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研究生: 林佳宜
Chia-yi Lin
論文名稱: 溶膠-凝膠法合成氧化鎢奈米薄膜與其光電特性研究
Synthesis and characterization of tungsten oxide thin film by Sol-Gel method and its optoelectronic properties
指導教授: 黃柏仁
Bohr-Ran Huang
口試委員: 張守進
Shoou-Jinn Chang
Shyan-Kay Jou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 氧化鎢奈米薄膜溶膠-凝膠法光檢測器
外文關鍵詞: Photodetector, Tungsten oxide nano thin film, Sol-Gel method
相關次數: 點閱:499下載:2
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報


In this thesis, the effects of different annealed temperatures and gases environments on the performance of W18O49-based metal-semiconductor- metal (MSM) photodetectors (PDs) were thoroughly studied. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmittance, and photoluminescence (PL) spectra revealed that the sol-gel prepared W18O49 film became more porous and more crystallization as annealed temperature ncreased. The PD of W18O49 film annealed at 600oC (PD_600) possessed the better performance with photo-to-dark current contrast ratio and rejection ratio of 6.5×102 and 407.8, respectively.
PD_600 was further studied versus different gases environments, pure O2, air, vacuum, O2-Air-O2 (OAO), and O2-Vacuum- O2 (OVO). Ultraviolet (UV) light was used as the source for measuring the photocurrent. It was observed that in O2 gases environment, the adsorption of O2 molecules may capture electrons in the bulk W18O49 film surface and reduced both of the dark and photocurrent. Similar phenomenon was observed in other conditions. The maximum photo-response of PD_600 measured in air, vacuum, OAO, and OVO were 45.7, 75.2, 28.0, and 82.9 respectively.
Finally, PDs with different annealed temperature treatment were inspected in various gases environments. In air environment, PD with W18O49 annealed at 600oC performed the highest photocurrent properties. The photo-responses among the different environmental tests suggested that the W18O49-based PD with 600oC-annealed film was promising for the application on light sensing.

Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 General background..........................................................................1 1-2 Motivation................................................................................2 1-3 Organization....................................................................2 Chapter 2 Background and Literature Review 2-1 Characteristic of tungsten oxides...........................................4 2-2 General methods of tungsten oxides syntheses....................................4 2-2-1 The sol-gel method.......................................................................5 2-2-2 Hydrothermal and solvethermal method.......................................7 2-2-3 Other synthesis methods...............................................................8 2-3 Applications of tungsten oxides..............................................8 2-4 Photodetectors based on various materials................................10 2-5 Theory of metal-semiconductor contact….........................................11 2-5-1 Theory of metal-semiconductor contact.....................................11 2-5-2 Current transport mechanism......................................................15 2-6 Theory of photodetectors.................................................................18 2-6-1 Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) photodetectors.................18 2-6-2 Current transport mechanism......................................................19 2-6-3 Parameters of photodetectors......................................................20 Chapter 3 Experiment and Measurement Systems 3-1 Synthesis of tungsten oxide thin film by Sol-Gel method.................34 3-2 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) ................35 3-3 X-ray Diffraction System (XRD) ......................................................37 3-4 Optical transmittance measurement system.......................................38 3-5 Photoluminescence (PL) Spectrum System.......................................38 3-6 Current-Voltage (I-V) Measurement System.....................................39 Chapter 4 Characterization of Tungsten Oxide Thin Film prepared by Sol-Gel Method 4-1 Introduction........................................................................................44 4-2 Results and discussion.......................................................44 4-2-1 Surface morphology and structural characteristics analysis.......44 4-2-2 Optical and electrical properties analyses...................................46 4-3 Summary............................................................................................50 Chapter 5 The 600℃ AnnealedW18O49 Photodetectors with Various Gas Conditions 5-1 Introduction........................................................................................57 5-2 Theory of gas sensing UV photodetectors.........................................57 5-3 Photocurrent measurement in uniform gas environment.................58 5-3-1 O2 environment...........................................................................58 5-3-2 Air environment..........................................................................59 5-3-3 Vacuum environment..................................................................60 5-4 Photocurrent measurement in gas changing environment..................61 5-4-1 O2-Air-O2 environment...............................................................61 5-4-2 O2-Vacuum-O2 environment.......................................................62 5-5 Summary............................................................................................63 Chapter 6 The Effects of Different Annealing Temperatures on W18O49 Photodetectors with Various Gas Conditions 6-1 Introduction........................................................................................70 6-2 Photocurrent measurement of different photodetectors in uniform gas environment....................................................................................70 6-2-1 O2 environment...........................................................................70 6-2-2 Air environment..........................................................................71 6-2-3 Vacuum environment..................................................................72 6-3 Photocurrent measurement of different photodetectors in gas changing environment.......................................................................72 6-3-1 O2-Air-O2 environment...............................................................72 6-3-2 O2-Vacuum-O2 environment......................................................73 6-4 Summary............................................................................................73 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Works 7-1 Conclusion..........................................................................................80 7-2 Future works.......................................................................................82 Reference..........................................................................83


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