許多外在或人為因素使得影像模糊不清,手動想要去放大也只是無功而返,因次在此刻就需要影像超分辨率(Image Super Resolution)來解決此問題。

In recent years, due to the increasing popularity of deep learning, many researches about computer vision field have been flourishing. Especially in image recognition and image processing. In addition to the better quality of hardware photography equipment and the accuracy of optical equipment, images are getting better and clearer than before. However, the image will be blurred due to external or human factors. Although we are tring to zoom in is just in vain. Therefore, image super resolution is really important at this moment to solve this problem.
In this thesis, we used the method of deep residual learning, the skill of filling pixels when the images is enlarged can be more accurate. The scale can be enlarged up to eight times larger. We also refer to the channel domain with spatial domain in attention mechanism. In order to ensure that the position of the images and channels that focus on color can be more refined and accurate.
Besides, in addition to using general two-dimensional convolution to extract features and then obtain feature maps, we also use three-dimensional convolution in the process to make the spatial information correspondence more powerful. Finally, we have improved the result. Compared to the traditional methods, we can get sharper image output for the enlarged image. And its visual effect is closer to the clear image recognized by our human eyes, rather than only getting a very smooth and blurred image.

摘要 I Abstract IV 致謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 研究動機 5 1.4 大綱 6 第二章 超解析度影像品質提升演算法 8 2.1 卷積神經網路 8 2.2 注意力機制 17 2.2.1 通道域注意力機制 21 2.2.2 空間域注意力注意力機制 24 2.2.3 混合域注意力機制 26 2.3 殘差通道注意力 30 2.4 評估指標 32 第三章 深度學習模型實現 38 3.1 深度學習框架 38 3.2 深度學習模型元件 43 3.2.1 卷積核填充 43 3.2.2 激活函數 46 3.2.3 優化器 52 3.2.4 損失函數 56 3.3 基於通道空間注意力影像超解析度之殘差結構 58 3.4 二階池化機制之引入 60 3.5 通道空間域注意力機制模塊 63 第四章 實驗結果與分析 67 4.1 實驗裝置 67 4.2 訓練測試資料集 68 4.3 經處理之影像品質分析 69 4.4 實驗數據比較 70 第五章 結論與未來展望 76 5.1 結論 78 5.2 未來展望 78 參考文獻 80

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